Yeahh... Then you said.. 'people who are obese can't and don't really have any form of exercise, let alone a job, or career'
Where is the 'most' in that? You are generalising.
You're taking a group of people (overweight/obese) and saying that 'most' are all fat losers who are unemployed and 'don't do shit' without providing any evidence for such claim, means you are just making wild generalisations... Do you personally know all of the obese people on this planet and can say that most of them are lazy and unemployed?.. Didn't think so.
Can you point to empirical evidence that backs up your claim?... Didn't think so either.
So yes, you are making generalisations.
Yes, that was said after, and in relation to the 'most' part. :willy_nilly:You just sound like you're nitpicking now.
I've read, and watched plenty of documentaries regarding obese people, none of the people included in them worked. They physically couldn't get up, and go to work because of their size, and weight. Where is your proof, and evidence that these obese people do go out to work?
Also, when did I mention 'fat losers' anywhere? I didn't, you did. That's obviously your opinion of them, not mine. I can see some form of hypocrisy showing. lol. Just to be clear as well, if it wasn't already... I stated "most", I haven't mentioned any statistics, it's yourself that has. It's you that is making a case out of this, not I.