NYT- “Obama New And Not Improved”

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Someone was pinging on Obama for breaking a campaign pledge. I said McCain had broken promises. I was called on it. I made my comment about McCain changing his mind. You said you were happy that McCain changed his mind. I was asking you if you thought there was a difference in the two examples?
Did Obama break a campaign pledge? I'm not aware of that. Was it in the OP that I didn't read? LOL! Doh!
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Minor Axis

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So why don't you enlighten us as to why in the world oil companies are just leaving oil sitting in fields when they can sell it for $4.50 a gallon? I have asked this question a 100 times and not one liberal has been able to give me a straight answer. I am REALLY interested in hearing the answer to this one. :rolleyes:

How do I know you really know the answer? :p

Actually there has been several conspiracy theories floating around that certain oil refiners just happen to develop very convenient maintenance problems, just enough to keep the oil supply tight and the price high. But I don't know enough to pass judgement on that.

Minor Axis

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The point is the answer is so fucking obvious, one shouldn't even need to answer it. Its like me asking you why you don't shoot yourself in the head. :rolleyes:

Oh come on now, I can't be just giving you the answers all of the time. You need to do some of your own research once and a while...

Oh well of course--its a conspiracy--why the fuck didn't I think of that right off the bat--that explains everything! :rolleyes:

Let me tell you that anytime I hear someone actually believes in a conspiracy, it immediately tells me they are about as rational as Chicken Little. I could demonstrate to you mathematically just how ridiculously high the odds are of pulling off any conspiracy on any large scale (such as the kind you just implied), but you'd ignore it choosing to believe instead the answer that best fits what you want to believe.

PS--the odds are astronomical (about a billion to 1 round numbers).

Oh yeah, then there is this other theory that instead of socking away their record profits, the oil companies should be properly maintaining their facilities. Maybe even some of the millions Uncle Sam has bequeathed them on tax breaks.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Mulder these liberals are anti anything positive. They are consumed with everything anti Bush and anti Oil that reason goes out the door.

Somebody else stated a term for those that are consumed with this type of attitude politically.


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Mulder these liberals are anti anything positive. They are consumed with everything anti Bush and anti Oil that reason goes out the door.

Somebody else stated a term for those that are consumed with this type of attitude politically.

It's unreasonable to refuse to vote for someone who would take my right to make decisions about my own body away?

Minor Axis

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Mulder these liberals are anti anything positive. They are consumed with everything anti Bush and anti Oil that reason goes out the door.

Somebody else stated a term for those that are consumed with this type of attitude politically.

Funny you mention positive things as they have become fewer and fewer over the last many years with your boys in charge.


Having way too much fun
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Total bullshit--you are falling for the typical leftist crap that the ecological wackos have used for years that has put us in this position to begin with.

Permits are issued for large tracts of land--NO ONE IS GOING TO DRILL WHERE THEY DON'T EXPECT OIL. The oil companies are forced to accept leases on large tracts of land only very small portions of which is there any oil or where any oil can be obtained economically and where they already are getting it.

See above--you need to educate yourself on this topic.

Then why the fuck aren't they? Have you asked yourself that? Why in the world would anyone in their right mind sit on permits and not drill for oil, especially now that is so expensive and in such high demand. Seriously, this has got to be the most ridiculous argument I see and people keep making it over and over and over again. Do you think oil companies just want to drill in Alaska or off shore because they want their way? :confused Answer your own question--why in the world would they not be drilling on land they have permits to drill on? What possible reason? :confused If you were the CEO of Exxon, what would you be telling your stockholders every year, "Well, we have all these permits for all these fields of oil, but we just don't want to drill there--we prefer to drill offshore and Alaska so we are gonna just keep ignoring all this other oil! :rolleyes:

You know, you almost sound like you know what you're talking about if one were to quickly read through your post. Before you come back at me with this complete and total bullshit conspiracy crap, you better have some facts to back it up... I'll give you some time to actually go out and educate yourself on the topic before we continue since I can see you don't have the facts behind your argument. This will be quite fun to see if you will be able to back up your position with fact and not have to resort to name calling, belittling of your opponent and double talk... I seriously doubt it.

Then when you feel you are properly educated on the subject come back and we will discuss it...


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Lotta ground to cover here
I'm closed off to him because I hate nearly everything he stands for. (I can't think of anything he's said or done that I would support but anything is possible.)
This is the condition of an American voter (and probably many others). What a sad state of affairs.

Here's an easy one: John McCain announced his support for offshore drilling, which he opposed as recently as January. Did he change his mind or break a promise?
The point I'm making here is that since he's McCain, he's breaking a promise. If it's Obama, he's changing his mind. In fact, I believe you used these VERY words about the OP:

"Personally I'd rather see him get elected so it's not a big deal to me. He changed his mind. Was anyone disenfranchised?"

Partisan politics sicken me.

Trying to drill our way out of this problem IS more of the same.
I believe you, but what about the part where you're arguing with Mulder about land permits and such? Not flaming, just looking for the connection.

So did Obama change his mind or break a promise?
according to you, it's no big deal to you unless McCain does it. Then it's lying.

He's not that far left Grace. Take a look at the political compass. He's practically conservative from where I'm sitting.
:humm:so you support him because he's conservative or Democrat? :dunno

what has Obama really done to warrant the highest office in the land other than give a few good big arena tele-prompt read speeches .......with catch words "hope" and "change"........it seems most of the frenzied Obama fans would cheer regardless of what Obama actually says.........."the good people of <enter your state>........"hope"......."change"......"the planet is in peril"........yeahhhhh......woooooooo.....rawwwwwww.........

seems that some Obama supporters would vote for him regardless what he has done or says....it may be a good idea to know what "hope" and "change" he is referring to
I'll say this, Tex. Right man, right time, right message.

Actually there has been several conspiracy theories floating around that certain oil refiners just happen to develop very convenient maintenance problems, just enough to keep the oil supply tight and the price high. But I don't know enough to pass judgement on that.
then why even bring something up that you don't know about? Why even bring it up? It destroys your credibility. I'll tell ya, there are enough intelligent and informed people in this very thread that will sniff shit like that out and eat it alive. If you don't know about something, it's best left out. Free tip.

Mulder these liberals are anti anything positive. They are consumed with everything anti Bush and anti Oil that reason goes out the door.
...your boys in charge.
I'll say it one more time, with feeling


Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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The point I'm making here is that since he's McCain, he's breaking a promise. If it's Obama, he's changing his mind. In fact, I believe you used these VERY words about the OP:

"Personally I'd rather see him get elected so it's not a big deal to me. He changed his mind. Was anyone disenfranchised?"

Partisan politics sicken me.

I was not the one who accused Obama or McCain of breaking a promise. Regarding Obama it has been the Republican party making the stink.