Let's Be Like Pakistan!

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I've never said or implied the U.S. is free of corruption. How about you MazHur, what do you say about Pakistan?

I'll see you one corruption and raise you Christian Persecutions (<-link) in Pakistan! :)

One sparrow doesn't make spring..thousand times more Muslims have died since then and are dying due to the US intervention and innocent killings!


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This is Amerika!!

Prisons For Profit
By Timothy V. Gatto


The United States, according to the New York Times , has 5% of the World's population and 25% of all people incarcerated on the planet! In reality, in the United States, one in every hundred people are in some kind of incarceration. One may ask why we have so many of our citizens behind bars? There is no simple answer, but all of the answers point to money. Incarceration is big business in the United States


Political Witch Hunt In America
By Maureen Murphy


I have been summoned to appear before a federal grand jury in Chicago on January 25. But I will not testify, even at the risk of being put in jail for contempt of court, because I believe that our most fundamental rights as citizens are at stake


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Thanks, I have been answering to all questions but when someone won't believe and insist on something which is beyond me I just get lost. If you have read my threads you will note that my 'adversaries' are repeatedly cursing the same thing over and over again. I wish I was as Idle as them but I have many other things to look after. Mind it I don't live on dole and there's no dole for any Pakistani. It's kinda a struggle for existence, survival of the fittest. time an again I have been telling that there is lack of rule of law and justice in Pakistan hence the problems. the government is corrupt because of unreasonable support by the US for its own vested interest. If women are being tortured by tribal men it's not due to religion but counter=product of the corruption and disaster which America and its cronies have spread all over here. Suppose what you would do if you were here in a war and terror ridden country with lack of almost alll amenities and devastated economy??
Criminals and terrorists are beyond our govt control as they they are not in the control of the Coalition. Consequently do you think it is reasonable for persons sitting in advanced countries compare conditions prevailing in their lands with Pakistan and that too without realizing that Pakistan is just 63 years old out of which it was ruled for more than half that period by the Martial law??

Those who don't understand these ground realities are either suffer from mental deficiency or have deeply embedded bias against poor people and poor countries. It is these wimps who can never travel to this part of the world due to their unpopularity among more than abt 800 Million in total!!

The jaundiced eyes of wimps only view every evil due to religion while they openly abuse their own and God and all and are yet proud to call it ''Freedom''!!

Shakespeare hath rightly said about such people....

How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!

William Shakespeare

All the best!!:)

What you're missing is that America and the rest of the west are secular countries... a large portion of the populace don't believe in any one particular God, or in any at all. So in their view they aren't abusing their God at all. If they don't have one how could they abuse it? We're not like the Middle East where if you aren't a Muslim, you're a second class citizen... well, the Middle East sans Israel.


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Of course, not just the forum but all of humanity would benefit from the truth according to MazHur. :p

I just love how when non-flattering truths come out about Middle Eastern countries, they're "Zionist lies". It must be pretty sweet to just blame everything on Israel.


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so the US is to blame for all the corruption and crime

now that is rich

nice try but your back woods country is living in the dark ages which is your problem

How is it you can be on the internet at all hours of the day anyway Maz

here are some eye-openers for you as of today and that too by your own people!! Answer them if you have guts!!
From: In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Secret Palestine Documents Expose Sham “Peace Process”
By Bill Van Auken


The release of some 1,700 secret documents has exposed the so-called peace process as a criminal farce, part of a permanent US-Israeli conspiracy against the basic rights of the Palestinian people

PA Selling Short The Refugees
By Laila Al-Arian


Palestinian Authority proposed that only a handful of the nearly six million Palestinian refugees be allowed to return

Israel’s Peacemakers Unmasked
By Jonathan Cook


This week, the first of hundreds of leaked confidential Palestinian documents confirmed the suspicions of a growing number of observers that the rejectionists in the peace process are to be found on the Israeli, not Palestinian, side

Total Capitulation
By Tariq Ali


The 'Palestine Papers’ being published this week by al-Jazeera confirm in every detail what many Palestinians have suspected for a long time: their leaders have been collaborating in the most shameful fashion with Israel and the United States. Their grovelling is described in grim detail

The "Palestine Papers" Revealed
By Stephen Lendman


Sustained grassroots anger brings change, and what better reasons than poverty, unemployment, repression, occupation, and suffocating conditions under siege. Maybe exposed PA treachery created a rare chance seldom possible. Now's the time to seize it

Minor Axis

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How come when you post links and copy and paste articles its perfectly ok and just, but when anyone else does it, its wrong?

Ive noticed you like to prove your point with passion and conviction which is admirable, but you do not like others to do the same? why is this? Do you really believe that all you post is truth and right and everyone elses opinion is wrong?

just curious dude.

Thanks, I have been answering to all questions but when someone won't believe and insist on something which is beyond me I just get lost. If you have read my threads you will note that my 'adversaries' are repeatedly cursing the same thing over and over again.

And you don't sound like a broken record, oh no.

I wish I was as Idle as them but I have many other things to look after. Mind it I don't live on dole and there's no dole for any Pakistani. It's kinda a struggle for existence, survival of the fittest.
Today you've benefited from my extended wisdom because I have the day off. :)

time an again I have been telling that there is lack of rule of law and justice in Pakistan hence the problems. the government is corrupt because of unreasonable support by the US for its own vested interest.
I've not heard you criticize your homeland once, just consistantly defend it's religious and sexist practices. All countries act in their own vested interests. Show me one that does not, even Pakistan.

If women are being tortured by tribal men it's not due to religion but counter=product of the corruption and disaster which America and its cronies have spread all over here.
Make all the excuses you want.

Suppose what you would do if you were here in a war and terror ridden country with lack of almost alll amenities and devastated economy??
And whose fault is that?

Criminals and terrorists are beyond our govt control as they they are not in the control of the Coalition. Consequently do you think it is reasonable for persons sitting in advanced countries compare conditions prevailing in their lands with Pakistan and that too without realizing that Pakistan is just 63 years old out of which it was ruled for more than half that period by the Martial law??
If you want to debate a river of criticism directed at the U.S. or other Western Powers be ready to defend practices in your own country. Extreme Islam is not something the West put on you. Stop making excuses as to why none of it is your countries fault, it's someone else's fault.

Those who don't understand these ground realities are either suffer from mental deficiency or have deeply embedded bias against poor people and poor countries. It is these wimps who can never travel to this part of the world due to their unpopularity among more than abt 800 Million in total!!
Poor people and countries have my complete sympathy. My debate is against your one way arguments trying to justify the mistreatment of women and a government controlled by religious zealots.

The jaundiced eyes of wimps only view every evil due to religion while they openly abuse their own and God and all and are yet proud to call it ''Freedom''!!
In my world, God would not begrudge us the freedom to question or even to bad mouth him. This only happens in an intolerant, controlling religious view.

Regarding your link to Sham Peace Process: http://www.countercurrents.org/auken250111.htm
I have condemned the Israeli world view for my adult life. Yes it was the Western powers that created a zionist state in the Middle East. In hind sight, this was a huge mistake and I disagree with blanket U.S. approval of Israeli policies for that last three decades. They deserve to defend themselves, but they must make allowances and peace with their Arab neighbors.
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And you don't sound like a broken record, oh no.

Today you've benefited from my extended wisdom because I have the day off. :)

I've not heard you criticize your homeland once, just consistantly defend it's religious and sexist practices. All countries act in their own vested interests. Show me one that does not, even Pakistan.

Make all the excuses you want.

And whose fault is that?

If you want to debate a river of criticism directed at the U.S. or other Western Powers be ready to defend practices in your own country. Extreme Islam is not something the West put on you. Stop making excuses as to why none of it is your countries fault, it's someone else's fault.

Poor people and countries have my complete sympathy. My debate is against your one way arguments trying to justify the mistreatment of women and a government controlled by religious zealots.

In my world, God would not begrudge us the freedom to question or even to bad mouth him. This only happens in an intolerant, controlling religious view.

Regarding your link to Sham Peace Process: http://www.countercurrents.org/auken250111.htm
I have condemned the Israeli world view for my adult life. Yes it was the Western powers that created a zionist state in the Middle East. In hind sight, this was a huge mistake and I disagree with blanket U.S. approval of Israeli policies for that last three decades. They deserve to defend themselves, but they must make allowances and peace with their Arab neighbors.

IF you can bad mouth why do you want others to follow your creed???
You are again repeating all you've already been spewing all through...
Nobody mistreats women here due to religion, it's mainly due to bad customs among a few ethnic races, rest is Crime!! None of these is either allowed by religion or at Law!!

I already told ya I live like a Lord!! I do whatever I want whenever I want. Why are you so covetous?
I have sympathy with depraved and deprived ones....but can't stop repelling their false and misconceived opinions about me and my country. Remember,
A dog biting a man is not NEWS but it is when a MAN bites a dog!! The happenings in the US are more important to make a news than Pakistan and that's why I feed you with ubiquitous words uttered by your Own people so that you may understand!!


Having way too much fun
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Lets try a little experiment here concerning freedom

I will wear this shirt for one week in public


And in turn you must wear this shirt for one day in pubic


And we will see who is more free... Deal?


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So killing innocent people in the name of "Allah" is perfectly acceptable? You think it was alright for Muslim terrorists to fly planes into the World Trade enter? Was it okay for Muslim Terrorists to blow up a train station in Madrid? Was it okay for Muslim terrorists to blow up the baggage claim area of the Moscow airport yesterday?

All of those were done in the name of Allah, so they must be acceptable to you. Just like the murder of innocent women that did nothing wrong but be born in your disgusting backwards excuse for a country. Then be raped by your disgusting fellow Pakistani citizens, who just like yourself, are stuck in the bronze age, or even further back.



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Lets try a little experiment here concerning freedom

I will wear this shirt for one week in public


And in turn you must wear this shirt for one day in pubic


And we will see who is more free... Deal?

and mazHur will be dead within the first hour


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YOU and your cronies have NO Right to ask me that. That obviously smacks of hatred, bias and racism and warrant you to be banned.

i'm not racist,as i've stated before i have many friends of different cultures and religions,i consider myself rich in that department

i'm not bias,i respect islam but not the views of over zealous believers

i dont do hate

Minor Axis

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IF you can bad mouth why do you want others to follow your creed???
You are again repeating all you've already been spewing all through...
Nobody mistreats women here due to religion, it's mainly due to bad customs among a few ethnic races, rest is Crime!! None of these is either allowed by religion or at Law!!

I already told ya I live like a Lord!! I do whatever I want whenever I want. Why are you so covetous?
I have sympathy with depraved and deprived ones....but can't stop repelling their false and misconceived opinions about me and my country. Remember,
A dog biting a man is not NEWS but it is when a MAN bites a dog!! The happenings in the US are more important to make a news than Pakistan and that's why I feed you with ubiquitous words uttered by your Own people so that you may understand!!

It takes two to repeat each other. ;)

If you want to ping on the U.S., then show some willingness to examine your own culture.

You mentioned corruption in Pakistan, but then you claimed it was all the U.S. fault instead of just acknowledging humans are weak and corruptible and if the U.S. was not involved (I'm not saying it is), then it would be some other temptation they could give into, yes?

Religious intolerance, you have said the Pakistan is tolerant. How can that be when Islam is the only recognized religion (the others discriminated against in a variety of ways)? And speaking out against Islam is a death sentence? So if you are Christian and publicly say I don't believe in the Islam way, are you liable to be prosecuted? From a tolerance standpoint is this reasonable?

Speaking of repeat, you can repeat it as much as you like that they are not, but women are mistreated in Pakistan. You say it is tribal? I call you on this. In any location where Muslim (Sharia) law is practiced, women are held to a higher standard than the men. You have not been able to admit they are second class citizens in your society, so there is really nothing to discuss here. Your arguments as to why women have the same standard of protection under the law have been ineffectual and without merit. Your laws favor men and Muslims to the exclusion of all else.
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Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Lets try a little experiment here concerning freedom

I will wear this shirt for one week in public


And in turn you must wear this shirt for one day in pubic


And we will see who is more free... Deal?

You forgot Tim, freedom is a bad thing. He is so much better being under strict control. ;)