Plan B

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Ya know what? meet some strange folk on the internet!!

I beleive that what Tim has said is 100% right...therefore, it is perfectly ok for a woman to use this method without being frowned upon.
Sheesh, soon people will be calling women murderers's for having a period!! "how could you...what a waste of a living egg, you murderer"
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Peter Parka

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From the time you have intercourse until the time the egg is fertilized could take up to 5 days, then another 5 days until implantation of the fertilized egg. So does this drug prevent fertilization or does it prevent implantation of a fertilized egg?
If it prevents the egg from being fertilized, it could not be viewed as abortion by anyone, just as a condom isn't abortion.
On the other hand, there are times when an egg is fertilized and it does not implant naturally... would you argue that this is a miscarriage? Or does it at least need to implant first?

Ah, thanks, was fnding this a bit confusing, this clears it up a bit. I guess we're getting into very grey territory here. I think that if the sperm has been implanted in the egg, that's the moment life has begun and nature should be allowed to take its course. Of course, if the egg is fertalised and dosen't implant naturally, then thats out of anyones control and yes, I guess it would be a miscarriage though the woman may not even know about it, probably a good thing too imo. If the implantation was going to happen naturally though and was deliberately stopped, yeah, I consider that murder.


I kissed a leprechaun...
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Ive never taken the morning after pill, but I feel it's a great thing to have.

It's no different than taking birth control or using a condom. It's just another way to prevent pregnancy. None of these methods are 100% effective, but they certainly work most times. And it's definitely not abortion because at this point it is before the sperm hits the egg.


Having way too much fun
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Ah, thanks, was fnding this a bit confusing, this clears it up a bit. I guess we're getting into very grey territory here. I think that if the sperm has been implanted in the egg, that's the moment life has begun and nature should be allowed to take its course. Of course, if the egg is fertalised and dosen't implant naturally, then thats out of anyones control and yes, I guess it would be a miscarriage though the woman may not even know about it, probably a good thing too imo. If the implantation was going to happen naturally though and was deliberately stopped, yeah, I consider that murder.

Peter, do you consider the tens of thousands of fertilized eggs stored in fertility clinics potential abortions as well?
Just to bring you up to speed on how that works.

The man and woman go to the clinic and they "harvest" eggs from her and collect sperm samples from him. They fertilized dozens of eggs in the lab then freeze them for future use. When the timing is right, they will implant several fertilized eggs into the woman hoping that one will take hold. The reason they implant several at a time, is because most won't take. They check for pregnancy several days later and if none of them took, they try it again when she is ready to accept them.
So do you say that this couple are killing dozens of human lives? Are they wrong in doing this to have a baby? And you have to remember that this is usually the last resort to having a child for most couples because of the expense involved.


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Well according to Peter im a murderer...cuz ive taken the morning after pill before.
Cheers.*thumbs up*...gonna stay outta here me thinks xxx


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Personally, we don't opt for any form of birth control other than condoms on the odd occasion. We simply try to monitor cycles, and avoid the 'danger days'.

We would consider something permanent, like vasectomy, since there is no possibility of sperm meets egg with that.

And Dana, who's hating? :)


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From the time you have intercourse until the time the egg is fertilized could take up to 5 days, then another 5 days until implantation of the fertilized egg. So does this drug prevent fertilization or does it prevent implantation of a fertilized egg?
If it prevents the egg from being fertilized, it could not be viewed as abortion by anyone, just as a condom isn't abortion.
On the other hand, there are times when an egg is fertilized and it does not implant naturally... would you argue that this is a miscarriage? Or does it at least need to implant first?

that's why they say you can take plan b up to 5 days after unprotected sex and whatever. i personally don't consider it abortion because it prevent pregnancy the same way birth control does. that's all plan b is, really, is birth control but a more powerful form of it.


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Well according to Peter im a murderer...cuz ive taken the morning after pill before.
Cheers.*thumbs up*...gonna stay outta here me thinks xxx

i have too. multiple times just to be safe (even after i've used a condom because i'm paranoid about getting pregnant, lol). i see nothing wrong with it. :)


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spaz hun why dont you just go on the pill then? that much hormone regularly cant be good to your system.


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spaz hun why dont you just go on the pill then? that much hormone regularly cant be good to your system.

oh no! it's not a regular thing! i've just taken it a few times before. i'm in the process of finding a new ob/gyn since i switched insurance when i went full time at the hospital and in that time, i ran out of birth control and my other doctors i see for my asthma and gi issues can't fill it for me. i've taken the pill before; was on it for years. :)


Having way too much fun
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Just remember guys... this can be a very personal topic for some members. No one is ever right or wrong, we just have differing opinions on the topic.

We don't need to breach into the area of calling people murderers or such, that adds nothing to the conversation.

So please keep it from getting too personal. :)

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Peter, do you consider the tens of thousands of fertilized eggs stored in fertility clinics potential abortions as well?
Just to bring you up to speed on how that works.

The man and woman go to the clinic and they "harvest" eggs from her and collect sperm samples from him. They fertilized dozens of eggs in the lab then freeze them for future use. When the timing is right, they will implant several fertilized eggs into the woman hoping that one will take hold. The reason they implant several at a time, is because most won't take. They check for pregnancy several days later and if none of them took, they try it again when she is ready to accept them.
So do you say that this couple are killing dozens of human lives? Are they wrong in doing this to have a baby? And you have to remember that this is usually the last resort to having a child for most couples because of the expense involved.

Honestly? This is getting into the very nitty gritty. I'm no expert in these matters this technical and this is the first time I've been informed about this in particular. The whole process you describe is something outside of nature just running its course and it will take me some time to come to an opinion on this because I back my opinion up with reasonable arguement (I hope). Therefore, I will sit on the fence on this one for now until I have a good reason to make my mind up one way or another. Hopefully you would prefer that to me just wading in about it, shouting my mouth off when I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.

Well according to Peter im a murderer...cuz ive taken the morning after pill before.
Cheers.*thumbs up*...gonna stay outta here me thinks xxx

Like I've said before, this is getting into the very grey area. Hey, I believe murder is wrong but there are so many different levels of murder in my mind, anyway. I've lived with a few murderers. Some of them, while I think what they did is wrong, I've kind of understood why they did it. I've never been in a position where I've ever wanted to get rid of a baby for any reason which you probably have so I'm really not is a position to judge you and I'll try not to. I'm just saying what my opinion is on it as I am right now and as you probably know, I'm feeling even more anti abortion that usual because of stuff that has happened recently. I really am not looking down on you or thinking any less of you because you took a morning after pill. :)


Having way too much fun
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Honestly? This is getting into the very nitty gritty. I'm no expert in these matters this technical and this is the first time I've been informed about this in particular. The whole process you describe is something outside of nature just running its course and it will take me some time to come to an opinion on this because I back my opinion up with reasonable arguement (I hope). Therefore, I will sit on the fence on this one for now until I have a good reason to make my mind up one way or another. Hopefully you would prefer that to me just wading in about it, shouting my mouth off when I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.

I respect your view on this Peter. That's why I gave you the information I did. Not everyone knows how in vitro fertilization works.
I guess it's just more information for you to consider, and I respect you waiting to form an opinion on it. :clap


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It's ok Kelly, it's a great topic for discussion, and I'm SURE we will all handle the topic like adults. :D

i was very curious to hear other people's opinions because i felt like an idiot when i had to buy it. :( i thought everyone was going "OMG SHE HAD UNPROTECTED SEX!!! LOL!!!" in their head when really, i just wanted to be extra careful. haha. i'm glad everyone's sharing information though! that makes me happy.


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Honestly? This is getting into the very nitty gritty. I'm no expert in these matters this technical and this is the first time I've been informed about this in particular. The whole process you describe is something outside of nature just running its course and it will take me some time to come to an opinion on this because I back my opinion up with reasonable arguement (I hope). Therefore, I will sit on the fence on this one for now until I have a good reason to make my mind up one way or another. Hopefully you would prefer that to me just wading in about it, shouting my mouth off when I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.

Like I've said before, this is getting into the very grey area. Hey, I believe murder is wrong but there are so many different levels of murder in my mind, anyway. I've lived with a few murderers. Some of them, while I think what they did is wrong, I've kind of understood why they did it. I've never been in a position where I've ever wanted to get rid of a baby for any reason which you probably have so I'm really not is a position to judge you and I'll try not to. I'm just saying what my opinion is on it as I am right now and as you probably know, I'm feeling even more anti abortion that usual because of stuff that has happened recently. I really am not looking down on you or thinking any less of you because you took a morning after pill. :)
Peter, i didnt murder anyone or anything...i didnt decide to get rid of a baby, i decided to use a contraceptive. Like a stops the process.No different.
Each and everyone of us have varying veiws on what is right and what is wrong....I am not going to get into a debate about this subject because i have never before been in a position of being accused of such a terrible thing.
It will only end up in me being upset and you losing respect for me.
So i will bow out and although i can actually say i dont respect your veiw on this...i accept it.


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do you consider the tens of thousands of fertilized eggs stored in fertility clinics potential abortions as well?

It's the single reason we did not even consider IVF during our years of trying for babies.
Yes, we are very passionate about this particular subject.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Peter, i didnt murder anyone or anything...i didnt decide to get rid of a baby, i decided to use a contraceptive. Like a stops the process.No different.
Each and everyone of us have varying veiws on what is right and what is wrong....I am not going to get into a debate about this subject because i have never before been in a position of being accused of such a terrible thing.
It will only end up in me being upset and you losing respect for me.
So i will bow out and although i can actually say i dont respect your veiw on this...i accept it.

Thats ok, I accept yours too. Think there is too much written into repecting other peoples views. If we all respected each others views there wouldn't be any debate. Accepting them though is a good way to keep it civil. Hell, I am strongly opposed to some of my wifes views but I can accept them and still love her, that's what counts, I still like you and I guess my bluntness can be seen as offensive at times, I just think its better disagreeing and knowing where we all stand than being all nicey nicey yet thinking differently than what we project of each other. :nod:;)


Miss Piggy
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I too believe that pregnancy is a known 'risk' of sex. You do the 'crime' you do the 'time'.

Funny how many people use this as an argument against abortion.

So when someone is in an auto accident... they're doing the 'time' for their 'crime'? Just because it's possible, doesn't mean it should happen, nor should people have to just live with it. I can only imagine what it would be like to go up to someone and say... "Oh your Dad is dead? Oh well a known side effect of living is death, so he's now doing his time for his crime. Sucks to be you." :smiley24:

Sex isn't a crime... it's natural... just like breathing. There are those of us, like those who like to drive without having an auto accident, that do not want to have a child, but still want to enjoy all of the benefits of sex (as we all should, regardless).

So... try a better argument... something that makes more sense.