Obama. Please put the Pope in jail.

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I agree with Wyndex. Calling names indicates a breakdown of the conversation which should be avoided for the sake of discussion. If you think someone is a bafoon, use your logic and knowledge to shoot them down.

Regarding the Pope, I'm not a legal scholar but if evidence supported the notion that the Pope vetted the handling of the pedophile priests in the U.S. and Europe, he would be guilty of the crimes of conspiracy and obstruction of justice. I think he could be tried absentee, or if he enters the applicable country, he could be arrested. What is idiotic about that?

the idiotic part is where he says england, and the US can engage in arresting the pope for this.
when the pope isn't even the one guilty for doing so, the priests are.

the only possible way the US and england can do so is with approval of the UN to enter italy, and italy's approval. which that consent wouldn't be given due to how powerful the pope is.
and if consent was given, it would cause worldwide controversy, and most likely chaos.
everything about what "I am the greatest" is saying about this is idiotic.
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Peter Parka

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how do you expect obama to put the pope, leader of the catholic chruch in jail.
so many holes are poked in this.

for one the pope lives in i think the vatican in Italy, if not the vatican still in Italy.
the president of the UNITED STATES. can't physically put anyone in jail, if he could the pope would still have to face trial. if was aswell possible, people of the catholic faith would protest this like crazy, and theres more people in that faith then their are americans. the president would have to get approval from the UN, aslong with it would require US military entry into Italy, which the Italian leaders most likely wouldn't allow. the president of the UNITED STATES doesn't have international justice power unless a crime is commited against the UNITED STATES, which the pope has done none too.

bottom line, you're an idiot if you actually think Obama can get the pope locked in jail.

Actually the Vatican is a seperate country.;)

As for the second point - you mean like what's been happening in Guantanomo bay?;)


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i don't see the issue, he made an idiotic statement saying obama and england can put the pope in jail.
only an idiot, would actually think this is legally possible.
not like i got vulgar and personal.
True. For the sake of harmony & such, how about restricting yourself to calling a statement idiotic. You can berate a post all day long. It still gets the point across.

Greatest I am

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it's not that america fears the pope. it's that nothing legally can be done about it by america.
america went to war for oil, because bush lied his way in, and convinved congress to declare war on iraq. and thats irrelevant to this conversation, because this isn't a war, nor war needy.
and no, england can't do anything about it either, because they aswell can't do anything about it legally. only ones who can take anything close to legal action on the pope would have to be the italian goverment, since the pope is located where, in italy....

and as for the kids in the US.
the pope didn't do anything to them physically, the american priests did.

you're an idiot, stop talking.

Bite me.


Minor Axis

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the idiotic part is where he says england, and the US can engage in arresting the pope for this.
when the pope isn't even the one guilty for doing so, the priests are.

the only possible way the US and england can do so is with approval of the UN to enter italy, and italy's approval. which that consent wouldn't be given due to how powerful the pope is.
and if consent was given, it would cause worldwide controversy, and most likely chaos.
everything about what "I am the greatest" is saying about this is idiotic.

If you reread my previous post, I explained how it could happen. If the Pope was directly associated with these crimes, I think the effect of him being tried even in absentee would be detrimental for the Catholic Church. If nothing else, it deserves a wake up call. However, I am all ready used to the top fish being smart enough to insulate themselves from crimes committed they condoned (if they did condone them).

Bite me.


See iKon what you started?? ;)
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You have to have a trial before being found guilty.

Oops, that is U S law and does not apply.


What in God's name are you talking about. While I don't defend the actions in Guantanamo; arresting and trying the Pope would be something totally and completely different. Terrorists taken to Guantanamo are unlawful combatants, acting with no allegiance to any country, as such they don't have Geneva convention rights. Furthermore, as they are not citizens of the United States, they are not subject to due process, trial by their peers, or anything else of the sort.

Meanwhile, the Pope is the head of a sovereign city-state, and you cannot try him for something that he may or may not have had knowledge of. There isn't any proof that the current Pope or any of his predecessors had a hand in the abuse of children by priests. That'd be like arresting the President because a member of the military broke the law... because, you know, the President should know everything that's going on within his country right?


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I dislike the pope.
He is to "Old-School".
His views are out-dated.
But it would be better just to not let him travel anywhere :).

And Guantanomo bay....you can't blame Obama for that. Blame bush. I'm afaird Bush needs to put on trail.
I understand the need for Guantanomo bay, but EVERYONE desevres a fair trail. No matter what they may have done.


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Guantanamo bay, has NOTHING to do with this topic.
it's completely irrelevant.

bottom line Obama nor any country in the world can put the pope in jail.
once again, "greatest i am" just stop trying to defend your point.
it's useless, you lost, this topic is over. my side is correct.
just save yourself the falsehood.

i'm done here, dismissed.


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.... but EVERYONE desevres a fair trail. No matter what they may have done.

so your basically saying the offense doesnt matter or the laws of other countries as long as we pay for a trial, a lawyer, room and board, and apply our laws and rights to them even though they aren't U.S. citizens..so that they can potentially spend 20+ years in one of our prisons on our dime and possibly infect others with their twisted thoughts or even get off scot-free and since we've given them the rights of a U.S. citizen,..we may as well grant them citizenship etc....i could go on, but is that basically what your saying?

or should we just go by the laws of the country they come from and stone them to death or hang them,..drag them through the streets naked till they are dead possibly?..oh and i think some countries would include the immediate family as well

just curious...

Greatest I am

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What in God's name are you talking about. While I don't defend the actions in Guantanamo; arresting and trying the Pope would be something totally and completely different. Terrorists taken to Guantanamo are unlawful combatants, acting with no allegiance to any country, as such they don't have Geneva convention rights. Furthermore, as they are not citizens of the United States, they are not subject to due process, trial by their peers, or anything else of the sort.

Meanwhile, the Pope is the head of a sovereign city-state, and you cannot try him for something that he may or may not have had knowledge of. There isn't any proof that the current Pope or any of his predecessors had a hand in the abuse of children by priests. That'd be like arresting the President because a member of the military broke the law... because, you know, the President should know everything that's going on within his country right?

If you believe that the Vatican and Pope have not colluded in pedophilia----keep your head in the sand.

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Greatest I am

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Where's your proof? My head isn't in the sand, my head is in facts. You haven't provided any.

Send an e mail to Christpher Hitchins lawyer. He will be pleased I think to send you a long list.

As to my proof of religious abuse, I can give you some anecdotal renderings but you would likely not believe the word of victims.
