Six Ways America Is Like a Third-World Country Our society lags behind the rest of the developed wor

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You cannot enter a place which is out of bound or where no line of control is yet established between two countries. This could be one reason;;;the other is that terrorists hide in rough terrain, have their own tribal laws and don't accept Pakistani constitution. End of the story

In other words it's easier to give them sanctuary than rid them.
Especially since for decades, PK has been using them against it's neighbors to force political agreements.
Sounds more like you don't want them gone.
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In other words it's easier to give them sanctuary than rid them.
Especially since for decades, PK has been using them against it's neighbors to force political agreements.
Sounds more like you don't want them gone.

If it is beyond the powers of the super powers and its western allies you have NO reason to expect Pakistan to wipe them off....
They have been there since colonial British ruled the subcontinent...ask a Britisher or read their history for enlightenment.

In short the US has failed in its war on terror and you being frustrated and flustered are trying to put all the blame on Pakistan which has already sacrificed 50000 of its troop fighting them and is still with the US in its cause..

You are so ingrate ,....shame on you!!!


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This clearly reflects the 'ignorance' of the American lot...
Americans’ knowledge of science is in the dumper
by whyevolutionistrue
Several websites have already posted about this, so I'll be brief. The Associated Press, in collaboration with GfK, conducted a poll on the state of American science knowledge, and the results were truly dispiriting. You can get the pdf of the results here.

1,012 adults were interviewed about their degree of confidence in what scientists regard as "truths", as well as about issues like their religious and political affiliations, income, demographic information, health care, and so on.

The survey of science knowledge can be summarized in this chart prepared by CBS News:


That's really depressing, especially, to me, the fact that 72% of Americans are very or somewhat confident that there is a "supreme being" behind evolution. That's "theistic evolution," the form of evolution most commonly endorsed by Americans, and the one that's basically okay with organizations like the National Center for Science Education, who can't be bothered too much about whether evolution is naturalistic or guided by a deity.

And that makes me worry a a bit about the 55% who appear to agree that life on earth evolved through natural selection (Larry Moran will no doubt kvetch about genetic drift!), for most of those probably feel that God was behind that process! What is most upsetting is that only 60% of Americans are confident that the earth is 4.5 billion years old (with more than half of those being "somewhat" rather than "very" confident), and only 46% agree that the universe is 13.8 billion years old and was formed after the Big Bang.

What's going on here? Well, some of it is surely plain ignorance (i.e., lack of knowledge), but other stuff, like the widespread rejection of global warming, is wish-thinking derived from capitalism, and, of course, the rejection of cosmology and evolution is largely based on religion. That's not my take, but comes from statistical analysis of the poll itself, which isn't given in the pdf. As CBS News reports:

Political and religious values play an important role in a person's belief in science, the AP noted. Democrats were more likely than Republicans to express confidence in evolution, the Big Bang, the age of the Earth and climate change. As faith in a supreme being rises, confidence in the Big Bang, climate change and the age of the Earth decline, according to the poll.

"When you are putting up facts against faith, facts can't argue against faith," said 2012 Nobel Prize winning biochemistry professor Robert Lefkowitz of Duke University. "It makes sense now that science would have made no headway because faith is untestable."

. . . The results of the poll are troubling to some scientists, who say it highlights "the iron triangle of science, religion and politics," according to Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication.

Indeed. As I always say, the best way to get Americans to accept an old earth and the fact of evolution is not through education, but through weakening the grip of religion on the public mind. If you're not religious, you have no reason to reject evolution and an ancient Earth and universe. And I suspect, though the pollsters didn't give some kind of multivariate analysis, that the reasons Republicans have less confidence in evolution and the age of the earth is that Republicans are more likely to be religious than are Democrats.

Finally, we have the accommodationists coming out of the woodwork, trying to deny the palpable fact that these figures, at least for cosmology and evolution, reflect religious opposition to science. After all, when properly conceived, Scripture and science are compatible!

People who take the word of the Bible literally are even less likely to believe in evolution, the age of the Earth or Big Bang. But Francisco Ayala, a former priest and professor of biology, philosophy and logic at the University of California, Irvine, noted that these three scientific concepts can be compatible with the belief in God.

"The story of the cosmos and the Big Bang of creation is not inconsistent with the message of Genesis 1, and there is much profound biblical scholarship to demonstrate this," said Darrel Falk, a biology professor at Point Loma Nazarene University and an evangelical Christian.

If science is so obviously compatible with religion in these ways, why does the conflict persist? It's because Falk (former director of BioLogos) and Ayala simply refuse to recognize the truth: evolution and cosmology don't sit well with the religious beliefs of many Americans, and they're not going to accept the scientific facts so long as they feel that those facts contradict scripture. Many of them see the "message of Genesis I" as what that chapter explicitly says. And, asBioLogos has discovered to its horror, telling evangelical Christians that their faith can be compatible with evolution simply doesn't work. There are a number of aspects of evolution, for instance, that simply discomfit the religious—among other things, the pure naturalism of natural selection, the loss of human status as "special creatures," the horrible possibility that our morality may be partly evolved rather than bestowed by God, and so on.

Physicist Brian Greene, co-director of the World Science Festival, also expresses his dismay at the figures:

"It is enormously distressing that science, which is our most powerful means for gaining insight into the world, insight into truth, is so mistrusted by so many people," Brian Greene, a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, told CBS News.

Greene, who co-founded the World Science Festival and World Science U. to help educate and excite the public about science, says understanding scientific ideas is not just academic -- it's essential to a vital democracy. "Issues like climate change or nanoscience or genetically modified foods -- I mean all of these issues, and a thousand others, are scientific at their core," he said.

Perhaps Greene, then, might reassess his policy of accepting large amounts of funding from the John Templeton Foundation for the World Science Festival. After all, Templeton's mission is to blur the boundaries between science and religion, boundaries whose violation is amply evidenced by the data above.

whyevolutionistrue | April 23, 2014​


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Uncle Sam caught on candid camera !!

Fraud With “Russian Soldier In Ukraine ” Photo: US-KievFalse Claims Exposed
By Countercurrents

Photographs presented as proof of Russian involvement in Ukraine by the US and Kiev junta has been exposed as unverified and contradictory to the claims. Freelance photographer Maxim Dondyuk said photos were taken without permission from his Instagram account. The photographs were published on Monday by the New York Times


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Popular Angelic America!!

Marshall Islands Sues US, Obama And US Secretaries of Defense And Energy
By Countercurrents

In an unprecedented move for a peaceful, nuclear arms free-world, the Marshall Islands, a Pacific nation, has sued nine nuclear-armed powers including the US. The country has also sued the US president Barack Obama and three US secretaries


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Phantomas riding his Bike!!



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If it is beyond the powers of the super powers and its western allies you have NO reason to expect Pakistan to wipe them off....
They have been there since colonial British ruled the subcontinent...ask a Britisher or read their history for enlightenment.

In short the US has failed in its war on terror and you being frustrated and flustered are trying to put all the blame on Pakistan which has already sacrificed 50000 of its troop fighting them and is still with the US in its cause..

You are so ingrate ,....shame on you!!!

Don't you understand what you've been reading? ARE the enemy.
Not just to the western world. To your own culture. Your thought processes are self destructive.
You kill your own in prideful moments.


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This clearly reflects the 'ignorance' of the American lot...

(edited for brevity )

/']whyevolutionistrue[/URL][/B] | April 23, 2014[/INDENT]

It certainly does.
And I've argued in many a debate about the negative influences that radical fundamentalism has had on our public school systems concerning the sciences.

But what's ironic is that you hold these same stupid concepts that our own radical fundamentalists demand be taught.
Actually, your culture nurtures that ignorance to a much greater degree than what's happening in the US.
Look around you. Pakistan's efforts go into making war on neighbors and the west while our efforts include energy, the environment and medicine through understanding the hard sciences. That's why you live in a shit hole and I don't.


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Uncle Sam caught on candid camera !!

Fraud With “Russian Soldier In Ukraine ” Photo: US-KievFalse Claims Exposed
By Countercurrents

Photographs presented as proof of Russian involvement in Ukraine by the US and Kiev junta has been exposed as unverified and contradictory to the claims. Freelance photographer Maxim Dondyuk said photos were taken without permission from his Instagram account. The photographs were published on Monday by the New York Times

You should have read that article closer.
There are so many holes in it you could drive a Russian tank through it.

Maxim Dondyuk photoed those Russians in Slovyansk for the Russians( he is a historical photographer). That's in eastern Ukraine.
It's proof of Russian interference. the issue seems to be someone stole the photos to use against the Russians.

Dondyuk was acting in the interests of a Russian 'newsmagazine'.
So, yeah....he and his handlers were upset and your leftist link worked the story in Russia's favor.
But it doesn't prove what claimed.
Photographs presented as proof of Russian involvement in Ukraine by the US and Kiev junta has been exposed as unverified and contradictory to the claims.

To the contrary.
The photographer that took the photos said:
It was taken in Slavyansk [ Ukraine ],” Maxim Dondyuk told NYT over the phone. “Nobody asked my permission to use it.”

mazHur, I realize you could have been fooled into believing countercurrents claims, but you should have read the article carefully to make sure their claim had validity.
It didn't beyond the photos being stolen.

Read and comprehend before you make a fool of yourself. :D.


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Popular Angelic America!!

Marshall Islands Sues US, Obama And US Secretaries of Defense And Energy
By Countercurrents

In an unprecedented move for a peaceful, nuclear arms free-world, the Marshall Islands, a Pacific nation, has sued nine nuclear-armed powers including the US. The country has also sued the US president Barack Obama and three US secretaries

Yep, mistakes of the past come back to haunt the US.

And you think it's wise for Pakistan to give sanctuary to terrorism with such an unstable government which terrorists given that sanctuary within your boarders, could gain access to weapons to wipe out millions of lives?
Your nation couldn't even cover the liability of blowing up an outhouse on the other side of your boarder :D


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Wake up Americans.

American Democracy Now An Oligarchy
By Joel S. Hirschhorn

History has been made. But few Americans are aware of it or angry about it. I say: Wake up Americans. A war has been waged against US democracy, from the inside. Time to pick a side and fight back

I suggest you carefully read Hirschhorn's thesis:
Democracy Versus Stability

It's subtle, but his argument towards the end calls for a revolution to destroy the structure we have and rebuild new.
The flaw in that is the same wealth that controls the current status would be rebuilding the new political structure,

Hirschhorn is a hard core leftist only looking to promote his leftwing politics and is gambling on success.....left wing success.

Correction comes from the expulsion of corruption.

mazHur.........Hirschhorn is a master of sophistry. Truths and half truths . Study him to become a better sophist.