Miss Piggy
No, not accepting something "just because" is clearly skepticism. Skepticism is merely a part of being intelligent, not intelligence as a whole.
I'm not playing games. I'm exercising logic.
I'm not saying that being positive makes you less aware. Being positive is good. I'm just saying that YOU SHOULD BE POSITIVE, but when a situation in life comes up that is rather unbelievable or needs to be looked at carefully, skepticism is needed. Hell, its how science itself works.
No my argument relates directly to what you said.
Knowing that there isn't a purple hippo in your shoe is not skepticism, it's just the ability to understand fact vs. fiction.
Skepticism plays no part in logic. Logic is being able to reason, and exercise judgment.
And skepticism isn't necessary to be intelligent.
In the end, this is about being positive in life situations... for instance the job market is tough right now. Fact. I still felt positive about my ability to get a job in a tough market, and guess what, I did! Positive thinking!