Sarah Palin vs Katie Couric

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Minor Axis

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she did not debate Couric. She was set up. anybody can get subjected to that stuff and get caught off guard. the question is why the press has not done that to Obama or Biden?

Did you watch the interview? What is being "set up" these days, being asked questions?

It was hilarious to watch. Her accent drives me to violence.

And lots of winks, you betcha, darn right! ;)
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You, Mulder, Strauss all try your best to tell us why Democratic rule would be the disaster.

I am a registered Democrat (don't care whether you believe that or not); what I rail against is liberals be they Democrat or Republican. There was a time when the Democrat Party wasn't controlled by the far left whack jobs but that time has long passed.

Minor Axis

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you sure do seem to have a problem giving Palin one....:rolleyes:

Believe it or not, I have examined her and although she is a good looker, I don't like the way she was vetted. Could she get in there and be a decent VP? Possibly if the stories about her evangelism have not been grossly exaggerated. Would I want her as President? I think the learning curve would be steep. Why put the country through that?

Everyone has an impression. Mine is that she is smart, could be a quick study, but she does not currently have the required background to be President (in the event). My impression is that her "aw shucks" "you betcha" "darn right" folksiness is an act to connect to Joe Six Pack, and it turns me off. Normally the idea when picking the person for the top job is to pick someone who has an outstanding resume. I believe the McCain campaign totally ignored qualifications and calculated a pick based on perceived popularity. I don't think that is how VPs of corporations are picked, why do it for what is conceivably the most important job in the country?

I've also heard the consistent drone of Obama's lack of experience in these forums. Yes Hillary was my first choice. While Obama might not have much experience in the U.S. Senate, he has been in politics for 10 years, he sounds intelligent, his background indicates he is very intelligent and a people person. I like everything that comes out of his mouth (almost), and I believe he stands for a change of direction this country badly needs.

Finally I'll add I do understand politics and how they work. If your a Republican through and through, even if you don't like McCain because at one time he was not conservative enough, he is the only game in town so you really don't give a damn about his choice for VP unless you perceive that choice will cause McCain to lose. In any case you'll bend over backwards to sell whoever he chose as being able to walk on water.

I'll also add that Democrats will do the same thing for their party's candidates. :)

For myself, bottom line, after 8 years of bullshit, I'm not voting for a Republican ticket until that party can find it in themselves to be more responsive to their majority of constituents, not just the well off ones.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Lets face it Minor. You want change period. You might be surprised that conservatives also want change. Sometimes though what you ask for is not what you get. I never thought Obama had a chance but it looks more and more like he could win. If so enjoy his 4 years. He will not get re elected. Because things will get worse before better. You democrats will have wished you had elected Hillary to go up against McCain. And the reps will have wished they had elected Romney to go up against Obama. Those two would have been better options than what we have. Even then that is still accepting garbage. Just garbage that is barely edible.

Minor Axis

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Lets face it Minor. You want change period. You might be surprised that conservatives also want change. Sometimes though what you ask for is not what you get. I never thought Obama had a chance but it looks more and more like he could win. If so enjoy his 4 years. He will not get re elected. Because things will get worse before better. You democrats will have wished you had elected Hillary to go up against McCain. And the reps will have wished they had elected Romney to go up against Obama. Those two would have been better options than what we have. Even then that is still accepting garbage. Just garbage that is barely edible.

I'm not a Democrat, consequently I did not get to vote for either Obama or Hillary. If Hillary was running would you be saying anything different? It sound like you are not happy with any choice. What's a voter to do? Start a revolution? ;)


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Lets face it Minor. You want change period. You might be surprised that conservatives also want change. Sometimes though what you ask for is not what you get. I never thought Obama had a chance but it looks more and more like he could win. If so enjoy his 4 years. He will not get re elected. Because things will get worse before better. You democrats will have wished you had elected Hillary to go up against McCain. And the reps will have wished they had elected Romney to go up against Obama. Those two would have been better options than what we have. Even then that is still accepting garbage. Just garbage that is barely edible.

Obama will win come November and like Jimmy Carter it will be the worse thing for the Democrat Party. The only possible hopeful outcome would be the resulting wrestling away of control of the party from the left-wing wackos.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Obama will win come November and like Jimmy Carter it will be the worse thing for the Democrat Party. The only possible hopeful outcome would be the resulting wrestling away of control of the party from the left-wing wackos.
who would that be?

I don't see any of the leadership in the democrat party fitting the description.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I'm not a Democrat, consequently I did not get to vote for either Obama or Hillary. If Hillary was running would you be saying anything different? It sound like you are not happy with any choice. What's a voter to do? Start a revolution? ;)
If ever there was a time for the US voter to take back control of the country it would be now after the bailout. But we are a nation of sheep. Apathetic and always expecting somebody else to take action and fix things.

You are right I am not happy with the choices. I am fed up with being given the option of selecting the best of the worst.

The only candidates who ran during the primaries that would have actually made visible changes would have been Kucinich and Paul. Kucinich is as far left as you can get but he would have made changes. Terrible ones but change none the less. Paul would be what many call far to the right although I think he is libertarian which is what I think is what we need. Some called him a kook but his ideas resonated, but he had zero charisma and as can be observed at this time with Obama charisma means more than substance to the sheep that vote.

If Hillary had been selected I might have supported her. I may have not stated that here but I have elsewhere. She is closer to moderate than Obama by far and would be probably a better leader than McCain.


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so then is your sig indicating you support of Obama also a matter of the best of the worst??
I support Obama because he is the best of the 2 candidates. I don't want to see us in Iraq for another 100 years and I sure as hell don't want to see Palin take over when McCain kicks the bucket!


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who would that be?

I don't see any of the leadership in the democrat party fitting the description.

Yes, I would like to know the answer to this also!

Blue Dog Democrats:
* Mike Arcuri (New York)
* Joe Baca (California)
* John Barrow (Georgia)
* Melissa Bean (Illinois)
* Marion Berry (Arkansas)
* Sanford Bishop (Georgia)
* Dan Boren (Oklahoma)
* Leonard Boswell (Iowa)
* Allen Boyd (Florida), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Administration
* Dennis Cardoza (California)
* Christopher Carney (Pennsylvania)
* Ben Chandler (Kentucky)
* Jim Cooper (Tennessee)
* Jim Costa (California)
* Bud Cramer (Alabama)
* Lincoln Davis (Tennessee)
* Joe Donnelly (Indiana)
* Brad Ellsworth (Indiana)
* Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona)
* Kirsten Gillibrand (New York)
* Bart Gordon (Tennessee)
* Jane Harman (California)
* Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (South Dakota), Blue Dog Whip
* Baron Hill (Indiana)
* Tim Holden (Pennsylvania)
* Nick Lampson (Texas)
* Tim Mahoney (Florida)
* Jim Marshall (Georgia)
* Jim Matheson (Utah)
* Mike McIntyre (North Carolina)
* Charlie Melancon (Louisiana)
* Mike Michaud (Maine)
* Dennis Moore (Kansas), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Policy
* Patrick Murphy (Pennsylvania)
* Collin Peterson (Minnesota)
* Earl Pomeroy (North Dakota)
* Mike Ross (Arkansas), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Communications
* John Salazar (Colorado)
* Loretta Sanchez (California)
* Adam Schiff (California)
* David Scott (Georgia)
* Heath Shuler (North Carolina)
* Zack Space (Ohio)
* John Tanner (Tennessee)
* Gene Taylor (Mississippi)
* Mike Thompson (California)
* Charlie Wilson (Ohio)

Former members of Congress who were once prominent Blue Dog Coalition members include:

* Herb Bateman (Virginia)
* Brad Carson (Oklahoma)
* Gary Condit (California)
* Harold Ford Jr. (Tennessee)
* Ralph Hall (Texas) (became a Republican and is still a member of the House)
* Bill Lipinski (Illinois)
* Ken Lucas (Kentucky)
* David Minge (Minnesota)
* Owen Pickett (Virginia)
* Max Sandlin (Texas)
* Charlie Stenholm (Texas)
* Billy Tauzin (Louisiana) (later became a Republican and served until 2005)
* Jim Turner (Texas)

Democrats who identify with the Blue Dogs tend to be conservatives, but have more divergent positions on social issues than the DLC. Reflecting the group's Southern roots, many are strong supporters of gun rights and receive high ratings from the National Rifle Association, some have pro-life voting records, and some get high ratings from immigration reduction groups. As a caucus, however, the group has never agreed on or taken a position on these issues, and many members favor more socially liberal positions.
On economic issues, Blue Dogs tend to be pro-business and favor limiting public welfare spending, arguing instead for "individual responsibility". They have supported welfare reform, for example, as well as the Republican-backed Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005. However, they have differing positions on trade issues, including some supporters of labor unions, protectionism, and other populist measures, while the DLC tends to favor free trade.
Note this is only from the House of Representatives.

See here>Blue Dog Coalition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is hope:
See here:Conservative Democrats Peeling Away From Obama

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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why do liberals feel insulted when they are called a democrat

why do democrats feel insulted when they are called a liberal

If you are referring to me, I'm not insulted, just not a Democrat. And before George Bush came along I sounded a lot more moderate than I do in this election season. Now is the time to call a spade a spade.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Strauss I don't buy some of those are Blue Dogs

Maybe pit bulls

And I was referring to current leaders anyway. Those that would be in high positions in their party.

when we have the likes of what is leading both parties in congress it is a joke. as evidenced by the recent bailout bull shit. it was bad enough but then to add the pork is insulting to our intelligence and shows how money corrupts these idiots.


Active Member
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Strauss I don't buy some of those are Blue Dogs

Maybe pit bulls

And I was referring to current leaders anyway. Those that would be in high positions in their party.

when we have the likes of what is leading both parties in congress it is a joke. as evidenced by the recent bailout bull shit. it was bad enough but then to add the pork is insulting to our intelligence and shows how money corrupts these idiots.

I can't control what you buy or don't buy but each represents political leadership in their home state.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
Reaction score
I can't control what you buy or don't buy but each represents political leadership in their home state.
ok I will give you that one since leadership has to start somewhere.

still some of those guys like Ford don't seem like Blue Dogs from what I recall.

My point though is currently on the national stage I don't see anybody worth shit that is electable.

But them I think all those clowns are bought and paid for by the time they get to that level.