Obama unity:

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Peter Parka

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Ya know, I'm really getting tired of hearing this word thrown around. What's a neo-con? Define it for me. Find out where it originated from, you may be surprised.

No different to the amount of people on here who throw the term "bleeding heart Liberal" around.;)


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It's ok to be in denial I guess or are you covering? ;)

In this case, your kidding yourself.

Normally I can at least track where you think you're going, but this time you've given me the slip. I know it's not our beef, but I thought I would throw this out just 'cause. :)


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Scott, do you honestly think that Obama will somehow keep conservatives "quite" and willing to follow anything he wants?

Not if he is going to push the agenda he promises to push. Your comment actually runs to the core of my point. He keeps promising us unity, but I just don't see it happening with somebody who isn't willing to listen to the other side.

Bush has been trying to unify the government for the past several years. What will Obama do that Bush has not in that aim?

I know there is a liberal string in you that's just humming chants about blood, and war, and oil and what not, but seriously.... How is he going to change Washington? He's as far left as they come, which is exactly why you and Tim like him so much. How is putting an extremist (too strong a word, but I can't find a better one at the moment) in office going to bring everybody together?

All Else Failed

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Not if he is going to push the agenda he promises to push. Your comment actually runs to the core of my point. He keeps promising us unity, but I just don't see it happening with somebody who isn't willing to listen to the other side.

Bush has been trying to unify the government for the past several years. What will Obama do that Bush has not in that aim?

I know there is a liberal string in you that's just humming chants about blood, and war, and oil and what not, but seriously.... How is he going to change Washington? He's as far left as they come, which is exactly why you and Tim like him so much. How is putting an extremist (too strong a word, but I can't find a better one at the moment) in office going to bring everybody together?
I just see his unity comments as normal and run-of-the-mill political buzz phrase. Ever campaign has a slogan thats meaningless.

Scott I totally disagree on him being "far left as they come". Believe me, he's not far left. Far left is like, an anarcho communist, or a greenpeace radical that burns down housing developments. Obama is just mildly left. You calling him extremist is just silly, since he has said nothing that is extreme in any stretch of the imagination. Stop listening to conservative talk radio :p

I actually do not like Obama that much, and I don't even think he's that left wing. I don't even think I'm that left wing.

But yeah, Washington will be Washington. Who is in power matters relatively little. Sure, they'll make changes, but the system will always be the system when the sun goes down.


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the system will always be the system when the sun goes down.

Sadly, I agree with this and it is precisely what I was stating earlier when I was speaking of the pendulum swinging back and forth.

I won't give up hope though for a group of strong leaders to get in there and turn the place upside down one day ... making it right side up for a change. Pray for your leaders regardless of whether you agree with them or not. I wouldn't want their job.

Minor Axis

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Normally I can at least track where you think you're going, but this time you've given me the slip. I know it's not our beef, but I thought I would throw this out just 'cause. :)

I was a Republican, then I became an Independent after Nixon was impeached. However, I voted Republican through the first George Bush and have voted Democrat ever since because the Republican Party has lost their way. The current Bush Administration is the first one that I have accused of subverting checks and balances in our government. Take it or leave it for what it's worth.

Minor Axis

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He keeps promising us unity, but I just don't see it happening with somebody who isn't willing to listen to the other side.

So what does that mean? The big lie was *W* as the uniter. Hah! Obama is willing to compromise and work with the other side. If they won't listen, who's fault is it really? You solution is to elect another Republican? ;)

Scott I totally disagree on him being "far left as they come". Believe me, he's not far left. Far left is like, an anarcho communist, or a greenpeace radical that burns down housing developments. Obama is just mildly left. You calling him extremist is just silly, since he has said nothing that is extreme in any stretch of the imagination. Stop listening to conservative talk radio :p

Agreed! :)

All Else Failed

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Conservatives like to paint anyone who is left wing who they disagree with as "extreme" or "far left" when theres absolutely no extreme left winger in office in the US. At all.


Having way too much fun
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... He keeps promising us unity, but I just don't see it happening with somebody who isn't willing to listen to the other side.

Not willing to listen/work with the other side? Please enlighten me here. I would like one example of this, because you apparently haven't looked into his record to make such a statement. Until such a time where you can back this up with any proof, this is nothing more than a Republican talking point and carries no weight.

Bush has been trying to unify the government for the past several years. What will Obama do that Bush has not in that aim?

If there was any validity to this last statement, then we would not be as divided as we are today. How many times has the president absolutely refused to compromise on any of his agendas? How many times has the Senate blocked debate on the floor (75 times in the last 18 months) that's 13 more times than any 2 years in the Senate.
And forget about him working across the isle, he took it to a whole new level by effectively removing most of the checks and balances set up by our founding fathers.

I know there is a liberal string in you that's just humming chants about blood, and war, and oil and what not, but seriously.... How is he going to change Washington? He's as far left as they come, which is exactly why you and Tim like him so much. How is putting an extremist (too strong a word, but I can't find a better one at the moment) in office going to bring everybody together?

Far left as they come? Extremist? I like how the right can label him the most liberal in the senate while Russ Feingold and Bernie Sanders are still senators. Again if you would take the time to actually look at his voting record and recognize the times he has reached across the isle, you would see that he is indeed liberal, but not extreme by any sense of the word.

BTW I love how insinuate in your post that having a liberal view is somehow bad. Someone who is a liberal means someone who is broad minded, fair, and respects the rule of law. And this is bad?

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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BTW I love how insinuate in your post that having a liberal view is somehow bad. Someone who is a liberal means someone who is broad minded, fair, and respects the rule of law. And this is bad?

It is bad just like "secular" is God-less. Conservative usage: Secular activist judges are intent on interfering in...!. ;) And liberals tend to care about the working class, now that's really bad.