God is not responsible for starving children and disease........we are. It's time to step up and take responsibility instead of placing the blame on God.
God is responsible.
Your god is all-knowing. In the bible it says that he knows every hair on your head, every thought you will ever have. It is all written in the book of life.
If he knew all of this before he ever created the earth, then why did he still do it?
Before he created the earth he intimately knowing the pain and suffering of every person throughout history. He felt the unimaginable pain of every child that has slowly starved to death. He has experienced the unimaginable pain of everyone who has been raped, tortured, blown apart by bombs, died of radiation poisoning, mutilated, drowned, died of cancer slowly, and every other abomination imaginable.
Yet he still went ahead and let it all happen through his creation. Nothing could have changed since your god is perfect and everything he created is as exactly how he wanted it to turn out, right?
So since he is perfect and he knew that cancer would exist in his creation and he didn't change anything, then he is the creator of everything including cancer.
If you know everything that was, is and ever will be, and you create something that is flawed, you cannot blame anyone but you. He created free will with the forethought of every bad thing it would bring, so he is absolutely responsible.
If you absolutely knew that if you had a child, that he would grow up and create the next holocaust. Who would be to blame if you decided to have that child even though you knew the outcome before you did? Would you still blame him because he had free will or would you blame yourself because you KNEW the outcome of his free will and you went ahead and gave birth to him anyway?
Now I know you well enough to know you won't answer my questions... So my post was more for me to get my thoughts out there and you don't need to worry about answering...