If conservatism has been the down fall then explain what it appears the only down times since Carter have been when democrats controlled congress. Or is it just a coinkidink. This latest downward spiral occurred in short order after Pelosi and Reid got in power.
Average Americans like you and me having this argument over who is at fault is no accident Allen.
The eventual loss of control of the government by the people began in 1913 at Jekyll Island Georgia. That's when our currency was turned over to the private banking system under the name of the Federal Reserve - which has nothing federal to do with it. I suggest you spend more time studying that historical event and less time defending the conservatism that keeps all of us enslaved.
"Conservatism" is simply "conserving" what was done to us in 1913.
This is what has happened to us, and it began long ago:
"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it's profits or so dependant on it's favors, that there will be no opposition from that class." — Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild
Think about it and it is simple. With the nations money supply in private hands, the corpratocracy saw a way to gain almost complete control with deregulation of industry. Carter, Reagan, Bush 1&2, and Clinton happily deregulated until we have the situation we face today.
Now, all they have to do is keep boogeymen and wedge issues alive for us to fight over and blame. Unions; religion; gun rights; and abortion to name 4 big ones.
And John please do not respond with the same old conservobot and talk radio crap. There is a reason conservatives think as they do. We don't need the talking points to believe what we believe in. And talking points are not a one sided issue. Both parties thrive on those sound bytes. One could make the opposite claim that all you listen to is the likes of Ed Shultz and the other leftists on radio and tv.
"Conservatives" think as they do because the Corpratocracy has the TRILLIONS required to get their message out. They have convinced you that those evil liberals that believe in living wages, universal health care and good working conditions for the masses are the problem, rather than the Federal Reserve, deregulated banks, union busting, wage reductions etc.
Why else would otherwise intelligent working Americans side with the top 1% who has stacked the economic system to benefit them at the demise of the small business and working class?
Anyone who is dependent on a paycheck from a job is foolish for supporting a system that devalues their labor and allows the wealthiest among us to hoard TRILLIONS and telling us we should be grateful for our gruel as the top 1% enjoys caviar on the backs of labor.
Why would otherwise intelligent small business operators vote for a political philosophy which empowers big business to the demise of small business? The taxation system favors big corporations over small business. How many small businesses do you know that pay zero taxes while getting huge tax subsidies from Joe Taxpayer. Try this on for size:
According to compensation survey administrator PayScale in 2010, the average income of small business owners varies widely depending upon their level of experience. For example, small business owners with less than one year of experience in running an organization earn an annual salary ranging from $34,392 to $75,076. Those with more than 10 years experience, on the other hand, earn upwards of $105,757 per year.
But the Corpratocracy, through their various and sundry mouth pieces would have us believe that if taxes were raised on incomes over $250,000, small business owners would be ruined. The fact of the matter is that most small businesses don't even gross $250,000.
But you hear the lie repeated via the Corpratocracy media every day, and then regurgitated by well meaning Americans who have been fooled by the conservo-libertarian political philosophy. And so these otherwise rational Americans continue to vote for their own demise.
By the way when did liberal become a nasty word? Now the left call them progressives. I know there has been a progressive so called movement for ages but only til recently did that term get substituted for liberal. Is it because we are not the liberal country that the left likes to think we are? Too toxic a term?
I love the word liberal. I am a liberal. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. I will not shrink from that title. I am proud to be a liberal. I am embarassed that I was once fooled by the Corpratocracy into believing in the conservo-libertarian philosophy and actually considered myself a conservative.
Liberal became a bad word when the corpratocracy decided Liberalism was a threat to its control of the toiling masses. They hired the Limbaughs, Hannity's et al to spread their message that "liberalsim is a social disorder" and other such nonsense.
Now, 6 corporations have almost total control of the mainstream media. In the 1980's, media ownership was spread over more than 50 corporations. Control the money supply, control the media, control education, control the masses.
The truth, however, is that conservatism is the real social disorder. Conservatism ensures the control of society economically by the top 1%. Liberalism threatens that control - hence the BILLIONS spent by the Corpratocracy to convice you that liberal is a bad word.