I don't know how many of you realized that I liked Obama (not that I looked to much into it, because I couldn't vote) the only reason why I did was because he seemed most pro environment of all the candidates. I am now joining you right-winged people on this (even though I have decided to become a centrist when I can vote in the next election) I very much so dislike Obama. He is spending to much money to fast, kissing people hands, and making new yorkers think that 9/11 is happening all over again.
So you can except me into your clan, Obama haters, and Obama supporters, you can call me racist![]()
Seriously, if you are a true friend of the environment, then you would stay as far away from the republicans as you can get. They will always step all over the environment in favor of giving corporations what they want. They will fuck the environment if it means a few dollars more in profit.