I like the intense psychological thrillers. To me they are much better than the gore fests that pass as 'horror' films now a days. I don't care for the bloody slasher type films that much.
My faves are oldies,
Loved the Exorcist. That's got to be the best one, IMO
The original Alien! Holy crap I screamed watching that one the first time around.
The second one was pretty good too. I could have done without resurrection though.
The thing! The one from the 80s or early 90s, Yikes!
Agree about 28 days later, that one got me pretty good too!
The original Nightmare on Elm street scared the crap out of me.
Just the concept of not being able to go to sleep, Of course I was just a kid at the time and that was before they beat it into the ground with 2000 sequels.
I read the book Requiem for a dream, it was pretty freaky!~ Never saw the movie.
Eraser head! Eeep!
Of course there are others, But it's nearly 4 AM and I'm going to bed now.