Lilith or Eve? Female equality or not?

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it is as funny as me as a Canadian suggesting Australians are poor losers/rascists/insert whatever stereoptype you like

lol Im the first to take the piss out of my country so it wouldnt worry me if it was in jest, its the intention not the comments for me tbh.


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It's rather beating a dead horse to say that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sexist. Duh. They were all written from the male perspective. But religion evolves. Jews have at least some female rabbis. Some denominations of Christianity have female pastors, though there are throwbacks who take a too literal reading of scripture to justify it. Islam is the real holdout there, though in some Islamic nations we are beginning to see developments in women's rights that we saw a hundred years ago. Who knows what Islam will look like a hundred years from now? And yes, I think it will take at least that long.

Yep, I said it. Religion evolves, but very slowly. I think the more whacked-out examples people point at when saying Christianity especially is too out there for today come from a too-literal interpretation of the Bible rather than looking at same as the inspired word of God. But what do you expect when a guy comes out and says you can have a direct relationship with God, and don't need an intercessor, then soon as he's killed off a whole structure of power and control is built in His name? Two thousand years or so of misinterpretations, holy wars, inquisitions, etc. right?

If some of the throwbacks to this day are trying to keep teachers from teaching evolution and are forcing abstinence-only sex ed while the teen pregnancy and STD rate skyrocket, is it any wonder you still have some who use scripture to justify subjugation of women?

And yet, there are people of faith who do not do any of these things. Takes time, like in the historical sense of it.

Greatest I am

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It is rather stating the obvious but to those who continue to discriminate against women thanks to the bible, it is not obvious at all and if we do not point it out to them, then the change in thinking will not come to be.

For the evil of religions to grow all good people need do is nothing.



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It is rather stating the obvious but to those who continue to discriminate against women thanks to the bible, it is not obvious at all and if we do not point it out to them, then the change in thinking will not come to be.

For the evil of religions to grow all good people need do is nothing.

Yeah, but oftentimes all we can do is be an example of not doing that. Here at least I think such folks are in the minority, and I think in the case of Muslim countries it is our example in part that encourages Muslim women in some countries to aspire to a greater role, and also horrifies the existing powers there.


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It's rather beating a dead horse to say that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sexist. Duh. They were all written from the male perspective. But religion evolves. Jews have at least some female rabbis. Some denominations of Christianity have female pastors, though there are throwbacks who take a too literal reading of scripture to justify it. Islam is the real holdout there, though in some Islamic nations we are beginning to see developments in women's rights that we saw a hundred years ago. Who knows what Islam will look like a hundred years from now? And yes, I think it will take at least that long.

Yep, I said it. Religion evolves, but very slowly. I think the more whacked-out examples people point at when saying Christianity especially is too out there for today come from a too-literal interpretation of the Bible rather than looking at same as the inspired word of God. But what do you expect when a guy comes out and says you can have a direct relationship with God, and don't need an intercessor, then soon as he's killed off a whole structure of power and control is built in His name? Two thousand years or so of misinterpretations, holy wars, inquisitions, etc. right?

If some of the throwbacks to this day are trying to keep teachers from teaching evolution and are forcing abstinence-only sex ed while the teen pregnancy and STD rate skyrocket, is it any wonder you still have some who use scripture to justify subjugation of women?

And yet, there are people of faith who do not do any of these things. Takes time, like in the historical sense of it.

You left atheism out as being sexist. According to the media atheism has a problem with the way what few women that show up at their gatherings are treated. It seems those atheists conferences are nothing but sausage fests. :24:

Greatest I am

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Yeah, but oftentimes all we can do is be an example of not doing that. Here at least I think such folks are in the minority, and I think in the case of Muslim countries it is our example in part that encourages Muslim women in some countries to aspire to a greater role, and also horrifies the existing powers there.

Being an example is good for sure but that does not speak to our duty to seethat all have the same benefits and rights that we enjoy thanks to democracy.
This is one issue that shames all men who do not fight alongwith women and all women who sit back and do nothing.

Change the labels in this quote to women, Gays or children beingbrainwashed by religions and it show what we should be thinking and doing foreach other.
"First they camefor the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for thesocialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came forthe Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they camefor me, but by then there was no one left to help me." Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)


Greatest I am

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You left atheism out as being sexist. According to the media atheism has a problem with the way what few women that show up at their gatherings are treated. It seems those atheists conferences are nothing but sausage fests. :24:

At least democracies do not put laws in place to insure that women never gain equality.

Laugh away you pathetic man.

