Some Canadians might take that offensively
Trust me, I hate our winters too. However, Halifax is a beautiful place. Might out weigh the cons
sorry J0rdon I i offended any Canadian or Canada itself....via my 'wide' remark.
Yes, Canada is a great country and a great nation,,,,,I love Canada, have been there, love it and its people...they are comparatively cool and gentlemanly,,,
My Canadian blond gal friend lives in Halifax and tells me stories about it...beautiful stories of peace and love,...I love her,, lately she was a member of this forum but some nasty, domineering , provocative, overbearing and macho type fellow members drove her away..
I am glad to know you are a Canadian and I wish you well.,
Notwithstanding above, i take this opportunity to clear one point: I am not a supporter of terrorists or Taliban. All my discussion is to analyze why those Huns became terrorists and how far America is responsible for creating that bunch of God Magogs. Unfortunately, my American friends don't understand the theme of the thread and indulge in direct accusations and aspersions which are not only bad in faith but also provocative enough to make one lose his temper.
I think in Canada you call such people as IDIOTS!!