Well every company in the United States is going bankrupt, didn't you know that? At least that's what the Chicken Little's in the Whitehouse want you to believe.
What will occur is either the CEO's will leave and a second rate CEO will be hired and that will just mean it will take even longer for the company to get out of the hole. Or the current CEO will stay and re-negotiate his compensation to say that he (or she) will accept the cap but once the government loan is paid back and the cap no longer applies you will pay me all the money I should have earned when the cap was in effect.
In my opinion, any CEO without integrity is second rate. Bottom line, my company isn't going bankrupt, we have cash on hand, and a solid line of credit.
Our execs. have had to leverage immediate profit with longevity in a volitle marketplace.
Not every CEO deserves accolades simply because he or she "made it". Just because they made it to the top of the heap, doesn't mean they are without accountability or that they even belong there.
When our CEO was selected, his original task was to get our company in shape to sell, with vision and tenacity, he convinced the board to trust him and he has placed our company in a position of trendsetter compared to companies our size. He is innovative, compassionate and ethical.
He is compensated handsomely for it, but he has also navigated tough waters and turned a sinking ship around. That is what an executive is supposed to do, not rob the safe when nobody is looking.
The total lack of foresight in the thinking that just because your there, your supposed to be there is why we are where we are. Regardless of who's in the White House, we are where we are because of greed and a total lack of fundamental integrity, to defend that type of business pracitce is insane.
At the end of the day, Wall St. came to the American taxpayer to save them, and now it's time for them to suffer some consequence.
Or should we just continue to give them money....And not hold them accountable...Again? I am not saying everyone, just the ones that asked for money....
I find it hard to give anyone creditbility who immediately after sinking an entire economy, says "WE NEED MONEY"
Then take a multi-million dollar bonus, cause...well they could have lost more....But they managed to damage control...