Absolutely not .. my child doesn't even know I drink. He's 11 .. He learns by example .. and I would like for him to remain as innocent and unbias as possible.
When I feel the appropriate age comes, that I believe that he can and will understand the act and meaning of drinking .. I will disclose my actions to him .. but until then I will not do something in front of him that I don't want him doing until he is of a certain age (not saying 21 .. but I'd prefer him not be 13 and drinking).
I also don't curse in front of my child either.
I completely applaud your stance on this. :clap
I agree with you for the most part, but I will have a beer in front of my children. But you need to understand how much we drink at home... maybe a beer or two a week, sometimes weeks between beers. So there really isn't any chance that they will turn out to be alcoholics from seeing us have a cool one now and then. I won't ever let them see me drunk or buzzed for that matter. We save that for the occasional times he spends the night with the grand parents. (neither set of grand parents drink or smoke)