Socialized Health Care, as much as you may want to disagree, has not failed.
Drop in the quote, any quote, where I said it has failed.
There are many like you here in Canada that would love our Health Care to fail so we could become private again.
Drop in the quote, any quote, where I said anything at all disparaging of Canada's healthcare system. If you want to be intellectually honest, maybe you'll acknowledge the times I said you can have whatever healthcare system you'd like.
Here, let me help you, since you've got plenty of energy to insult and patronize but not enough to verify your preconceptions. Here's the search of all my posts in this thread.
I figure you won't bother to look at them, based on your previous hubris, so let me give you a brief synopsis ... an executive summary, if you will.
The first three posts were poking fun at Ed for an awkwardly worded statement. He was trying to be serious & didn't catch the joke like he usually does. I didn't post anything disparaging about Canada's health care system, nor did I make any statement that socialized health care has failed.
The next two posts were questions trying to get the conversants to consider that legislation is not always necessary. It's a standard tack I take because, as you know, I'd rather have individual liberty. I didn't post anything disparaging about Canada's health care system, nor did I make any statement that socialized health care has failed.
My next two posts were discussing the European health care system with Ed, and our miscommunications as well. I didn't post anything disparaging about Canada's health care system, nor did I make any statement that socialized health care has failed.
Next I responded to Minor Axis about insurance. I didn't post anything disparaging about Canada's health care system, nor did I make any statement that socialized health care has failed.
The next post was in response to Peter, who, like you, tends to read things in my posts that were never there. I didn't post anything disparaging about Canada's health care system, nor did I make any statement that socialized health care has failed.
Post #27 bears special attention, because Abcinthia actually responded to what I wrote, rather than trying to argue a point I never made. It gave me a chance to expound on my view. Obviously you missed this (and probably won't read it now) because it puts both of your misstatements to rest. I'll bold the interesting part:
Finally! A direct response to what I'm talking about. God bless ya!
When the gov't gets involved in commercial activities, competition is impossible. There is precious little market share left after they take what they want. Ya gotta admire the entrepreneur who's willing to take the chance. I'm really happy you're happy with the UK system. The United States is different - culturally, legally, historically. Your system cannot work here without destroying the very fabric that makes us us. I don't expect you to understand it. I'd appreciate if you'd respect it, nonetheless.
so as you would be able to see if you hadn't already started your response, I didn't post anything about Canada's health care system, nor did I make any statement that socialized health care has failed. In fact I supported her choice of health care system, as I do yours. I only ask for the same consideration in return. Nevertheless, I didn't post anything disparaging about Canada's health care system, nor did I make any statement that socialized health care has failed.
My next two posts were continuations of conversations with Ed and Minor, respectively, then a response to Tin Girl, then again with Ed. I didn't post anything disparaging about Canada's health care system, nor did I make any statement that socialized health care has failed.
Post #47 was the first mention of the Canadian system, so far as I remember. Minor Axis asked my opinion of it, to which I responded in a completely neutral "My opinion of the Canadian system is that it's Canadian. :confused " You'll note (if you're still reading) that Minor's post, which I quoted,
So what is your opinion of the Canadian health system and the people who depend on it? Is it about to implode?
was the only one with any mention of the failure of Canada's healthcare system, and it was in the form of a question, not an emphatic statement. My response was neutral because I respect that other sovereign nations have the natural right to conduct their business as they see fit, a respect that you don't reciprocate. I didn't post anything disparaging about Canada's health care system, nor did I make any statement that socialized health care has failed.
Posts #50, 52, 55, and 58 was a give & take with Guyzer in which we discussed the American gov't system, ironed out a familial misunderstanding, and agreed. I didn't post anything disparaging about Canada's health care system, nor did I make any statement that socialized health care has failed.
Post #56 is where I first responded to you, and since you apparently didn't read it before, I find it important to point out here that I was careful when stating my opinion to specify that socialized health care was "unacceptable
for us in the USA." I also asked you to consider why the EU didn't have a single system & pointed out that the US system is similar - an idea that you promptly ignored since it apparently didn't fit your paradigm. I didn't post anything disparaging about Canada's health care system, nor did I make any statement that socialized health care has failed.
We close with my most recent post in which I requested that you find any evidence that I had done anything you've accused me of, but you couldn't be arsed to do so. Again and finally, I didn't post anything disparaging about Canada's health care system, nor did I make any statement that socialized health care has failed.