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The Man

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Did you serve? That is all I wanted to know.

Did I want to know what your MOS was or where you were stationed? No.

My wife will tell you, no one can shower or crap faster than me. I let the beard go, so shaving is out. I also have a disdain for long lines LOL

Lets dont stop there with did I that is somehow a requirement to have an opinion on most subject matter.
Just as well asked if I ate breakfast....neither is relevant.

And I bet I can shit faster than you joe

The Man

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Is Obama then a chicken hawk?
John doesnt know if I served,,but yet wants to imply I am a draft dodger.
Hell john doesnt know if the draft was around at my age.
As usual John knows nothing ...such as what a chicken hawk actually is

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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He's the Commander in Chief. Comes with the ELECTED (Twice now ;)) job. He doesn't run around beating the war drums like our resident chickenshithawk TM. Spare us the teabilly conservotard "logic".

I would be willing to bet you somewhere over the years called Bush a chicken hawk. I don't expect you to admit it so carry on.

By the way I know you could care a whit about peoples opinions but every time you add tard to a word you are stepping over the line. In respect to Veronica you might want to consider stopping that. If you have to ask why it might offend her then feel free to ask.

The Man

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He's the Commander in Chief. Comes with the ELECTED (Twice now ;)) job. He doesn't run around beating the war drums like our resident chickenshithawk TM. Spare us the teabilly conservotard "logic".

Thats he is a shown by the Iran incident and the Libyan incident.
You know...where they killed the ambassador then dropped him off at the airport.
You know over that movie we apologized should be shamed to have his posters john.
I guess your hate for all muslims has went to love for all muslims?
Personally I hate the radicals john...but the rest are ok.
So how does it feel John...Your CIC being a punk .
People are ashamed to serve under him.


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I would be willing to bet you somewhere over the years called Bush a chicken hawk. I don't expect you to admit it so carry on.

By the way I know you could care a whit about peoples opinions but every time you add tard to a word you are stepping over the line. In respect to Veronica you might want to consider stopping that. If you have to ask why it might offend her then feel free to ask.

That was pretty low down and chickenshit even for you Allen. It has absolutely nothing to do with V or anyone else that your moronic political philosophy is such that it requires one to be so fucking mentally dull that you vote against your own families best economic interests. How 'bout we just call them conservodipshits? Conservoidiots? Conservofuckwits?

Anyone who get's their political marching orders from Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, FOX News, et al does not rank among the nations brightest.

Now - why don't you run along and eat a nice big bowl of fuck.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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That was pretty low down and chickenshit even for you Allen. It has absolutely nothing to do with V or anyone else that your moronic political philosophy is such that it requires one to be so fucking mentally dull that you vote against your own families best economic interests. How 'bout we just call them conservodipshits? Conservoidiots? Conservofuckwits?

Anyone who get's their political marching orders from Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, FOX News, et al does not rank among the nations brightest.

Now - why don't you run along and eat a nice big bowl of fuck.

You are calling people retards

You can couch your crap anyway you like it

Does it hurt my feelings?

Nope. Not in the least

But out of respect to Veronica who owns this site and has disdain for such comments I would think you might give a flying fuck at least

Again if you do not know why it would upset her then feel free to ask. This has NOTHING to do with me

If your fucking vocabulary is so god damn limited you can't resist or you are that mentally challenged to resist then have your fucking momma take away your IPAD and put you back in the crib

End of my discussion on this. I will not respond further.

The Man

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That was pretty low down and chickenshit even for you Allen. It has absolutely nothing to do with V or anyone else that your moronic political philosophy is such that it requires one to be so fucking mentally dull that you vote against your own families best economic interests. How 'bout we just call them conservodipshits? Conservoidiots? Conservofuckwits?

Anyone who get's their political marching orders from Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, FOX News, et al does not rank among the nations brightest.

Now - why don't you run along and eat a nice big bowl of fuck.

And how is being a conservative voting against ones own personal economic interest?
Perhaps you can show us the policies enacted in the last 4 years that are for our own families economic interests John.
Let me guess what your response will be you cant actually respond it will be.
Let rush explain it to you conservobot chicken hawk. or some other garbage.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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And how is being a conservative voting against ones own personal economic interest?
Perhaps you can show us the policies enacted in the last 4 years that are for our own families economic interests John.
Let me guess what your response will be you cant actually respond it will be.
Let rush explain it to you conservobot chicken hawk. or some other garbage.

give him time

it will take a while to find a cartoon that has nothing to do with the question :D

The Man

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Spare the toon and lets attempt to educate you.

Chickenhawk (also chicken hawk and chicken-hawk) is a political term used in the United States to describe a person who strongly supports war or other military action (i.e., a War Hawk), yet who actively avoided military service when of age.

The term indicates that the person in question is hypocritical for personally dodging a draft or otherwise shirking their duty to their country during a time of armed conflict while advocating that others do so. Generally, the implication is that chickenhawks lack the moral character to ask others to support, fight and perhaps die in an armed conflict. Those who avoid military service and continue to oppose armed aggression are not chickenhawks.

One thing for sure for you though John...after you served you become chickenshit :p and dont care about those now


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Does it hurt my feelings?

Why else would you be whining like a little twat?

This has NOTHING to do with me

It has 100% to do with your thin skin. But you have stooped as low as any scumbag I've ever seen in an attempt to silence someone who points out the complete asshattery of youtr political positions.

End of my discussion on this. I will not respond further.

You say that every time I pin your panzy assed opinion to the wall. :24:


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He's a stupid fuck and an intellectual coward, but I can't say he doesn't care about the troops.

Why how kind of you. :p

Would you please explain what makes one "intelectually brave"? Is that what you call yourself when you work for the state government, draw a federal government pension, use government health care, yet bite the government hand that feeds you?

Methinks you don't really mean all that libertarian tripe you talk. You know SS and Medicare et al will be there for you to add onto your already 100% government income when it's time for you to sign up.

And incidentally - I do not begrudge you any of those government benefits. Standing up for the middle class is how we liberals roll. ;)