Should Men & Women be Treated Equally?

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Well, the way I see it, looking at this topic and saying that gender roles still apply and women should be different but equal to men is taking a step back. Saying that women should be the same and equal to men is continuing the progression of equality.

What gives women the privalege to not have to defend her country? She is a citizen, therefore it is her duty to serve her country on the frontlines, if need be. Forget the minor biological differences. If all women are excempt from making the ultimate sacrifice for this country, while men are obligated to, then we are not living in a Democracy.

I think you mis-read or mis-understood. I meant, they should quit demanding the right to play in pro men's sports. All women sports are good, nothing at wrong with that. Women should compete against women and men should compete against men, thats all I was saying. Also women should stop trying to force their way into military academies that are all men. Why can't we continue in this fashion? Women are allowed their all women clubs.
Well, I really don't want to offend anyone by bringing this up, but the fact that there are women's sports leagues coresponding with men's sports leagues reminds me of the African American Baseball Leagues corresponding with the Major League, a few decades back. The only thing that seperated the two back then was race, and the only thing that seperated the two now is sex. Yes, there are minor biological differences, I'm not going to deny that. However, these biological differences between men and women are not significant to make any real difference. I'm certain that there are plenty of women who are skilled enough to compete with the greatest male athletes of the day.

These sports leagues are simply segregated by sex. Seperate, but equal.


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I am all for equal treatment, but women are the ones who give birth...should we really be the ones dying behind enemy lines as well?

But you need a guy to get you pregnant... But it's fine for him to go die after his job is done??

Well, I really don't want to offend anyone by bringing this up, but the fact that there are women's sports leagues coresponding with men's sports leagues reminds me of the African American Baseball Leagues corresponding with the Major League, a few decades back. The only thing that seperated the two back then was race, and the only thing that seperated the two now is sex. Yes, there are minor biological differences, I'm not going to deny that. However, these biological differences between men and women are not significant to make any real difference. I'm certain that there are plenty of women who are skilled enough to compete with the greatest male athletes of the day.

These sports leagues are simply segregated by sex. Seperate, but equal.
I disagree. Comparing race with gender really doesn't work. Blacks and whites are made slightly different, but a man is a man. Sorry ladies, but our bodies are simply just not made the same way. Sure there are a few women who may bridge the gap and crossover into certain "mens" sports (baseball, hockey, golf, football, etc..), but I have yet to see it happen. Want and example? Take golf for instance. Two of the best players in womens golf (Michelle Wie, Anika Sornstam, sry for misspellings)have tried crossing over and playing in mens tournaments, and they simply get destroyed. They just can't hit the ball as far, and they have boobs that impair their swing motion if they are too big (not that I'm complaining :D). That's just a simple difference in biology. I'm sure if a woman trained and trained and trained to be able to play in a mens tourney, she could do quite well... but it isnt happening right now, and I don't see it happening in the near future. Maybe someday, tho... I'm not ruling anything out.


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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I disagree. Comparing race with gender really doesn't work. Blacks and whites are made slightly different, but a man is a man. Sorry ladies, but our bodies are simply just not made the same way. Sure there are a few women who may bridge the gap and crossover into certain "mens" sports (baseball, hockey, golf, football, etc..), but I have yet to see it happen. Want and example? Take golf for instance. Two of the best players in womens golf (Michelle Wie, Anika Sornstam, sry for misspellings)have tried crossing over and playing in mens tournaments, and they simply get destroyed. They just can't hit the ball as far, and they have boobs that impair their swing motion if they are too big (not that I'm complaining :D). That's just a simple difference in biology. I'm sure if a woman trained and trained and trained to be able to play in a mens tourney, she could do quite well... but it isnt happening right now, and I don't see it happening in the near future. Maybe someday, tho... I'm not ruling anything out.
Well, our brains are also different. I had a male professor in university who used to say women are the evolve version of men :D
All joking aside, we of course are different, but so are all human beings. Nobody is the same and we need to leave in equality understanding, respecting and knowing our differences. I think the sky is the limit. If a woman wants to do something and she wants to prove she can do it, she should go for it. I am sure that even in the more "man" job there are strong women who worked hard to get there.


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All joking aside, we of course are different, but so are all human beings. Nobody is the same and we need to leave in equality understanding, respecting and knowing our differences. I think the sky is the limit. If a woman wants to do something and she wants to prove she can do it, she should go for it. I am sure that even in the more "man" job there are strong women who worked hard to get there.

In total agreement here "If a woman wants to do something and she wants to prove she can do it, she should go for it."

With that said if she goes for it and fails is it then the "male world" that has held her down or is simply she could not do it.

I'm all for female equality, same pay same job etc. but i have issues with women that want the qualifications changed just so they can have the job/pay.

example: Woman wanted to become a smoke jumper, tried for years but could not pass the physical test, specifically could not run the specified distance in the specified time. (side note: most men cant pass this test) She then sued the government claiming the tests were unfair because no woman could pass the test. She won and was exempted from that test and was given (not applied for) the job. Within her first few jumps she was caught behind a fire line and could not outrun it and died (all the men made it BTW).

Now if that was it i would not have cared. You want something, fight for it and get it then you have to suffer the consequences of your choices. Plenty of male smoke jumpers have died so that is not the issue. My issue came when the womans parents decieded to sue the government alleging that she should never have been allowed the job BECAUSE she was a woman and could not have passed the tests. They lost fairly quickly based on the fact the woman sued to get the job.

But which is it? Do we make exceptions based on sex or treat both sexes equally? If it is equally then the woman should never have been allowed to jump because she could not pass the tests. If we are making exceptions then how can it be equality?


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So you wouldnt mind getting drafted?

Hell, I would mind getting drafted...

Women and men have their differences. But they should be treated with respect equally.

There are some things women are better at due to conditioning from previous generations, but men are capable of doing these things as well and vice versa.


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Men and women are not the same. We are different in many ways. This difference should not stop us from treating each other with equal and mutual respect though. We should appreciate the differences and strengths in each other, while also lovingly accommodating and making up each other's weaknesses. It is in the combination of the two sexes that we are whole. Generally speaking, I believe that women can serve their country in many ways besides being directly on the battlefield where I do not believe their strengths lie.

All Else Failed

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Men and women are not the same. We are different in many ways. This difference should not stop us from treating each other with equal and mutual respect though. We should appreciate the differences and strengths in each other, while also lovingly accommodating and making up each other's weaknesses. It is in the combination of the two sexes that we are whole. Generally speaking, I believe that women can serve their country in many ways besides being directly on the battlefield where I do not believe their strengths lie.

Pretty much agreed.


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Men and women are not the same. We are different in many ways. This difference should not stop us from treating each other with equal and mutual respect though. We should appreciate the differences and strengths in each other, while also lovingly accommodating and making up each other's weaknesses. It is in the combination of the two sexes that we are whole. Generally speaking, I believe that women can serve their country in many ways besides being directly on the battlefield where I do not believe their strengths lie.

i mostly agree also, but what are the big differences between the two sexes, except in physique? brain chemistry is a matter that is hard to solve, i mean, what is it to become emotional?, or irritable, or intelligent, or caring. i do agree that a man and woman are a great combination, but i imagine so would a man and man, or woman and woman, because what should bring two people together, in unity, the differences that fit like puzzle pieces, and the similarities, that should be there in core values (that filter into other agreements). im sure god rejoices in two wholly and completely committed souls over a man and woman who cant be so commited.

and as for the battlefield, and the strengths the physical battlefield, i dont think either sex truly shows their strengths,lol. but on the mental battlefront, i think both sexes are required equal strength to achieve victory.


Active Member
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dude, your posts always confuse the shit out of me.

srsly i have to read them 3-4 times before I understand them


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dude, your posts always confuse the shit out of me.

srsly i have to read them 3-4 times before I understand them

sorry man, sometimes i cant help it, i should work on my structuring better, or something,lol. but sometimes im decipherable,lol, and it seems to do the trick. sorry you have to read it so many times to understand them, it makes me think i like a lot of the writers i do, because i write the same way, always having to re-read things just to understand what the hell is being said,lol, but i also find those to be the most gratifying as well (though it is certainly not everyones bag, but if i can get one point across out of ten, i guess thats fine, i cant seem to write any other way,lol)


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I get your posts for the most parts, it's just that sometimes there is a sentence in there that totally throws me off for some reason

like this one

sorry you have to read it so many times to understand them, it makes me think i like a lot of the writers i do, because i write the same way, always having to re-read things just to understand what the hell is being said,lol, but i also find those to be the most gratifying as well

I had to re-read a few times, but I finally got it. that, and I'm a grammar nazi. lol.


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I get your posts for the most parts, it's just that sometimes there is a sentence in there that totally throws me off for some reason

like this one

I had to re-read a few times, but I finally got it. that, and I'm a grammar nazi. lol.

all in all, i think its great you actually take the time to understand what is being said, instead of just passing over it, even when you dont think you may agree with what is being said. i really appreciate it.


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I have to read it two times as well sometimes. I think it is your sentence structure, lack of capitalization or something that throws me off at times.