If you think about it, paying them a modest salary, and giving the rest in stock options is a novel idea, it will give the incentive to be innovative in bringing value to the marketplace again, and come up with good ideas to bring he value of the stock back up.
Their very salary will depend on it
Probably 99% of publicly held companies in America already do this. The average base pay for a CEO is usually just 10%-20% or so of what they make on the stock options they are given as part of the compensation. You're completely right - without any incentives like this, many CEOs will just sit back and enjoy the ride, which is why any smart company will make stock options the bulk of the compensation for a CEO.
As I understood it (and I could be wrong), the base pay and incentive pay combined could not be valued at more than $500k with Obama's new law. But, if that is not the case, and incentive pay isn't limited, then I don't care so much.
I think you would be amazed at how many qualified people would absolutely jump at the opportunity to be the CEO of any of these companies. Hell, they would do it for $0 in salary. These CEO's aren't in it for the money, it's all about power and control. That's why the dedicate their lives to their work.
I completely disagree with that statement. Maybe a handful of CEOs are only there for the power grab, but what motivates just about all of them is the money.
You are viewing these people as responsible and moral which appears to be a mistake. CEO's entered the ego zone along time ago. In the last 20 years many of them have been acting on it for self enrichment. In the zone you are deserve fabulous wealth because you achieved the position of CEO. Secondly you really expect the BOD to look out for the long term health of the company? They are at the feed trough collecting their $100k per year (or more) by supporting the decisions of the management. They are all in the zone. Five years of duty and they (CEOs) are rich. That is all they care about. So they need a reality check. Anyone who thinks they deserve to be independently wealthy because they are good CEOs really needs to examine their value system imo. I would not really have a problem with a $2 million retirement. But why does this person need a $25 million or more bonus? There is NO good reason other than greed which is not a good reason. I don't care how good of a job you did.
You're stuck in the socialist mindset - the mindset that says, "This person doesn't NEED this much money". Well, duh, but he wants it. And the board of directors for the company is willing to pay it. And the owners of the company are willing to pay it, because they believe the CEO is worth it. So what is the problem? After all, it is the owner's and board of director's money to spend as they see fit, why not let them spend it?
It's like the government coming in and saying you can't pay $25,000 for a new car, because no one deserves to get paid that much for a car. Your limit is $10,000 whether you like it or not. Now, when you're car shopping, and you have $50k in the bank, and you really want that new 4x4 truck because it'll be perfect for traveling in the snow, you can't get it because the government won't let you and people call the car manufacturers greedy for charging that much. Well, the car manufacturer could make a 4x4 for $10k, but it wouldn't be near the quality or capacity of a $25k truck. Same thing for a CEO. You can limit the salary, but you won't get the quality or capacity of a higher paid CEO.
I know some of the CEOs out there are downright crooks, but punishing all CEOs for it is not the answer, nor will it help these companies return to profitability.