So, Dodge, tell me how the doctors "diagnosed" you as having ADHD? You went thru some expensive testing? Brain scans and all?
ADD and ADHD Fraud. Find out the truth about ADD and ADHD. Exposing the Fraud of ADD and ADHD.
Calling Attention to ADHD: Is the Disorder Real?
Since the vast majority of kids have been merely observationally diagnosed, its even a debate whether this is even a real "disorder".
Actually, I was maybe 9 or 10 years old when I was diagnosed with it, so I have barely any memory of anything that happened. I do have a very vague memory of having head/CAT scans though(I know, leaving myself open for tons of "psycho!" jokes). I also know that our doctor observed my behavior for at least 6 months, maybe a year, before they decided I needed the medication. I'm not saying people don't misdiagnose ADHD, but you two don't know me in real life. I mean, Donnie's the only member here really(Besides TheLightedPath, or maybe Veronica) that could ever end up meeting me, since we don't live very far away. If you did meet me, you would know that I'm ADHD. There is a huge difference in my behavior and trains of thought when I'm on my medication and off it.
I'll give a perfect example. Here's one day when I didn't take my medication back in...4th grade I think? It's show and tell day. My dad had a hand grenade from the war that he kept for some odd reason. I decided to bring it, not thinking before I did it. They thought I was trying to blow up the school, and when they found out it was fake, I got two days of ISS. Had I taken my medication, I would have been less hyper, I wouldn't have just grabbed it and ran out the door. I would have thought about it, maybe asked my parents if I could take it, etc.
Or a few days ago. I didn't take my medicine. I couldn't stop talking. Blah blah blah, hyper all day. All my teachers were telling me to be quiet, even my friends were telling me to calm the fuck down.
Today, I took it. I said maybe a little over 30 words all day.
Oh, Venom, another bit of irony, you spelled through wrong. :ninja Ok, I'm done now!
So far as examples of reasons not to go to school, you've pointed to 2 people. Out of the tens of millions who have graduated. What're the odds of being Einstein or the next rock band to hit it big? Low, to say the least. That's why you need school.
And yes, parents should have control over every aspect of their child's life, including school.
Ok, you want more examples? MX racers. Even if they have graduated school, they don't really need a high school diploma to ride a dirtbike. My mom never went to college, still was able to get a job as a nursing assistant. My brother is just now, at the age of 24, starting to go to college for EMT/Firefighting. He had a really good paying job before he started this, but ended up quitting when he cut off his finger. My grandfather had bad grades in high school, but now he OWNS his own business.
I can find more movie stars and whatnot that didn't graduate if you want me to.
Also, back to the subject of me and ADHD. Venom, if you really doubt the authenticity of my ADHD, I'll probably be at the Orange Park movie theater Saturday or Sunday, so just ask Donnie to meet me there, I don't take my medication on the weekends.