boy don't watch Fox News. They are about to piss themselves they are so mad.
Are they (I never watch)? Of course they are. But if it were Dubya, they'd be fauning all over the Patriotism of it all.
You may be right, but the White House poisoned the water when they published the lesson plans. Retracting the "how can I help the President" part was too little, too late. Obama and/or his advisors seem pretty slow to learn such lessons.
Probably a revision cuz the 'right' got paranoid. Once again, had it been Dubya the right would not have a problem w/that phrase.
doesnt it seems vaguely like kennedys "ask not what your country can do for you"?
Shhhh.... We're not supposed to remember Kennedy. Besides, he was killed for his views of doing away w/the sold out status quo...
Gotta love the Bush Administration for the paranoia it provided. I am tired of Obama this and Obama that. True, up to this point, I ain't thrilled w/him as he is NOT reversing things that the Bush Admnistration put into place. But it was the Bush Administration that took down this country after September 11th. W/scared sheeples blessings so we'd be 'safe'.
Tho, the BA put into place things that have been in the works for decades. Hey, the Patriot Act wasn't written right after September 11th. It was picked up off a shelf, dusted off & shoved through w/the perfect opportunity September 11th provided.
Remember the adage:
GOP = Nazis
DEM = Commies
WePeeps are being attacked by both sides. Until everyone understands that and votes accordingly (after we've derailed vote-fraud of course) nothing will change. Sadly we are too busy fighting amonst ourselves over division issues (just what those politicians want) to actually be effective. We UsefulIdiots get what we deserve. Period.
In the meantime, as I said ealier, a speech to our kids by the President don't bother me one bit. I bet it's harmless. But it does serve to turn one side against the other (voter wise). So I guess it's still.....
Mission Accomplished for the sold-out status quo that is our government - both sides of the aisle.
On that note, I'm done :horse:horse:horse for the day...