Pakistani couple get death sentences for blasphemy

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I would say you have alot of interest in it


That black burly dog could also be your father.


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You certainly are a nutcase...You admitted to the fact that US made gross blunders in the past but you pass it off as 'history'.
History is what was done in the past. The US isn't invading any peaceful nation at the present time. I have no intention of lying about my nation's involvements in the past as you do, mazHur Butt, in the present and the past.

Oh, boy!! You ought to have learnt lesson from history, not repeated it,..
We should, but some don't. Why has your nation, your culture forgotten the concept "civilization" and live in a moral vacuum filled with violence , hatred, terrorists and a base population that treats it's self no better than animals? Why doesn't your nation learn? And why not you, specifically?

It's because of your blunders that we are made to suffer the brunt...
No.....the people of PK, the leaders of PK have chosen the path of terrorism and human abuse on their will. The US has had no involvement in creating your ills. To the contrary, you chose to create them.

We have NO sympathy with the terrorists
And the denials begin. Heard it before. And also heard you as the apologist for what terrorists do this forum

,,,,,and our military is doing its best to destroy them
I hope so, but let's face reality. Your military was in cahoots with both the Taliban and al Qaeda and it's present performance isn't stunning by any stretch of the imagination

,,,and in doing that more than our 50000 have got killed..
That's total casualties, military, terrorists and civilians. Estimates for military deaths are ~5,000.

Because the Americans fear fighting fist to fist with the terrorist they have less casualities,
It's your nation going up in smoke. Your militry ought to be very motivated but has only lost ~5000 men in 10 years of fighting

Just imagine how would common Americans feel if you govt lifts censor from information on war and let;s them watch the fate of marines that lost their lives in Afgh??
Here are the stats on a main stream US media outlet:
As of Tuesday, May 6, 2014, at least 2,179 members of the U.S. military had died in Afghanistan as a result of the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001, according to an Associated Press count.

How would common American mothers, fathers , sisters, daughter and their wives and kids would feel watching the brutal killing of their loved ones during the war
Not good, pretty bad and resentful of the terrorism that you, mazHur Butt support in your rants

...I have seen gruesome pictures of American soldiers killed in the war which even I couldn't watch
No need to be a poser, mazHur Butt, I don't believe you and I suspect the members here don't either.

,,,,,,they were so terrible that I had to close my puter... Imagine how would American public feel if only pictures of dead bodies of 50000 marines was shown to them on the TV and published by the press??
Terrible, but the number 50,000 has no relevance to our conversation, it's a number you made up from distorting statics

No, your freedom of expression is restricted and reporting classified,,,you are slaves of are obedient to whatever your govt imposes on you ...that's as good as blind faith,which destroys 'critical thinking' of yours and leaves you brain washed.
mazHur Butt, you just aren't good enough at sophistry to pull off that comment. As shown, you even purported a statistic that turn out to be a fabrication, a lie

Can you dare ask your govt to show you the butchered pictures of marines in Afgh??
I know you'd get enjoyment out of it, but I have no control over what you do

Even if you asked they wouldn't as you are rich and weak at heart people and obsessed by fear of terrorism..
You are losing your train of thought and appear babbling, please restate.

Terrorism is now wide spread...thanks to great American policies....and I severally stated War is not a solution to mitigate it.
Terrorism has certainly ramped up. How does this make your nation look innocent being the terrorist capital of the world?

YOu have tried your way for last 12 years or so but failed badly
Indeed. Bush never should have split the Afg invasionary force in half to go invade Iraq. It slowed down our drive against the Taliban and al Qaeda

,,.You are now trying to sneak out of the war zone after planting your puppet govt.
We don't have much choice. The Afg gov't doesn't seem interested in renewing our presence and it's more their choice than ours.

.This aint't not going to bring any peace to our region
Take this as a lesson for the future, do not allow your government to sponsor terrorism. It wouldn't be there with out it's supporters and sir, you are one

,,,and if our region is unpeaceful because of your acts
No, if peace in your region fails, the fail began when your government played footsie with terrorists

( ditching) I think there is least hope of peace in the world as a whole.,
There are always wars going on in the world somewhere. There has never been no wars, since at least WW2
Peace may only be found in nations which do not poke their nose in dictating their choices on others
If you think you can initiate war on the US or any nation through terrorist activity, you are only labeling yourself as a victim of circumstances. ..

.who mind their own business and stay away from terrorists.
Think 911 to yourself and equate it with the war in your nation

Since you have stirred the hornets nest you should not repent if the stung ......

I have severally stated that Pakistan is not as organized as your country and that you shouldn't compare yourselves with a poor nation )unless you too want to become disorganized or poor like them)
You've stated a lot of contradictory comments ...

Criticism on variegated cultural oddities and crimes to malign any religion is bad and malifide,
The crimes against humanity your nation commits upon itself is bad and malevolent

,, I also told you fundamentalists are holding on because of war on terror has been counter productive
You are confused, neither myself or man are fundamentalists and of course wars are counter productive unless you are attacked, then it's self defense. And of course, you being a terrorist sympathizer would naturally make any argument that benefits an advantage for terrorists

,,,and the enemies of US have aimed all their powers agsinst it
Actually, Bush bragged about doing the war on the cheap and Obama is more interested in spending money on entitlements, so the war has had a lot of financial restrictions, even though it's racked up a lot of expenses because of the war lasting longer than projected.

.....You should analyse why that is so>>>
Look above

? rather than grieve over why we are looked down upon>?
I do not grieve for those that want us dead, And I look down upon you for what you are....a racist pervert. terrorist sympathizer whose moral values are so shallow, saving face is more important than humanity

You are scared and your sleep is disturbed day and night by 'phobic fear syndrome''

,,,whereas we are facing it and trying to eradicate it...but you ungrateful American dude wouldn't appreciate...
Don't and keep dying with perpetual's you who have more to lose.

And don't say porn is bad
Porn is bad

,,never say that because it is YOUR gift to our civilization
Porn has existed since the cave man, publishing porn is greater in the US, but consumption of the worst types of porn are committed by your culture, with Pk leading the pack

...If that is a token of modernity then to hell with it...

Go and take some fresh air on your bike??
Not today
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Never heard of it. Only Lyari gang is causing trouble in one small prefecture...]
that gang consists of drung mafia, kidnappers for ransom and extortion..
they don't have ties with Taliban which are a different breed found in north and south west Pak with some scattered splinters in the main land....

I've already called you out on that lie,
the Taliban is in Karachi.
Another easy link to find
Wall Street Journal

Taliban Take Toll on Pakistan's Biggest City


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CIA and NSA are fed up of the war and are quiting Afgh....

Why should I be afraid of NSA when they know I am a gentleman and not an ass fucking dog getting in a tie with a white woman???

You are confused......that's the Karachi vice squad that 's interested in your perversions.


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you suffer from braindrain..sorry i can't help you and if you ask stupid question or pass shitty remarks I shall not be glad to respond...

You know i ear 500 dollars an hour.......if you can pay even one tenth of you you can have my time...but i know you are a begging pauper living off state charity..

I know all your living expenses come from unearned income, mazHur Butt, because you stated so on your blog

. I have taken ”forced retirement”....

and live by unearned income....

And that is a very younger image of you there.
I know you to be follicle challenged
Again, I've caught you in a lie .


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Good article as it shows maz is being dishonest with the forum.
Not only has he underplayed greatly the presence of the taliban,,,he denies they are at his back door while sources prove otherwise.
He has openly supported them, then denies he supports them...He is trying to hide something in direct regard to the taliban.

mazHur Butt lies to us a lot of the time. See my rebuttal above.


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you chicken fucker, get out of your fear syndrome...narcotic dealing gangs are not the terrorist Taliban you are looking for,..,,,gangs are everywhere in the world,,,,should i recall all the terrorist gangs you have/had in America??

Conentrate on yyour studies lest you fail or lose you bloody job if you have any,,begging ass hole!

Well, that was childish.
And a lie.

A pdf file download

How Opium profits the Taliban