Obama unity:

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Tried (unsuccessfully) to get a debate going about this in another thread.

What does it mean when Mr. Obama says he will unify America?

My interpretation is that all of the conservatives need to shut up and follow his liberal agenda without asking any questions. If that happens, then there will be unity. If it doesn't happen, that it will be the fault of the conservatives for not getting with the program.

What'd I miss?
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Having way too much fun
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It means that he is not afraid to work with the other side to get things done. Where did you ever here him say it's my way or the highway?

Take a look at what he did in Illinois. There were many issues that he personally worked hard at bringing people together. The bill he introduced involving video taping interrogations was apposed by both law enforcement and the governor, yet he worked his ass off showing them the benefits of the bill. He was persuasive enough that the bill passed both houses of the legislature, the Senate by an incredible 35 to 0. <More on this topic...>

Obama worked with both Democrats and Republicans while in Illinois to help working families get ahead by creating programs like the state Earned Income Tax Credit, which in three years provided over $100 million in tax cuts to families across the state.

There are more, I just don't have time right now since I am at work... :D


DT3's Twinkie
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Tried (unsuccessfully) to get a debate going about this in another thread.

What does it mean when Mr. Obama says he will unify America?

My interpretation is that all of the conservatives need to shut up and follow his liberal agenda without asking any questions. If that happens, then there will be unity. If it doesn't happen, that it will be the fault of the conservatives for not getting with the program.

What'd I miss?

I am at work as well, or I'd go off on a tangent. One thing I have witnessed, it that typically Dems are normally willing to lay down the swords for the betterment of effective government (i.e. unity in the House)

Rush has convinced conservatives that Dems are the devil, BUT I do see the face of the beloved Neo-cons party changing. Youth is going to re-invent the way government is operated...Just wait.


Having way too much fun
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Republicans cannot in good conscience talk of unity when in the last 18 months they have filibustered 75 times in the Senate. They wouldn't even allow the Bills to get to the floor for debate.


DT3's Twinkie
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Republicans cannot in good conscience talk of unity when in the last 18 months they have filibustered 75 times in the Senate. They wouldn't even allow the Bills to get to the floor for debate.

That is basically my point. Not only have they divided the house, in my opinion they have divided nations...Including ours.

At som epoint someone needs to put the pieces back together, and honestly, I think John or Barak can do it, I just think Barak can do a better job, it's taken me some time, but I grow more fond of him.

Minor Axis

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I've always thought it was Newt Gingrich who took politics to the low level they are today, but I just read an article about Nixon. Hmm.

Anyway what I remember is that before Newt, you could look at your ideological opponent and say, "your an honorable person, but I disagree with your position and you are wrong for this reason".

The Republican Party during the time of Newt adopted Slash & Burn Politics, not only must you disagree with your opponent, but you must destroy their character, "not only are you wrong, but your the scum of the Earth." Politics in the U.S. have been polarized ever since, but most ironic, it's God's Party who acts the least like God would want you to act... I view what the Republican Party has done as the most vile corruption of the word of God. Do you see any of them acting like Jesus would want you to act? They are the wolves in sheep clothing and most of them laugh off the truly conservative Christians who have aligned themselves with the Party.

As far as unifying the country, the last guy who claimed he would do that, our current President was an outright liar. When you stake out rigid ideological boundaries, there is no room for compromise. Based on Obama's record, I believe he is well equipped to work with the other side. The question is are they willing to work with him?


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it's God's Party who acts the least like God would want you to act... I view what the Republican Party has done is the most vile corruption of the word of God. Do you see any of them acting like Jesus would want you to act? They are the wolves in sheep clothing and most of them laugh off the truly conservative Christians who have aligned themselves with the Party.
I don't think many people really care enough to get to know God's character to even know how God would possibly act.

And at least half of my Christian friends are Democrats, not Republicans. Wolves in sheep clothing are not truly Christians ... they are wolves in sheep's clothing ... rofl.

Minor Axis

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I don't think many people really care enough to get to know God's character to even know how God would possibly act.

Isn't the Bible, God's handbook? That's what everyone seems to be quoting. ;)

And at least half of my Christian friends are Democrats, not Republicans. Wolves in sheep clothing are not truly Christians ... they are wolves in sheep's clothing ... rofl.

Bingo! :)


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I view what the Republican Party has done as the most vile corruption of the word of God. Do you see any of them acting like Jesus would want you to act? They are the wolves in sheep clothing and most of them laugh off the truly conservative Christians who have aligned themselves with the Party.

I don't think many people really care enough to get to know God's character to even know how God would possibly act.

Isn't the Bible, God's handbook? That's what everyone seems to be quoting.
People have done vile and corrupt things to the Word of God, not any one political party or group of people. Democrats as well as Republicans, as well as Centrists, Communists, Muslims, Christians, Mormons, Atheists, Agnostics, Jews, Libertarians ... white people, black people, .... What other LABEL can we throw in here ... etc. etc. etc. We are all imperfect - all of us and we all warp His divine plan.

None of us act like Jesus would want us to act all the time. None of us. Sadly, many people don't even try and others have missed the boat altogether.

As far as what everyone is quoting. So what? Are they walking the walk? And who is who to judge? That big ole' chuck of wood must be plucked from one's own eye before he'd be able to help his brother.


DT3's Twinkie
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Originally Posted by BadBoy@TheWheel
it's God's Party who acts the least like God would want you to act... I view what the Republican Party has done is the most vile corruption of the word of God. Do you see any of them acting like Jesus would want you to act? They are the wolves in sheep clothing and most of them laugh off the truly conservative Christians who have aligned themselves with the Party.

these are not my words... I have no ide where this came from....

Minor Axis

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Democrats as well as Republicans, as well as Centrists, Communists, Muslims, Christians, Mormons, Atheists, Agnostics, Jews, Libertarians ... white people, black people, .... What other LABEL can we throw in here ... etc. etc. etc. We are all imperfect - all of us and we all warp His divine plan.

Unfortunately what party for the last decade or so has wrapped themselves up in God's coat tails? Who wears God on their sleeves? Who has made your particular belief in God a campaign issue? And which party claims to be morally superior because they believe in God's standards while consistently falling on their holy swords? And while carrying God's flag which party has done more harm to the U.S. in my lifetime?

Your answer is probably going to be different than mine. :)

I just realized that claiming to be God's party has it's dangers if you not up to the high standards it invokes...


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Unfortunately what party for the last decade or so has wrapped themselves up in God's coat tails?
Nothing wrong with anyone wrapping themselves in God.

Who wears God on their sleeves?
Don't know. But I can tell when one wears God in their heart.

Who has made your particular belief in God a campaign issue?
I strive to view life through a biblical perspective as much as I am humanly able to and as much as the Holy Spirit enables me. So when I am going over any issue, it is God that guides me, that is when I let Him and am not being my own God.

And which party claims to be morally superior because they believe in God's standards while consistently falling on their holy swords?
We all consistently fall on our holy swords everyday.

And while carrying God's flag which party has done more harm to the U.S. in my lifetime?
I don't know how long your lifetime span is. But regardless, it is not one party that is doing more harm to the US than any other party due to how our government is set up on a intricately woven set of checks and balances that continues to sway back and forth through the years.

I just realized that claiming to be God's party has it's dangers if you not up to the high standards it invokes...
God is not a republican or a democrat.

Minor Axis

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Nothing wrong with anyone wrapping themselves in God.

Nothing at all unless it's a sham and they are doing it just for votes, and they don't meet the standard.

We all consistently fall on our holy swords everyday.

Fine and dandy, just do the electorate a favor and don't put yourself in a leadership position as a disciple of Jesus.

I don't know how long your lifetime span is. But regardless, it is not one party that is doing more harm to the US than any other party due to how our government is set up on a intricately woven set of checks and balances that continues to sway back and forth through the years.

The current Administration has done an excellent job of subverting checks and balances. I'm hoping the situation is about to be corrected.

God is not a republican or a democrat.

Agreed as we don't know what God really is. ;)


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disciple of Jesus
Never knew that was a political party and never saw it on a ballot. Politicians are damned if they do and damned if they don't answer religious questions. This really is a mute point.

The current Administration has done an excellent job of subverting checks and balances. I'm hoping the situation is about to be corrected.
Don't kid yourself. Every party ever elected has done an excellent job of subverting checks and balances, which is why the pendulum continuously swings back and forth.