Well-Known Member
you're in the United States, right? Planet Earth?
I'm not sure we're in the United States anymore, GP. WTF are our tax dollars being given to these idiots in the first place?? Oh, you burned through billions in profits, reward stupitidity with pleasure trips and huge bonuses? Here, take some of our money as well! :wrf:jeebus cripes, sarge, these are the same companies that ran our economy into the ground and now are needing billions of dollars from the government to keep them afloat.
I'd say the majority of decisions such as to pay someone tens of millions of dollars IS part of the problem, if not THE problem.
The salary cap is as much symbolic as it is pragmatic. I'm sorry, but if MY tax dollars are going to bail out a company because they FUBAR'd, I think it's only fair that they DON'T get paid $25 million per. That's just me...
Why do you think Wells Fargo put the kibosh on their swank Vegas trip patting themselves on the back for doing a great job right after receiving billions? I mean, really now....
If this were still the United States, we'd be celebrating the little banks and businesses that stepped in where the giant ones fell, hiring whatever competent people they might find among the rubble and wishing the others good luck.
Instead, we watch as our gov't dumps truckloads of cash onto the fire, then act surprised as it burns; then try to fix the banking and mortgage problems by increasing healthcare for children -- and doing it with straight faces!
Paying people tens of millions of dollars isn't the problem, it's not allowing stupid people to suffer the consequences of their stupidity. That's what would have happened in the United States.