''Only a bully would do that, David. Ignore the fools!!''
I'm tired of you spouting opinions and claiming they are facts. You say your statements are evidence, I say many of them are not and put up a poll to see how many people agree with you. The results speak for themselves.
I cant believe that a thread of this sort is allowed to happen......people get warnings and even banned for member bashing yet a member is allowed to do this? Absolutely incredible!!! Who's next to be tarred and feathered in public????
This thread went up for one reason only, MazHur continuously and consistently claims that his unsupported opinions are facts. Look at the question in this poll, it is one out of many statements he has made. I got tired of hearing it and called him on it.
Regarding MazHur's intentions in this forum, if it is his right to post a constant river of negative posts, then it is my or any forum member's right to challenge him if they disagree. I don't know who exactly you are referring to, and while I won't speak for every forum member who has participated, you won't find one post from me that qualifies as bullying, bashing, lieing, or hating as MazHur insists.
And please show me a post, any post that would qualify as MazHur being tarred and feathered. This term refers to a travesty of justice in combination with public humiliation, basically mistreatment.
He is completely one way in his opinions, he is overwhelmingly negative regarding the U.S. and as someone from the U.S. is it not my right to challenge him? In contrast, by virtue of criticizing his country, MazHur will label you a lier, a hater, an Isamaphobe, a racist, and a fool. This is a blatant smoke screen and if you want to fall for it, be my guest. I've said over and over that I'm happy to criticize the U.S., but criticism is a two way street. If you can give it, you'd better be ready to take it.
Most times I am very hesitant to use the troll label. However, I have called MazHur a troll once for his "Viva America Abortionist thread", because instead of focusing on an individual, the title of this post tries to turn it into a referendum against the entire country. There are people with opinions who want to express them. They are not trolls. There are people who post threads just to stir the pot. They are trolls. While I don't believe MazHur's intention is to troll, the end result of a post with a title like "Viva America" is troll like. How many "America Stinks" posts am I supposed to endure before I am allowed to question the author's intentions?
I suggest you and Mazhur reacquaint yourselves with the definition of bullying.
Bullying.- Websters
Bullying- Wikipedia.