NYT- “Obama New And Not Improved”

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I found this to be very interesting.

Senator Barack Obama stirred his legions of supporters, and raised our hopes, promising to change the old order of things. He spoke with passion about breaking out of the partisan mold of bickering and catering to special pleaders, promised to end President Bush’s abuses of power and subverting of the Constitution and disowned the big-money power brokers who have corrupted Washington politics.

Now there seems to be a new Barack Obama on the hustings. First, he broke his promise to try to keep both major parties within public-financing limits for the general election. His team explained that, saying he had a grass-roots-based model and that while he was forgoing public money, he also was eschewing gold-plated fund-raisers. These days he’s on a high-roller hunt.

Link for complete article:


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Minor Axis

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You need to evaluate the promise and decide how important it was. Personally I'd rather see him get elected so it's not a big deal to me. He changed his mind. Was anyone disenfranchised? Most of his contributers are small donations, exactly what you want to see in an election as opposed to large corporate or special interest contributions.

Minor Axis

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lol and a black muslim president... whats wrong with that picture?

First off you don't know what your talking about. Do you have a problem with a black president? And btw, he's not muslim.

As far as controlling Congress, the toilet has been clogged with more and more crap over the last 7 years. It's going to take less Republican's in Congress and one heck of a plunger to get it flushing properly. I can all ready see it, the Republican's have totally screwed up this economy for many reasons but by mostly enabling a wreckless war we can't afford. And when the Democrats take over, you'll be blaming them for that too.

Minor Axis

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*quoted deleted by Jersey*

This type of disgusting, probably raciest comment is not welcome in this forum, at least not by me.


Mrs. Dontchaknow
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*posts edited and racist comments removed*

Refer to the Board Rules if anyone else is unclear what is tolerated on this forum. Let this serve as a warning for everyone in this thread. If there are any further racist comments, you will be infracted.


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You have 29 posts and in 2 of them that I've read thus far, and this is not even including the ones that were edited, you've deemed it necessary to point out your skin color and the color of other people's skin in response to issues/threads where skin color isn't pertinent to anything being talked about. I don't know if you realize it or not, but your responses do come across and/or are perceived as racist.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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You need to evaluate the promise and decide how important it was. Personally I'd rather see him get elected so it's not a big deal to me. He changed his mind. Was anyone disenfranchised? Most of his contributers are small donations, exactly what you want to see in an election as opposed to large corporate or special interest contributions.

This is called enabling. Accept anything if it fits the picture. The guy is inexperienced and full back tracking. Apparently many are mesmerized by the spin. You would think after going thru the last 7 years of spin that one would give a shit and not be so accepting. But that happens when we get garbage for candidates. We got Bush because the Democrats had putrid candidates. Now they have one that speaks pretty but is so fully of socialist bullshit ideas it is scary.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I don't really care if he did change his mind, he's still better than McCain. A monkey would be better than McCain.
That is the thought process which has put us into this bull shit. People not demanding honesty. If we quite giving these assholes a blind eye they might actually feel accountable.


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Obama is a politician. I think he has what it takes to be a great leader BUT his chosen career is that of a being a politician. Yes , he can inspire change , but he cannot change the very nature of modern day politics ( or politics historically speaking ) so yes he is going to play the game like any other candidate in the free world would and does. The hope is that along the way he does more good than harm. That hope isn't something that belongs to me or any one person , it belongs, in my opinion , to all of those who want a change , including Senator Obama himself. But lets not anyone imagine him to be so different that he could single handedly change the way Washington or any world power works. At best he can and does inspire people to get up and say something , hopefully that will lead to doing something and in a couple of decades someone Mr Obama inspired will again take office and will again play politics. Thats why its called politics. In the end all that we can hope for is the the sum of good is greater than the sum of bad. In my opinion Senator Obama will tilt the scales that way as well as any politician ever has or could , but I never forget that first and foremost he is a politician.

Regarding the racist comments and ignorance that was written in this thread. It just goes to show you that like politicians will never change , other types , lower types , will never change either and no matter how "modern' we get these lower types are here to stay as well.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Obama is a politician. I think he has what it takes to be a great leader BUT his chosen career is that of a being a politician. Yes , he can inspire change , but he cannot change the very nature of modern day politics ( or politics historically speaking ) so yes he is going to play the game like any other candidate in the free world would and does. The hope is that along the way he does more good than harm. That hope isn't something that belongs to me or any one person , it belongs, in my opinion , to all of those who want a change , including Senator Obama himself. But lets not anyone imagine him to be so different that he could single handedly change the way Washington or any world power works. At best he can and does inspire people to get up and say something , hopefully that will lead to doing something and in a couple of decades someone Mr Obama inspired will again take office and will again play politics. Thats why its called politics. In the end all that we can hope for is the the sum of good is greater than the sum of bad. In my opinion Senator Obama will tilt the scales that way as well as any politician ever has or could , but I never forget that first and foremost he is a politician.

Regarding the racist comments and ignorance that was written in this thread. It just goes to show you that like politicians will never change , other types , lower types , will never change either and no matter how "modern' we get these lower types are here to stay as well.
So with all due respect it appears you are also an enabler that will accept less than an honest person. I say it again. As long as we let them get away with these lies then we can expect the same crap from here to eternity.

John Adams WAS a politician. He had the stones to do what he knew was right when he defended the British charged with the charade of the Boston Massacre which was an overblown mob style reaction to the events. There is not one Politician today with the stones to take a stance at risk of their losing political gain. Maybe politicians were real people back then. Today they are actors that are robbing us blind.

So you can have your politician. i want a STATESMAN with some moral fiber. Not a con artist.


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You can go back to ancient rome and greece all politicians play the same game, thats why they call it Politics. All politicians will eventually turn to the middle road in modern democracy, this is a fact without exception. The only true renegades are probably raising hell at a PTA meeting somewhere or maybe at best , a city council meeting.

( -------> worked on Capital Hill for many years. )

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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You can go back to ancient rome and greece all politicians play the same game, thats why they call it Politics. All politicians will eventually turn to the middle road in modern democracy, this is a fact without exception. The only true renegades are probably raising hell at a PTA meeting somewhere or maybe at best , a city council meeting.

( -------> worked on Capital Hill for many years. )
I am NOT naive about politics. I do understand fully how it works. That does not excuse liars. We used to hold people accountable. Those days seem to be gone.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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I am naive about politics. I do understand fully how it works. That does not excuse liars. We used to hold people accountable. Those days seem to be gone.

Liars have only ever been held accountable throughout history when the've been on the losing side. :nod:


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That is the thought process which has put us into this bull shit. People not demanding honesty. If we quite giving these assholes a blind eye they might actually feel accountable.

I'll take a slightly dishonest Obama over any kind of McCain. This is not my general attitude towards politics. It's specifically created for this election. Normally, I'm much much pickier but I despise McCain with every fiber of my being. It's still a matter of the lesser evil but McCain is so far down there that a monkey would be better.