Religion- God

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All Else Failed

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You never look at anyone elses point of view. You're always right, and you can never come to an understanding. Then you just continue to state the same thing over and over again.

Anyway, the believer isn't the one making any claims or opinions in this thread. The nonbeliever is, therefore it is up to the nonbeliever to give his claims a reason and proof to back up his claims.

Only after this happens can a believer rebutt the claims with an opposing view.

Or did you forget how a real debate works?
I actually do look at other's points of view, thats why I like analyze someone's point of view decide if you agree with it or not. if you think, that I think that I'm always right, you might have missed a few threads where I made posts saying i was wrong, you should look them up. Weird, you can ask Intruder about us coming to an understanding a few times, and we really butted heads a while back. I repeat things to remind people of my main points. Anything else?

I know that no believer is making claims, I'm simply pointing out what should happen if a believer WERE to state their beliefs.
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Peter Parka

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I think god is fake. The bible also has no proof that he exists either, because the info inside is false.

Sod it, I like this guys way of thinking! Some people might tiptoe around their feelings about religion and god so they dont offend anyone but I personally have had more reason for offense as a non believer by religious folk pushing their grotesque bible ideas onto me! I have no problem with people of a religion as long as they dont push their beliefs onto mankind but frankly I find some of them completely sick and I applaud this guy for his stand!:clap


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Just as long as one understands and respects that people have the right to talk about their faith just as much as others have a right to talk about the lack of theirs. Someone talking about their faith doesn't mean they are pushing it on anyone, just like you talking about you hating religion should not be seen as you pushing your anti-religious views onto others. If hating religion is part of who you are, then it is part of who you are. If someone is truly spiritual or religious it is part of who they are as well. Just my 2 cents on the matter. :)


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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Arguing about weather God exists or not is like arguing about love. You could always say it's only a body reaction, I could said I felt it and I know it does exist :) it's difficoult if not impossible.
I consider myself very respectful with other people's ideas on religion or on wether there is a God or not. I value human beings more for their actions towards the rest of the people rather than for what they believe in or if they are religious.
Also I am all open for a debate about parts of the Bible that may be contradictive or the good and evil in organised religion. But I think being tolerant is also respecting what other people believe and don't try to make them think like you, right? That's why I don't think this topic is a good one for debate.