Lilith or Eve? Female equality or not?

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"Submission" is a fact when it comes to the sexes around the world, but it is something to overcome. :)
Subservience is the term you're looking for.

Submission is not something to overcome. It's something, for those who choose to embark on that path, to endeavor to be the very best they can be.
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Minor Axis

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Subservience is the term you're looking for.

Submission is not something to overcome. It's something, for those who choose to embark on that path, to endeavor to be the very best they can be.

Maybe this is just an exercise in semantics, and I don't expect you to agree with me, but if you have not, read the definition of submission or reread it. Plus submission is directly related to subservient, subjugation, and subordinate. When combatants give up in a tournament they either say or signal something equivalent such as yield. The word is surrounded by the context of being forced in some manner. When it comes to a couples relationship, as a general description, my point since the beginning is that there are much better words to use.

After the bondage icons on your forum posts have finally made an impression on me, I'll admit that submitting to someone for fun, could be fun, but then it's not really submitting in the manner I'm concerned with. Do you still consider me completely narrow minded, judgmental and ignorant? :)
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I just reread your post. Ask someone from the Middle East what "loving and honoring" your female spouse actually means. It will be something along the lines of putting them onto a obedient pedestal. I mention this not as a reflection on any participant in this thread, but to illustrate my perspective on how far an absolute meaning can take us when using the word "submit" without adequate clarification.

Your inference to the Middle East immediately brings to mind that Sharia Law is enforced on all. You do realize there are those living there that aren't Muslim and some that are don't take it to the radical levels as others, correct?
Loving and honoring can mean as many different things as the number of people you ask to define it.
What it boils down to is the level of safety and security the individuals involved feel.

Maybe this is just an exercise in semantics, and I don't expect you to agree with me, but if you have not, read the definition of submission or reread it.

sub·ser·vi·ent (s
1. Subordinate in capacity or function.

sub·or·di·nate (s
1. Belonging to a lower or inferior class or rank; secondary.

2. Subject to the authority or control of another.

sub·ju·gate (s
1. To bring under control; conquer. See Synonyms at defeat.

2. To make subservient; enslave.

sub·mit (s
)1. To yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another.

Here are your definitions. You will see that in the 3 words above the line I drew there is at least one undeniable difference to the word beneath.
The person in the 3 above the line is considered inferior.

Plus submission is directly related to subservient, subjugation, and subordinate. When combatants give up in a tournament they either say or signal something equivalent such as yield. The word is surrounded by the context of being forced in some manner. When it comes to a couples relationship, as a general description, my point since the beginning is that there are much better words to use.

Here is where your thinking is skewed.
You are thinking that, because someone chooses to be a submissive, they are somehow defeated.
I say to you that they feel supported.

Each of the 3 words you listed, subservient, subjugation, and subordinate, all have elements of submission in them, but the same can not be said about the word submit/submission/submissive.
To submit is a choice. A well thought out, planned and detailed decision with certain safeguards and rules in place.
A submissive is not subservient because they are not seen as less.
A submissive is not subjugated because they came into the relationship willingly.
A submissive is not a subordinate because they are not lower than the Dominant. They are doing the things they do to further their relationship.

After the bondage icons on your forum posts have finally made an impression on me, I'll admit that submitting to someone for fun, could be fun, but then it's not really submitting in the manner I'm concerned with.

Do you think submitting, in the context of a D/s relationship, is only about play? Really?
Play time, in a D/s relationship, is a very minor part of the whole relationship. Being a submissive or Dominant is a lifestyle that is taken very seriously.
I could write for days to try to explain to you the true sentiments of what it means to submit but I don't think you'd truly understand until you've done enough research to understand what all is entailed.

There is a whole element of that lifestyle you have yet to grasp...even though I've tried to explain it to you. Yes, I've given you the "milk" version because you really aren't ready to ingest the "meat and potatoes" of it yet.
There is a level of trust, of understanding, of guiding, of listening, of caring, of protecting, of serving that goes along with Dominant/submissive relationships that is unrivaled in vanilla relationships.

Do you still consider me completely narrow minded, judgmental and ignorant? :)
You're making great strides. :)
I see you are trying to understand but you are struggling. You are still trying to fight using the word submit because it conjures up negative thoughts to you.

Submitting to someone is not a negative thing. It simply means you see them as your alpha and you trust them to be there to guide you, comfort you, keep you safe in times of need, and be your truest mate............among a litany of other things.
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But there's still a difference between the involuntary submission of a person in an unbalanced relationship, and the voluntary submission of someone choosing to defer to their partner in a respectful and honest relationship.

I wish I could rep you again.

Minor Axis

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You're making great strides. :)
I see you are trying to understand but you are struggling. You are still trying to fight using the word submit because it conjures up negative thoughts to you.

Submitting to someone is not a negative thing. It simply means you see them as your alpha and you trust them to be there to guide you, comfort you, keep you safe in times of need, and be your truest mate............among a litany of other things.

At least I'm progressing. Hopefully this reply won't be considered a relapse. :) I don't see myself struggling in this conversation. Considering the 1950's are only 60 years ago in Western standards, and second class status is alive and well in the Middle East, for the sake of clarity, when a women says she'd submit to a man without any other qualifiers certain conclusions might be drawn, but I admit, they might be in error. I submit that there are better words to describe when one partner in a relationship defers to another's judgment. And to clarify I'm not talking about consensual bondage.

Based on standards that exist in a substantial portion of the world, when a women says she'd submit used with the word "traditional" it paints a negative picture for someone who considers themself a progressive when it comes to womens' rights, in this case me. In my original post, I added a disclaimer in case I had misread the message. And I acknowledge that submission can be voluntary. But I think if a women is speaking of blanket submission to the opposite sex, just because the opposite sex is male, I'd have to infer they think the opposite gender as a rule is stronger, better, and/or smarter than they are. If this is not the case, there is a better way to say it.

Maybe you are overlooking the distinction I'm trying to make. Men have traditionally been the bread winners in charge of the married household. Today that is changing, agreed? If someone said, my husband/wife is better with finances than I am, so I defer to their judgment is much better than saying my husband is a man so on that basis I submit to him. And it's a matter of degrees to me. "Deferring" can be a case by case basis. I assume "submitting" can too, but as I've said, based on it's historic meaning, I have problems with that word when it is used as the primary means to describe a woman's relationship to a man.
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I have problems with that word when it is used as the primary means to describe a woman's relationship to a man.
This is the crux of your dilemma.

I'll repost my thoughts instead of retyping them:

. Being a submissive or Dominant is a lifestyle that is taken very seriously.
I could write for days to try to explain to you the true sentiments of what it means to submit but I don't think you'd truly understand until you've done enough research to understand what all is entailed.
Submitting to someone is not a negative thing. It simply means you see them as your alpha and you trust them to be there to guide you, comfort you, keep you safe in times of need, and be your truest mate............among a litany of other things.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a submissive. Fortune 500 CEO females would be a grand example of an accomplished woman who is still a submissive in her relationship.

Keep in mind, any gender can be a submissive and they can submit to any gender.

Inability to grasp the fundamental difference between being a submissive and being subservient, IMHO, is your biggest struggle.
While both, in your mind, conjure up similar images, a submissive is cherished while the subservient is just used.

Your 50's example illustrates this. All of the small minded concepts of a woman's place being in the home, having no input, just good for cooking, cleaning and rearing children...blah blah blah....are all examples of a subservient mate.
That mindset lends itself to a frustrated, unhappy mate. She doesn't (in a general sense) feel complete or whole. She's not being told how much she can achieve or being supported in attaining it.

That is not the case with a submissive. (Of course, that doesn't mean submissives are expected to be Fortune 500 CEO's, but you get my meaning)

In reference to your word defer:
When a person submits, to whatever gender, they have decided that deferring to their partner is something they wish to do as a matter of course.
Again, this doesn't mean they don't have their regular routines, responsibilities, duties etc..
It just means that as a matter of comfort, they see their mate as their acknowledged alpha and trust in their guidance for the betterment of the relationship.
There are no power struggles.

Lots of people do this and don't even realize it is what they are doing. They just find it feels safer to them to have that type of relationship.

Just a humorous note:
Have a look at your reply button when ready to have your response read. :p

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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This is the crux of your dilemma.

I don't have a dilemma. I've stated my case as clear as I can and I'm comfortable with my feelings on the subject. It's up to you to and others to consider my position and acknowledge its worth or discount it as you see fit.

And if you think "submit" is the best way to describe a woman's relationship with a man, that's your right too.

PS- You're not really trying to equate posting a message in a forum to the state of a couple's relationship are you? :)
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I don't have a dilemma. I've stated my case as clear as I can and I'm comfortable with my feelings on the subject. It's up to you to and others to consider my position and acknowledge its worth or discount it as you see fit.

And if you think "submit" is the best way to describe a woman's relationship with a man, that's your right too.

PS- You're not really trying to equate posting a message in a forum to the state of a couple's relationship are you? :)

Your dilemma is the fact you're still missing the fundamental point.

I've said over and again thats not describing a woman's relationship with a man.
But, "submit" is absolutely the proper word to use for those that choose to have that type of relationship.

Obviously, there are many types of relationships. Being in a Dominant/submissive relationship is just one of them.
Not every type of relationship is described as the woman submitting to the man. There are male submissives who have Dominant female partners....

One of the things that makes life so wonderful is the choices we're presented with.

*The bit about the reply button was tongue in cheek It had nothing to do with any sort of relationship. That's why I made the remark about humor. :)
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Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Your dilemma is the fact you're still missing the fundamental point.

I've said over and again thats not describing a woman's relationship with a man.
But, "submit" is absolutely the proper word to use for those that choose to have that type of relationship.

Obviously, there are many types of relationships. Being in a Dominant/submissive relationship is just one of them.
Not every type of relationship is described as the woman submitting to the man. There are male submissives who have Dominant female partners....

One of the things that makes life so wonderful is the choices we're presented with.

*The bit about the reply button was tongue in cheek It had nothing to do with any sort of relationship. That's why I made the remark about humor. :)

If you consider a world/historical view of how a word has been and continues to be used, and if that is the only word used to describe a relationship, which is ment to portray something other than blanket obedience there are better choices imho.

I'm not missing the point. I'm disagreeing with the point. And no hard feelings. :)


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If you consider a world/historical view of how a word has been and continues to be used, and if that is the only word used to describe a relationship, which is ment to portray something other than blanket obedience there are better choices imho.

I'm not missing the point. I'm disagreeing with the point. And no hard feelings. :)

You are missing the point.
In fact, it seems you've missed most of what has been posted.

The word submit is wholly different than what you're trying, in vain, to make it mean.
In order for a person to submit, they have to CHOOSE to do so. AND....that choice has to be accepted.
Your contention is that all of the down trodden through the centuries have been forced into submission and THAT is where your point falls apart.
The mere mention of force negates the use of act of one's free will. If it's not a choice, then it's not submission. Simple as that. No argument.
You're waffling back and forth between two other meanings....subservience and subjugation. THOSE TWO are the ones that have been forced on people throughout history.
To submit absolutely portrays something OTHER than blanket evidenced by the post that started us on this path.
BleedingBull said that if things were NOT the way she wanted, the person she would SUBMIT to......could go fuck himself.
You see?
One more time....
just because you submit to someone does NOT mean you lose yourself. It means that your alpha has inspired you to trust them enough to do that. IF AT ANY TIME THEY FAIL (as in...not correcting whatever behaviors after you've offered input) you have every right to tell them to go fly a kite.
You can't do that in the relationships you've been wanting to use as examples.

Again, I understand why you're struggling to grasp the whole idea.
You've said yourself you have trouble with the word.

And no...absolutely no hard feelings.
I've quite enjoyed being able to discuss points and counter points without this spiraling into some juvenile argument. Refreshing really.
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Lilith or Eve? Female equality or not?

Who was the first woman Lilith or Eve?........................................

In reality, from a scientific pov.....neither.

And Lilith was not considered human.
The myth goes....she was a female demon.
So your question can't be's nonsense ( like I expected some thing else :rolleyes: )

But Lilith as a myth is interesting as a curiosity.

And the gnostic version quite so.

On the third day, it is written twice, "And Elohim saw that it was good" [Genesis 1:10-12]..................

When [in the first day] the primeval light [Yehidah] was as yet invisible or unmanifested, a קליפה Kliphah [sheath or covering of חשך choshek - darkness] formed itself around it. This Kliphah expanded and produced another Kliphah [לילי, לילית Lilith] that extended itself, it ascended and descended [to Briah] until it reached the small face [the Spirit, Chesed], with which it wished to be united and bear its form permanently. So, when [Yehidah] the Holy One, blessed be He, created [רוח ruach, the Spirit, the Chesed of] Adam [in Briah], He devided it [the רוח ruach, the Spirit, Chesed] from it [the first Kliphah, חשך choshek - darkness] and the [second] Kliphah [Lilith] descended below, in order to amend it [the רוח ruach, the Spirit] in this world [of Malkuth],...............

When [the Kliphah, Lilith] saw [the lunar creative force] Chavah [Chaiah, life of Malkuth] clinging to the side of [the Neshamah of] Adam [Chesed], who [in Briah] represented the beauty of [the light Yehidah] above, and saw in them [Chesed and Geburah] the complete [archetypical] form, it flew up from its place [Malkuth] and wanted to cling to the small faces [Chesed and Geburah] as before. However, the guards [Cherubim] at the gates [of Eden, Yesod] did not allow. The Holy One, blessed be He, scolded it [Lilith] and cast it into the depths of [Yesod] the sea [in Klipoth].......

The Kliphah [Lilith] sat there [in Yesod, Klipoth] until Adam and his wife sinned [fornicated]. Then the Holy One, blessed be He, took the Kliphah [Lilith] out from the depths of [Yesod, Klipoth] the sea. It [the Kliphah, Lilith] took control over [the psyche of] all those babies [offspring of fornication], the small faces [lustful egos] of people, who deserve punishment for the sins [of fornication and adultery] of their fathers [Adam and Eve, Brain and Sex]. It [the Kliphah, Lilith] wandered around the world, approached the gates of the terrestrial Garden of Eden [Sex], saw the Cherubim guarding the gates of the garden and sat down near the blade of the sword from which it had originally emerged................

When the bright blade [or flaming sword of Lucifer, turned towards the left and right columns], changed [kept the Kliphah Lilith away from the spinal medulla, the tree of life, then the Kliphah] fled and wandered [108 times] around the world and found [psyches of] babies [offspring of fornication] due to be punished. The Kliphah laughed [enjoyed fornication] with the babies and then killed them [for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die]...................

When Kain [the Mind, which physical's vehicle is the brain] was born, [the Kliphah, Lilith] was unable to cling to him [the רוח ruach, the Spirit, Chesed, whose throne is the Central Nervous System], but later [when Kain, the mind, killed Abel, the Consciousness, through fornication] it [the Kliphah, Lilith] approached him [the רוח ruach, the Spirit, Chesed], and [through Kain, the sinful mind] manifested to him earthbound spirits and flying spirits...................

Adam [the brain, through fornication] had intercourse with those female spirits for 130 years until [the mind as Tubal Kain's sister] Naamah [evil beauty] came. Because of Naamah's beauty, she led the [psyche of the] Beni Elohim, Aza and Azael [lunar creative psyche forces of Yesod and Hod] astray. She bore them [Incubi and Succubae]. Evil spirits and demons spread out from her into the world. They wander around the world during the night, deriding human beings and causing nocturnal pollution. Wherever they find men [and women] sleeping alone in their own homes, they hover over them and cling to them, arousing lustful desires [masturbation] and having offspring by them


I think that qualifies as a definition for 'mindfuck'.

Some more:
Lilith is violence against nature:
When we transmute our sexual energy into Light, then we receive Understanding and Intelligence.

In Fornicators the energy is transformed into Subtle Stupidity.

Lilith is the opposite of Anael (the Angel of Love):

Lilith is hatred/violence in sexuality.

There are many souls identified with Lilith.

The Holy Spirit acts through sex, and so we must know how to respect sex.

We work against these elements related to the 3 brains.

We have many egos within related to these 3 demons.

GIA...........that's a lot to take in of your religion all at once and there is a lot of linkage to more of the same easily found.

Greatest I am

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Key here is that my religion does not read scriptures literally and like the Jews, they are only used to stimulate thought and discourse to seek God.

It is the seeking that is important and to read literally, the way literalists and fundamentals do, is idol worship in the eyes of any thinking person.



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Key here is that my religion does not read scriptures literally and like the Jews, they are only used to stimulate thought and discourse to seek God.

It is the seeking that is important and to read literally, the way literalists and fundamentals do, is idol worship in the eyes of any thinking person.


Key here is that my religion does not read scriptures literally
That's not a trait that gives credibility to reality or a faith based system.
It's merely stating the gnostic position hasn't an 'iron clad' position in the way that fundamentalists adhere to.
That fact alone certainly does not generate credibility.
One of your complaints you toss out at Christians is their belief in an invisible God.
And yet, from what I have seen and read, there is no first hand evidence in any of the gnostic teachings. It's personal commentary.
If you want to believe it as a faith based system, fine......but don't pretend there is much foundation to it other than scattered commentary.

It is the seeking that is important....
Your presence here isn't one of a's one of an attacker.

to read literally, the way literalists and fundamentals do, is idol worship in the eyes of any thinking person.
With all the backward logic, mysticism, myths, demons, various and numerous gods and spirits in the gnostic writings......let's just write it all off :D
That's what a thinking person should do.........imo, of course :p
Apparently, that's what most 'thinking' people did over the centuries.