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Peter Parka

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Personally, I couldn't give a shit about Clintons BJ and I couldn't give a shit about McCains affair. It's a bit of a giggle but it says nothing about how qualified and good they would be as president. It's all PR and muck raking, as I said before, their political policies and political integrity are much more important.:nod:

Minor Axis

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How about him being a vicious warhawk?

It's one thing to be tough, but it's another to be smart. The current Administration is our reward for electing twice a President who is tough, cocky, and dumb. This country is headed for crisis partially because of the vacuum of smart leadership at the top. Hopefully it's not too late to turn the ship around.

While I understand the phenomena, it riles me when zealots of any political party will forgive their leader for multiple disastrous choices because his heart (in their perception) is in the right place while he drags, through action or inaction, the country right down the toilet.


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I don't know if it's true or not but if it's true, do you consider it out of bounds? As a dedicated Christian I thought you're group looked down on this sort of activity? You know like when Newt was hammering B.Clinton for his bjob while his (Newt's) wife was in the hospital with cancer and he was having an affair...
It is not that I consider it out of bounds, but this particular bit of news is mainly in gossip rags and whether the information is correct or not and not exaggerated has yet to be seen, at least by me. I try to avoid gossip the best I can.

If McCain committed adultery, yes that is unacceptable behavior in the eyes of God. And if you followed me around all day you'd find that I sin as well. Of course because we all sin does not make it ok, but it is not for me judge someone as far as someone else's salvation goes.

If McCain did commit adultry, I would hope that over the last 35 years that he and his character have grown in Christ. I don't agree with Clinton's behavior either and he is old enough that one would think his character mature enough to know better. But we all have our demons that we battle until the day we die. I still believe that Clinton is well intentioned and that he and his wife worked hard to save their marriage. I pray nothing but the best to both of them.

Mistakes people make do not make them void of character, in fact it is in our mistakes that we are humbled and our character can grow. This does not however mean that we don't suffer consequences of our mistakes.

Personally, I couldn't give a shit about Clintons BJ and I couldn't give a shit about McCains affair. It's a bit of a giggle but it says nothing about how qualified and good they would be as president. It's all PR and muck raking, as I said before, their political policies and political integrity are much more important.:nod:
I believe it speaks volumes in regards to the maturity of their character, we just have to make sure it is not gossip.

If a 20 year old gets fired for being late all the time and a 45 year old get fired for being late all the time (all things being equal), which would you find more odd? The 45 year old getting fired for being late would be more odd as he should truly know better at that age. Of course the 20 year old should as well ... but you get the idea.

Minor Axis

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It is not that I consider it out of bounds, but this particular bit of news is mainly in gossip rags and whether the information is correct or not and not exaggerated has yet to be seen, at least by me. I try to avoid gossip the best I can.

If McCain committed adultery, yes that is unacceptable behavior in the eyes of God. And if you followed me around all day you'd find that I sin as well. Of course because we all sin does not make it ok, but it is not for me judge someone as far as someone else's salvation goes.

If McCain did commit adultry, I would hope that over the last 35 years that he and his character have grown in Christ. I don't agree with Clinton's behavior either and he is old enough that one would think his character mature enough to know better. But we all have our demons that we battle until the day we die. I still believe that Clinton is well intentioned and that he and his wife worked hard to save their marriage. I pray nothing but the best to both of them.

Thanks for your perspective. Actually I try to keep people's personal failings when it comes to "love" out of my decision to determine who I think is best suited to lead. Whether is is accurate or not, my impression is that Bill Clinton has had a problem controlling himself when attractive women are available to him, and the Lewiski affair was something that was really between him and his wife. The politics of it was it was something to exploit by the opposite party. All I ask, which is impossible to expect is that political parties use the same standard for everyone. Of course they never will.