Republican Judgement

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Minor Axis

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I belong to neither party..
Neither party has made big distance from the other...certainly not 1000 percent. were they ok on the 60s..and not ok now...what is the 500 percent change you speak about

Well you are aligned more with them, then you are with Democrats. I am not a Democrat, but am currently aligned with them as the best "viable" choice for this country. Their maybe better parties floating around, but they are currently not electable.

As far as the GOP, they used to say "you are an honorable person, but your views are mistaken". In the 1980's with the appearance of slimy Newt, it was replaced with "Not only are you mistaken, but you are scum, spawn of the Devil, and traitor to American Values".

Second of all, they embrace every wedge issue ever concieved and their intolerance is unsurpassed by anyone except fanatical Muslims and Talaban. And like fanatical Muslims, they want Religion in the Middle of our government dictating laws based on Biblical scripture, except they pick and choose what suits them.

At one point in time, Republicans actually believed in the social welfare (a generic term, not government program), and saw the value of raising revenue to maintain a society standard. Now, the GOP has been taken over by a bunch of lunatics who pander strictly to big business and the 1% and believe dropping bombs is the best diplomacy. As recently as George Bush (the 1st) they resisted this temptation. But then there was W, a trumped up war, a decade of war, a desire for endless military occupations (2 Billion a week), while our house falls down around our heads, and now statements by the likes of Romney and McCain who are more than ready to bring it on with any uppity country.

In their view, the top dogs are the only valuable components of society. They believe the rich should eat cake and allow the rest of us to scrounge for the crumbs that drop off their plate. They are anti-women, anti-immigrant, anti-anything with the name "social" attached to it. They believe that the GI bill from WWII was a glorified version of welfare and that a thriving Middle Class, the support the Middle Class needs, takes away from their profits. And although some in the forum, probably you, who will vigorously disagree with me, they believe the end justifies the means and consequently, they go way beyond spin into blatant lies and half truths. They perpetrate lies on a daily basis. They want you to believe that the GOP way will make us all rich, and nothing is farther from the truth. That is a statistical impossibility. A more accurate description, is that the workers must submit to the whims of the powerful people and be thankful for whatever crumbs we receive. IMO, the GOP, and their minions like Fox News and the Right Wing Entertainment Establishment are a disgusting, hypocritical, self-serving, manifestation of humanity and relative to Democrats are much worse. The GOP has become evil.

They on the other hand, paint the Democrats as evil due to their concern about the overall health of society. You can argue that Democrats are "too liberal" with your money, but you can't honestly argue they have no heart. They do believe in social nets and they do believe we are judged by how we treat disadvantaged members of our society. We just have to insist they (Democrats) put together viable social programs and we as a society have to be willing to pay for it. The GOP might be able to do this if they cared about overall society, but they don't. The GOP is firmly positioned in the the "every person for themselves" mantra and are too in love with the notion of tycoons and captains of industry putting it to the rest of us.

Yes and No
It was taken put of context...when we listen to the video it states 47 percent are going to vote Obama regardless and Romney had to concentrate on the other voters.

You miss or refuse to acknowledge the basic point. This is how Romney felt, that 47% of the U.S. population are slackers, takers, and those living on the dole, who want free stuff from hard working American rich.

No my living comes from a national insurance policy that I was forced to pay into. Some people collect it through disability some through age some die and don't collect it.

Yes I am living off Social Security Disability and I am not complaining about being forced to pay into it I am just stating a fact. As for your "dime" it's possible that I may not have been disabled but you may have in which case it would have been my "dime." However since millions pay into it not just you (or me) it's not your dime.
I am getting the feeling though that you are being deliberately obtuse in order to be obnoxious.

I am sorry you are disabled. I'm happy you had a net that caught your fall. I'll point out that every social program in this country was created by liberals. Conservatives want nothing to do with it. Yes, when the situation dictates, they will go along with social programs, but they never initiate them.

Damn John I missed this you rip off alot of people hey john..taking their hard earned wonder you are happy.
How does it feel to take peoples pizza money john?
Fuck the fifteen cents....hell anyone that needs johns services is fucked

This comment is beneath you, or maybe not. ;)

Minor Axis

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the top one percent are now making full time workers part time in order to get around Obamacare bet they are SO glad they voted for him

News flash, they were doing this well in advance of Obamacare to avoid paying their workers benefits period. Companies like Walmart, Target, and others.


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News flash, they were doing this well in advance of Obamacare to avoid paying their workers benefits period. Companies like Walmart, Target, and others.
This is true. It's a drawback of seeing one company giving its employees a fringe benefit and thinking it would be a good idea to make a law to force every employer to follow suit.


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The Man

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News flash, they were doing this well in advance of Obamacare to avoid paying their workers benefits period. Companies like Walmart, Target, and others. they were already doing part time to avoid providing entitlements....fair enough.
Is it fair to say that Obama care has just given the employer more incentive to further that?
I will respond for you with a yes.
So now the question is how is Obama care helping them?
They still have to have insurance or be punished later.
So hours are reduced.
Unemployment insurance isn't payed in on them.
They arent provided insurance.
They get fined later for not having it.

But let me ask you a more critical question.
Why should someone be forced to have insurance on themselves?


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So now the question is how is Obama care helping them?
It's not. It's a step toward a goal. When enough employers stop insuring their employees, the federal gov't can use that as "justification" to grow the federal program, until eventually it becomes a single-payer system. The beauty of the plan is that politicians can deny any responsibility in the collapse and all the credit in saving the American worker.

It makes me sick.

The Man

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It's not. It's a step toward a goal. When enough employers stop insuring their employees, the federal gov't can use that as "justification" to grow the federal program, until eventually it becomes a single-payer system. The beauty of the plan is that politicians can deny any responsibility in the collapse and all the credit in saving the American worker.

It makes me sick.

Doesnt sound to far fetched at all...they can claim it isnt working then impose further legislation as you say.

I dont really mind public health care such as in CA and in parts of Europe.
They provide a service to the public for tax dollar they receive....{not saying I want that here either.}
But what we have here is forced purchase of health insurance....Who does it benefit the most?..The insurance companies.
The liberals just dont get it....they goes as far to think its the rich footing the bill via tax
Its the average guy losing out here....and during a crippled economy at that...going to be a rough road ahead.


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Jesus fuck - the asshattery of you right wingers is amazing. YOU fought AGAINST universal health care and you got a PRIVATE SECTOR SOLUTION with Obamacare and you are STILL whining like spoiled little bitches.

The Man

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Jesus fuck - the asshattery of you right wingers is amazing. YOU fought AGAINST universal health care and you got a PRIVATE SECTOR SOLUTION with Obamacare and you are STILL whining like spoiled little bitches.
What solution john?
I pay is this a solution for me

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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It's not. It's a step toward a goal. When enough employers stop insuring their employees, the federal gov't can use that as "justification" to grow the federal program, until eventually it becomes a single-payer system. The beauty of the plan is that politicians can deny any responsibility in the collapse and all the credit in saving the American worker.

It makes me sick.

I said this long ago before Obamacare was voted on

There was no way the left could come close to passing a single payer system so their best option was to pass a piece of shit that would force us into a single payer system eventually. There would be no way to back track and it would be so onerous that there would be nothing left to do but go to a single payer system.


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I said this long ago before Obamacare was voted on

There was no way the left could come close to passing a single payer system so their best option was to pass a piece of shit that would force us into a single payer system eventually. There would be no way to back track and it would be so onerous that there would be nothing left to do but go to a single payer system.

We have Obamacare in its current form because you dumbfuck conservotards wanted to keep the government out of your Medicare, lol. Y'all can't even see that YOU are the cause of this CONSERVATIVE health care plan called Obamacare. :24:

The Man

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We have Obamacare in its current form because you dumbfuck conservotards wanted to keep the government out of your Medicare, lol. Y'all can't even see that YOU are the cause of this CONSERVATIVE health care plan called Obamacare. :24:
Not all John...some people dont want Obamacare at all.
So John can you explain to me the rationality behind the forced healthcare purchase upon an individual.