mom arrested for spanking

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Tomball police chief: Mom did more than just spank teen

[SIZE=-1]04:10 PM CDT on Wednesday, May 6, 2009

[SIZE=-1]By Rucks Russell / 11 News [/SIZE]

TOMBALL, Texas -- The arrest of a mother for allegedly assaulting her teenage daughter has generated dozens of complaints and driven Tomball’s top lawman to speak out on his department’s behalf.
Karen McAdams said she was arrested after spanking her 15-year-old daughter.

Karen McAdams was arrested nearly two weeks ago and charged with simple assault.
“We are not and never would target parents for disciplining their children,” said Tomball Police Chief Rob Hauck, who was addressing allegations his officers were going after parents who spank their kids.
“In this case, we had hard evidence and statements that convinced us that a crime had been committed,” Hauck added.
Police say McAdams did more than spank her 15-year-old daughter. They say she attacked the teen, leaving bruises on her arms and cuts on her mouth and upper lip. McAdams spent three days at the Harris County Jail. CPS has temporarily placed the girl with relatives.
McAdams told 11 News she "whuped" the girl after she found condom wrappers and drug paraphernalia in her closet.
“I tried everything,” McAdams insisted. “I talked to her about drugs and sex and even went to police for help but no one listened.”

McAdams admitted she broke the girl’s cell phone and threw it in frustration. She says a portion of the phone may have struck her daughter in the face. “I wasn’t aiming at her and I didn’t abuse her,” she added.
McAdams said her daughter has a troubled history and ran away with a 48-year-old man when she was 12. That man is now in prison.
Police say they have no record of McAdams ever approaching them for help and question her account of what happened. “It sounds like she’s trying to try the case in the court of public opinion when it belongs in a court of law,” said Hauck.
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old, but new
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im guessing if it was just a simple spanking then nothing would have happend. if, after the investigation, the police found other evidence i would say the mom was probably out of hand.

i didnt comment on this at first mainly becuase i wanted more information. i am with shey though, had it been my kid i would have dragged her ass to the police department myself and demanded help.

mystic, yes you can raise them right and put the fear in them, but sometimes they still veer offcourse.


In Memoriam - RIP
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I can't believe the fucking parents in Tomball are so fucking naive as to think the police were going after parents who disciplined their children. Makes you wonder what some parents do to their children when there's no one around.


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I can't believe the fucking parents in Tomball are so fucking naive as to think the police were going after parents who disciplined their children. Makes you wonder what some parents do to their children when there's no one around.
I think people are just afraid that the right to spank their children will be taken away by the government someday.

On another note, I love the quote in your sig. Epic. :D

Minor Axis

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You can reason with kids and some will conform, but bottom line, if they won't listen, I see no problem with a swat on backside. This is most effective with young kids, however I don't support "beating". Too often I see parents telling their kids "to stop" but they don't follow up with enforcement action if necessary. ;)

And with a 15 year old, I think the boat has sailed, as I don't think spanking is effective at this point. I also realize that when a problem child is this old, parents are in a real dilemma dealing with this. Reasoning is always good, but on a case by case basis it maybe totally ineffective. If there is an allowance or car keys, take them away. However you could be faced with a kid who thinks running away is the answer. That is a tough situation where the parent is faced with tough love or caving.

Minor Axis

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You can reason with kids and some will conform, but bottom line, if they won't listen, I see no problem with a swat on backside. This is most effective with young kids, however I don't support "beating". Too often I see parents telling their kids "to stop" but they don't follow up with enforcement action if necessary. ;)

And with a 15 year old, I think the boat has sailed, as I don't think spanking is effective at this point. When the parent uses the word "whup", it maybe more than a spanking they are talking about. I also realize that when a problem child is this old, parents are in a real dilemma dealing with this. Reasoning is always good, but on a case by case basis it maybe totally ineffective. If there is an allowance or car keys, take them away. However you could be faced with a kid who thinks running away is the answer. That is a tough situation where the parent is faced with tough love or caving.


V.I.P User
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A swat to the butt is one thing but throwing a cellphone, even if it wasn't aimed at her, ia going to far. Call the cops before it gets that far.

First of all what person "whups" a 15 year old?

ummm...yeah...the teen is 15 years old. that is TOO old to use that sort of punishment, so it serves that mother right. and obviously by the sounds of it it wasn't just a slap it was a beating, nether of which i agree with.

I was brought up that when I could toss my dad off the front porch, I was too old for spankings. But my parents never had to spank us past 6 or so (and only my sister was ever spanked more than twice).

Goat Whisperer

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I think the mother was just too frustrated and over-whelmed. She didn't think before she did. People have been acquitted from murder because they were just to angry or something and murdered someone without thinking. Like the women who found out her husband was cheating on her when she was in her car and she was in such a rage she just ran him over.

If it had been a prolonged beating or if it had happened before, I would be more worried about it, but I really don't think this qualifies as abuse.

Goat Whisperer

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Tomball police chief: Mom did more than just spank teen

[SIZE=-1]04:10 PM CDT on Wednesday, May 6, 2009

[SIZE=-1]By Rucks Russell / 11 News [/SIZE]

TOMBALL, Texas -- The arrest of a mother for allegedly assaulting her teenage daughter has generated dozens of complaints and driven Tomball’s top lawman to speak out on his department’s behalf.
Karen McAdams said she was arrested after spanking her 15-year-old daughter.

Karen McAdams was arrested nearly two weeks ago and charged with simple assault.
“We are not and never would target parents for disciplining their children,” said Tomball Police Chief Rob Hauck, who was addressing allegations his officers were going after parents who spank their kids.
“In this case, we had hard evidence and statements that convinced us that a crime had been committed,” Hauck added.
Police say McAdams did more than spank her 15-year-old daughter. They say she attacked the teen, leaving bruises on her arms and cuts on her mouth and upper lip. McAdams spent three days at the Harris County Jail. CPS has temporarily placed the girl with relatives.
McAdams told 11 News she "whuped" the girl after she found condom wrappers and drug paraphernalia in her closet.
“I tried everything,” McAdams insisted. “I talked to her about drugs and sex and even went to police for help but no one listened.”

McAdams admitted she broke the girl’s cell phone and threw it in frustration. She says a portion of the phone may have struck her daughter in the face. “I wasn’t aiming at her and I didn’t abuse her,” she added.
McAdams said her daughter has a troubled history and ran away with a 48-year-old man when she was 12. That man is now in prison.
Police say they have no record of McAdams ever approaching them for help and question her account of what happened. “It sounds like she’s trying to try the case in the court of public opinion when it belongs in a court of law,” said Hauck.

*just read* Oh, well never mind then :D


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Hit your kids.
Nothing that will cause long-lasting trauma of course. Just a decent slap round the back of the head or a quick dead leg with a fist.

Spanking is far too humiliating. Seriously, how much of a twat do you feel after being bent over, having your trousers pulled to your ankles and then being slapped repeatedly on your ass? I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror for weeks because of the amount of shame I would feel. In fact, I might do a study to prove there's a link between an increase in spanking (as an alternative to traditional punishment) and the increase in teenage suicides.

You can take some sort of pride in taking a hit. Being spanked on the other hand. . .

Well. . . lets just leave spanking for sexual deviancy.

edit: of course, this doesn't apply to babies. They aren't old enough to develop a sense of pride and thus feel the overwhelming shame from being submitted to a spanking.


Active Member
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Why wouldn't they release all that information in the first report? Sure would have saved some headaches. Sounds like a case of abuse. Sounds like that kid needs a damn good beating too.

I think I was 12 when I received my last spanking. It happened a lot through out my child hood. My mom even had holes drilled into the spoon, boy did it hurt. It straightened me up though.


old, but new
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Why wouldn't they release all that information in the first report? Sure would have saved some headaches. Sounds like a case of abuse. Sounds like that kid needs a damn good beating too.

I think I was 12 when I received my last spanking. It happened a lot through out my child hood. My mom even had holes drilled into the spoon, boy did it hurt. It straightened me up though.

that was my thought as well, but its also why i posted the second article, just to give more info. here in texas the parent is held liable for the childrens actions until they turn 17 (legal age of consent in state of tx) so lets say that mom didnt spank child, child gets pissed, runs aways, and doesnt go to school guess who gets into

that being said, i got my last spanking at about 13 with a *gasp for air* PADDLE!!!! yes folks my parents had a paddle for my bad ass growing up. i dont feel "abused" because i got my butt beat when i needed it. just my opinion


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Spanking is not an option. Corporal punishment is a relic of the past and should not be practices nowadays. Recent studies reveal that you can discipline your children differently than resorting to force. Like Mystic said, parenting starts when the child is born. I you resort to violence, and spanking is violence, you teach your children that it can be justified.

I know that it's the easiest solution to spank the child but it's not effective. It gives immediate results but it does not eliminate the cause of bad behavior. Moreover, it does not set a good example. And that is what parents are obliged to do, set an example.


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I am sorry...


I am so sick of parents calling 911(EMERGENCY NUMBER) because their 6, 7, 8, or 15 year old kid is acting out and throwing a temper tantrum and blah dah blah dah blah!! Take your belt off and whoop that ass till your arm's tired!! Do you think we are a better society now than we were say 40 years ago when a child got his/her behind beat from school to home and back for messing you think that the teachers have an easier time now with lippy disrespectfull and violent kids than 40 years ago and back because they were aloud to beat a childs ass for that! and then the kid would have to go home and get it again from momma and daddy and grandma and papa and aunty and everyone else in the hood who heard about it?!?!?!

I am not advocating extreme abuse like breaking bones or drawing blood or burning the kid, but nothing is going to strike the fear of god, or allah or who ever else you do or don't believe in, like a sound whooping!!

so stop pansying around and calling the police to raise your children!!

Do like Media in the Tyler Perry movie and get yourself a big bag full of belts!!!



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I hate spanking my children, but the hell if im going to let them be disrespectful to me, and TRUST ME, as a VERY EXPERIENCED mother and SOCIAL WORKER, time out is a JOKE!
Spank that butt!! Don't abuse the children, but let them know who is in charge.... and I say b.s. to all those mommas and daddies who yesll "if I count to 3 I'm gonna... 1, 2 Jimmy, I said I'm gonnna, 1, 2, Damn it don't let me get to 3! 1, 2, ... and never spank or discipline.... the kids don't learn anything other than "they aren't gonna do anything!"

I'm with Rob... Madia Rules!!!! Bag of belts, awesome!!!


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Hit your kids.
Nothing that will cause long-lasting trauma of course. Just a decent slap round the back of the head or a quick dead leg with a fist.

Spanking is far too humiliating. Seriously, how much of a twat do you feel after being bent over, having your trousers pulled to your ankles and then being slapped repeatedly on your ass? I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror for weeks because of the amount of shame I would feel. In fact, I might do a study to prove there's a link between an increase in spanking (as an alternative to traditional punishment) and the increase in teenage suicides.

You can take some sort of pride in taking a hit. Being spanked on the other hand. . .

Well. . . lets just leave spanking for sexual deviancy.

edit: of course, this doesn't apply to babies. They aren't old enough to develop a sense of pride and thus feel the overwhelming shame from being submitted to a spanking.

As a Clinical Social Worker, I find your information quiet odd! Hitting a child on the back of the head..... wtf!!!
Are you a professional researcher? I have my share in Research and have yet to find any correlation in spanking and teenage suicide.... Then again, in Research, you can ALWAYS find a way to manipulate findings into what you want as an end result! If you were an esxperienced researcher you would know this.... Ex- pharmaceutical research.


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I see where you're coming from Rob but I don't want you to feel offended by what I'm about to write.

The ultimate cause of bad behavior lays always in the way the child was brought up. Studies on punishment conveyed in 1995 proved that punishment is ineffectivtve as a form of disciplining the child. I don't want to get this too personal. You might have children yourself and truely believe you are a wonderful and caring parent. However, the truth is, that we should raise our children so they do not cause problems that request the uses of violence. The main consequence of violence is that the children are used to it and resort to it as adults. Also towards parents and other adults as they were taught that's is ok.

You used the argument of fear. This is not what you want your children to feel. They should obey the rules because they really respect them and respect you, the person who set the rules. It's even better if children set the rules by themselves but I don't want to make this topic too broad.

Believe me that there are many models of discipline but those which include violence as a method were proved ineffective.