Parents and their child's education

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So far as examples of reasons not to go to school, you've pointed to 2 people. Out of the tens of millions who have graduated. What're the odds of being Einstein or the next rock band to hit it big? Low, to say the least. That's why you need school.

And yes, parents should have control over every aspect of their child's life, including school.
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So, Dodge, tell me how the doctors "diagnosed" you as having ADHD? You went thru some expensive testing? Brain scans and all?

ADD and ADHD Fraud. Find out the truth about ADD and ADHD. Exposing the Fraud of ADD and ADHD.

Calling Attention to ADHD: Is the Disorder Real?

Since the vast majority of kids have been merely observationally diagnosed, its even a debate whether this is even a real "disorder".

Actually, I was maybe 9 or 10 years old when I was diagnosed with it, so I have barely any memory of anything that happened. I do have a very vague memory of having head/CAT scans though(I know, leaving myself open for tons of "psycho!" jokes). I also know that our doctor observed my behavior for at least 6 months, maybe a year, before they decided I needed the medication. I'm not saying people don't misdiagnose ADHD, but you two don't know me in real life. I mean, Donnie's the only member here really(Besides TheLightedPath, or maybe Veronica) that could ever end up meeting me, since we don't live very far away. If you did meet me, you would know that I'm ADHD. There is a huge difference in my behavior and trains of thought when I'm on my medication and off it.

I'll give a perfect example. Here's one day when I didn't take my medication back in...4th grade I think? It's show and tell day. My dad had a hand grenade from the war that he kept for some odd reason. I decided to bring it, not thinking before I did it. They thought I was trying to blow up the school, and when they found out it was fake, I got two days of ISS. Had I taken my medication, I would have been less hyper, I wouldn't have just grabbed it and ran out the door. I would have thought about it, maybe asked my parents if I could take it, etc.

Or a few days ago. I didn't take my medicine. I couldn't stop talking. Blah blah blah, hyper all day. All my teachers were telling me to be quiet, even my friends were telling me to calm the fuck down.

Today, I took it. I said maybe a little over 30 words all day.

Oh, Venom, another bit of irony, you spelled through wrong. :ninja Ok, I'm done now! :D

So far as examples of reasons not to go to school, you've pointed to 2 people. Out of the tens of millions who have graduated. What're the odds of being Einstein or the next rock band to hit it big? Low, to say the least. That's why you need school.

And yes, parents should have control over every aspect of their child's life, including school.

Ok, you want more examples? MX racers. Even if they have graduated school, they don't really need a high school diploma to ride a dirtbike. My mom never went to college, still was able to get a job as a nursing assistant. My brother is just now, at the age of 24, starting to go to college for EMT/Firefighting. He had a really good paying job before he started this, but ended up quitting when he cut off his finger. My grandfather had bad grades in high school, but now he OWNS his own business.

I can find more movie stars and whatnot that didn't graduate if you want me to.

Also, back to the subject of me and ADHD. Venom, if you really doubt the authenticity of my ADHD, I'll probably be at the Orange Park movie theater Saturday or Sunday, so just ask Donnie to meet me there, I don't take my medication on the weekends.


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I'll give a perfect example. Here's one day when I didn't take my medication back in...4th grade I think? It's show and tell day. My dad had a hand grenade from the war that he kept for some odd reason. I decided to bring it, not thinking before I did it. They thought I was trying to blow up the school, and when they found out it was fake, I got two days of ISS. Had I taken my medication, I would have been less hyper, I wouldn't have just grabbed it and ran out the door. I would have thought about it, maybe asked my parents if I could take it, etc.

Gotta admit tho. Must have been one hell of a show and tell.
I'd give your own 1st prize.

Ok, you want more examples? MX racers.

You forgot.....Artists.

Anyways Dodge. Much respek to you for your candidness.


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Gotta admit tho. Must have been one hell of a show and tell.
I'd give your own 1st prize.

You forgot.....Artists.

Anyways Dodge. Much respek to you for your candidness.

Well, what type of artists? The painting/drawing kind right?

Oh, and yes, I pulled that sucker out and was like, "This is my show and---" and then I heard the teacher freak out :24::24: I was like, "What's the big deal?" :ninja


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Well, what type of artists? The painting/drawing kind right?

Yes. Fine artists. Others in creative art

Oh, and yes, I pulled that sucker out and was like, "This is my show and---" and then I heard the teacher freak out :24::24: I was like, "What's the big deal?" :ninja


Yeah, just imagining how it went down and the look on their faces is priceless I tell you. :24:

1st prize in my book. No contest.

That was one hell of a good one. Def a great conversation piece. One to pass on to generations. :D


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Yes. Fine artists. Others in creative art


Yeah, just imagining how it went down and the look on their faces is priceless I tell you. :24:

1st prize in my book. No contest.

That was one hell of a good one. Def a great conversation piece. One to pass on to generations. :D

It's great when people are like, "You did not!" I think it's great they gave me such a small punishment :D

I'm surprised they ever even trusted me to go back to school again! :24:

All Else Failed

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So, while I was sitting in 6th period today, thinking about how I didn't do my project, I thought of something. Do you think parents should be allowed to have authority concerning their child's education? I mean, is it right for a child to be punished for not doing the work, whatever the reason, should parents pressure their kids and force them to get all A's or B's or whatever or face getting severely punished(I know some friends like this)? I understand that parents are the legal guardians, and do have a say in their child's life, but at the same time, the child's actions pertaining to their education doesn't really affect the parents' lives, so should they be allowed to ground them? I also understand that a parent wants their kid to do good in school and succeed, but punishing a child doesn't always mean that they'll do better in school. The child is the one that will be affected when they don't get a good education and try to make it in the real world.

Also, take into consideration today's changing world. We live in a society where education used to be very important, but now, although still important, isn't required to get a good, decent-paying job. You can fail school and become a singer or be in a band, and make millions, as opposed to getting a high school diploma, going to college, becoming a business man, and making $50,000 a year.

So what do you think? Should parents be allowed to have authority concerning their child's education?
yes, they should.

All Else Failed

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That's all?

C'mon, you're teasing now. Paid good money to see this.
Very young people do not have the resources or proper wisdom to decide what is best for them at certain ages. Maybe when they are older they could decide, but when they are young they are just better off trusting their parents to give them the best opportunity possible.


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Very young people do not have the resources or proper wisdom to decide what is best for them at certain ages. Maybe when they are older they could decide, but when they are young they are just better off trusting their parents to give them the best opportunity possible.

I'm almost 17, do I have the proper wisdom? I mean, I decided the other day not to drive the truck off the road, that's best for me. I understand that education can be important to every day life, but at the same time, I think it's not something that is absolutely required to live in the real world. Seriously, I'm in 11th grade now, and everything I've learned this year is shit that is rehashed from last year. I had to take 2 pages of notes on the microscope in my Medical Skills class, and I took the same damn notes last year in Biology. I told my teacher straight up, "I am not doing these notes. I already have them". Also, when in life are you going to use the type of math they teach you in school? I learned the Quadratic Formula this week in math, and in reality, I didn't learn shit.

For ax2 + bx + c = 0, the value of x is given by:


Guys, be honest, have you ever been somewhere and said, "Damnit! If only I could remember that Quadratic Formula, I wouldn't be in this situation!".

I watched a very interesting movie last year in Biology, which I suggest to you all. It's called "The Gods Must Be Crazy". In it, they have a section where they explain that school is a man-made system. When man first started becoming civilized, building cities, etc., we had to have some way to explain our knowledge and discoveries to future generations. So, rather than the parents of the children teaching it, they used schools to teach it. Maybe it was that way at first, but now it's become a place full of useless knowledge I could find on the internet.

All Else Failed

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Just listen to experiance, its better to let people with experience guid you in things such as this. I felt the SAME way you did when I was 17. I'm not giving you some "young people don't know any better!" speech, because I think they are bullshit. I'm just saying its better for people like your parents to handle things like your education due to its various elements such as money they have to think about.


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Just listen to experiance, its better to let people with experience guid you in things such as this. I felt the SAME way you did when I was 17. I'm not giving you some "young people don't know any better!" speech, because I think they are bullshit. I'm just saying its better for people like your parents to handle things like your education due to its various elements such as money they have to think about.

Thank you for that, and I appreciate you not giving a speech like that. I understand what you mean, obviously older people have more experiance. But I just think that in some aspects of life, education isn't the most important thing.

All Else Failed

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Thank you for that, and I appreciate you not giving a speech like that. I understand what you mean, obviously older people have more experiance. But I just think that in some aspects of life, education isn't the most important thing.
meh....well I think knowledge is VERY VERY VERY important to have. Yes, Life isn't always about going to school, but to gain knowledge and to use it is one of the most powerful things you can achieve being an individual.


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meh....well I think knowledge is VERY VERY VERY important to have. Yes, Life isn't always about going to school, but to gain knowledge and to use it is one of the most powerful things you can achieve being an individual.

I do say though, I could never carry on these debates with you if it wasn't fer muh hi skool edukashun. :24:

As long as I don't end up like Billy Maddison, back in school at the age of 30, I'm happy :cool


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Very young people do not have the resources or proper wisdom to decide what is best for them at certain ages. Maybe when they are older they could decide, but when they are young they are just better off trusting their parents to give them the best opportunity possible.

Right. That's much better.

Thank you.


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Thank you for that, and I appreciate you not giving a speech like that. I understand what you mean, obviously older people have more experiance. But I just think that in some aspects of life, education isn't the most important thing.

Seriously, there are some subjects that may not be too important in the final analysis. Eg: I am in the creative industry. Maths don't do one shit for me. Then again, i may not have known at an early stange what I wanted to end up doing so it was still good to get an all round exposure and you never know at that stage what's going to come in handy. Fortunately for me by the end of high school I keyed in to what I wanted to do and have no regrets.

You know what's kinda cool? Zoning into what you really like and love to do and working towards that. That's what it's all about. I was lucky like that.


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Sorry Grace but I think grounding kids is the most pointless thing ever, there are better ways to help a child do better in school than grounding them...just my opinion.