SAN FRANCISCO — The Jewish community in San Francisco is outraged about the move to criminalize circumcision, which is an integral part of the religion.
San Francisco resident Lloyd Schofield is proposing a measure for the November 2011 ballot to amend The City’s police code to make it a misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the foreskin, testicles or penis of a man who has not reached the age of 18. Doing so would result in a fine of up to $1,000 and up to one year in jail, according to the proposed measure submitted to the Department of Elections.
“There will be nearly universal opposition in the Jewish community,” said Marvin Goodman, executive director for the Northern California Board of Rabbis. “The Jewish community will actively mobilize with other faith communities to make sure this doesn’t pass. It would have monumental impact on Jews living in San Francisco.”
The proposal — which needs 7,168 valid signatures by April 26 to qualify for the ballot — would face legal questions if it were to be approved by San Francisco voters.
Peter Keane, a professor of constitutional law at Golden Gate University, said banning circumcisions is a glaring violation on many levels.
“Since it’s an essential part of religion with Jewish people, to prevent them from engaging in it would be seen as a violation of their right to exercise freedom of religion,” Keane said.
In addition, the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects a parent’s right to make decisions regarding the care of their children, he said.
“It could never be enforced,” Keane said. “As soon as the government attempted to enforce it and prevent someone from
circumcising a child, that person would go into court and it would be thrown on its face.”
The fact that the debate is surfacing now — after studies showing the procedure’s health benefits — has rocked the Jewish community.
Nearly 60 percent of all men in the Bay Area are circumcised, which is relatively low compared to other parts of the nation where 95 percent of men have had the procedure, said Laurence Baskin, a professor of urology at UC San Francisco.
Studies show that circumcised men are less likely to contract urinary tract infections and they have a lower chance of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, Baskin said.
For the Jewish community, however, circumcisions are a defining part of their religious culture, symbolizing the covenant between Jewish males and God.
“This is a 3,800-year-old ritual that is very deeply ingrained in Jewish psyche,” said Stephen S. Pearce, a rabbi at San Francisco’s congregation Emanu-El. “To ban that would be to interfere in a synagogue matter.”
I just came across this article about a movement to ban circumcision in San Francisco, ya know I've never thought of it as mutilation but I suppose that's exactly what it is, I've always just thought of circumcision as a normal thing, I'm not jewish at all and I was circumcised, what do you guys think about this?