Satan. Created by God perfect and good or evil?

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Peter Parka

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Some of the replies he got are worth posting.:24:

inb4 lock

Dude...seriously.... what is your objective?

You are trolling many sites posting the same crap?

you obviously don't really want answers because if you would do the SEARCH and find that most of your BS topics have been beaten to ....


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Minor Axis

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Your IP needs to be banned and blocked..

That seems like a rather harsh judgment to me. We have an entire sub forum for religion. If you make multiple religious posts, making separate points, say you want to make a post for each book of the bible, then it seems like this activity is condoned by forum mothers and fathers. What is your definition of spammer?

tr.v. spammed, spam·ming, spams 1. To send unsolicited e-mail to.
2. To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.


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I asked a question first. :) If God is all powerful, and he created Satan, he gives him leave to do as he will. Why would he do this?

I know you asked me a question. My response to you question was implied in my return question to you.

The purpose of Satan is to "run" "hell". So If you don't see that as a purpose, then I asked you the question that I did. It seemed pretty obvious to me.


Sarcasm is me :)
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That seems like a rather harsh judgment to me. We have an entire sub forum for religion. If you make multiple religious posts, making separate points, say you want to make a post for each book of the bible, then it seems like this activity is condoned by forum mothers and fathers. What is your definition of spammer?

tr.v. spammed, spam·ming, spams 1. To send unsolicited e-mail to.
2. To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.

What is being done is exactly what you quoted.. "2. To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups."

The fact that so many sites are indiscriminately being hit with the exact same post is exactly the definition of spamming..

It has nothing to do with religion.. I just happen to pick up on the topic.. Sorry if it hit a nerve.

Minor Axis

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What is being done is exactly what you quoted.. "2. To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups."

The fact that so many sites are indiscriminately being hit with the exact same post is exactly the definition of spamming..

It has nothing to do with religion.. I just happen to pick up on the topic.. Sorry if it hit a nerve.

It has not hit a nerve with me. I was just wondering. Most online forums only worry about spamming within their universe. In other words, if a forum member made the same post within multiple sub forums in offtipicz, that would be spamming. And this is a religious forum that solicits messages about a specific subject type, just as all online forums do. Completely different than sending the same unsolicited email to every OTZ member pushing or attacking religion. Yes, that would be spamming as there is a difference between unsolicited messages appearing in your inbox versus coming here to read messages. You can always opt out. Just saying, no worries from me. :)

Minor Axis

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There's a happy medium...
I don't believe on the walking on water, everyone came from two people stories, but I don't think there's no purpose in life.
Why can't other people just believe that if we were meant to know what was going to happen after death that we would know?
The devil is just the antagonist to the biggest widespread fairy tales in my opinion.
Every hero needs an evil villain.

I agree. Unfortunately most of this viewpoint is not considered acceptable by established religion. :)

I know you asked me a question. My response to you question was implied in my return question to you.

The purpose of Satan is to "run" "hell". So If you don't see that as a purpose, then I asked you the question that I did. It seemed pretty obvious to me.

Then I would infer that you more or less agree that Satan was created by God and is basically good as he is fulfilling a roll condoned by God. Satan is not a rogue evil force. He works in concert with God's big plan.

I answered the "should everyone go to heaven" question in another post but I'll add the traditional view of heaven and hell seems like a human invention to me. I don't believe in "heaven" in the traditional sense. I don't believe in one life time there is a threshold of good behavior that gets you into "heaven" to live happily ever after. I hope our advancement as "spirits" is an evolutionary process. I feel you don't have to get it right during one lifetime, to eventually make it to "heaven" (in the traditional sense). I don't believe in a final judgment. I don't know if there is a even a judgment or an after life for that matter. If there is, I would hope there is always a chance for redemption, and if there is judgment I don't believe it equates to the human concept of punishment. If we are spirits that live forever, I see no point.

What if a child dies at birth or in the first year of life? I think most religious people would say that child gets to go to heaven. Why? There has been no real chance to be evaluated by God so why a free pass if the idea is you go to heaven based on merit?

Regarding the OP, I'm still curious about the official church view of Satan these days- good or bad? I think if he is considered "good" this is a change from when I went to church. :)
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Greatest I am

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If the creator doesn't decide what's right and what's wrong, then who does?

And secondly, God created everything and everyone with free will. Why would he choose one angel out of all the rest and single him out as not being allowed to have free will because he might one day become evil?

Without evil, there really is no good. In my opinion, anyways.

That would make Satan extremely important to God then would it not?

Too important to throw into an immoral construct called hell.

If God created angels with free will, why bother creating mankind. We are inferior to angels are we not?


Minor Axis

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History Channel has been running shows on SIN all day today. If you believe the HC as a source, it really does sound like most of the postulating and details regarding sin has been written by man. There is really no indication that God passed this info onto man. but male religious scholars who set the standard. The most interesting sin is sloth or idleness and how it has been treated over the ages. In not one case I am aware of did God tap a church leader on the shoulder and tell him they got it wrong. Idleness has been treated as laziness, a weak constitution, being possessed by demons, and as a mental illness, such as melancholy or depression. It's been man who has altered his view of the situation over the centuries, imagine that... ;)

Greatest I am

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With an absentee god, who but man can put words to the will of God.
It has always been man.

Our first God was a man and our last shall be as well.

Man had dominion here not God.
