boombala Active Member Messages 3,082 Reaction score 619 Tokenz 0.00z Jan 18, 2010 #622 Have enough $ to buy food
Laure Active Member Messages 708 Reaction score 0 Tokenz 0.02z Jan 18, 2010 #623 Sunshine! It's been a month since I've seen a sunny day.
Ehrard85 Member Messages 158 Reaction score 0 Tokenz 0.00z Jan 18, 2010 #625 Then there is my dog, gym, karate and just being alive is pretty good at this moment
K kim3478 Guest Jan 18, 2010 #626 Haha, nice rides XP I still need to learn to drive. I wrote off my car a couple years ago lol. I'm happy for having a ten hour sleep.
Haha, nice rides XP I still need to learn to drive. I wrote off my car a couple years ago lol. I'm happy for having a ten hour sleep.
Jessica Well-Known Member Messages 14,972 Reaction score 24 Tokenz 221.76z Jan 18, 2010 #627 happy for a good school district
Wichita Active Member Messages 533 Reaction score 0 Tokenz 0.00z Jan 22, 2010 #629 Im happy cuz' the weekend is so close
HottyToddyChick Toes in the water... Messages 16,140 Reaction score 0 Tokenz 0.00z Jan 22, 2010 #631 I'm happy 'cause I have a HUGE jar of pickles all to myself.
K kim3478 Guest Jan 22, 2010 #632 I'm not incredibly happy right now, but I guess I am happy that I have good friends on OTz.
freakofnature Vampire Premium Messages 24,161 Reaction score 779 Tokenz 3,703.26z Jan 22, 2010 #633 The Flames have not lost 7 straight...yet.
K kim3478 Guest Jan 23, 2010 #634 Happy that there is such a thing as Burgen Soy-Lin Bread for women's wellbeing. Going to start buying it now, for my own naughty little experiment hehehe.
Happy that there is such a thing as Burgen Soy-Lin Bread for women's wellbeing. Going to start buying it now, for my own naughty little experiment hehehe.
Tangerine Slightly Acidic Messages 3,679 Reaction score 0 Tokenz 0.00z Jan 23, 2010 #635 The feel of a warm, sleepy, purring cat pressed up against you at nap time.
Taralynn Well-Known Member Messages 5,998 Reaction score 0 Tokenz 0.00z Jan 23, 2010 #637 My baby, sweaty and curled up against me. Sleeping sweetly. Every once in a while she gives out this really sweet, loopy smile while she dozes. Watching my chocolate lab protect her from people he does not knows.
My baby, sweaty and curled up against me. Sleeping sweetly. Every once in a while she gives out this really sweet, loopy smile while she dozes. Watching my chocolate lab protect her from people he does not knows.
boombala Active Member Messages 3,082 Reaction score 619 Tokenz 0.00z Jan 23, 2010 #639 My 13 gig MP3 player
satinbutterfly Miss Piggy Messages 21,782 Reaction score 48 Tokenz 169.23z Jan 23, 2010 #640 I was good today in DSW. I didn't buy a thing, but oh how I wanted to.