Let's Be Like Pakistan!

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Peter Parka

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Minor Axis

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You and your cronies are not God or God's assignees at OTZ and your pushing me to toe your line is highly offensive and derogatory not only for me but for you as well who brag about human rights and freedom of speech, etc!!

will learned mods take a notice of these unwarranted threats???

Really now, who is being the baby? No one has threatened you. I am not asking you to leave, just become more open minded to views in disagreement with your own. You are the one selling intolerance- religious and sexual subjugation. You like to throw shit so be a big boy and take it when it come flying back at you. I love criticizing my country when I think it's appropriate. Can you openly criticize your country? I doubt it.

We've had other characters like yourself in this forum who love shoveling shit regarding a variety of subjects. You want to criticize the U.S? Fine. After you've posted an abundance of negative one-way subject matter, then allow me in return to criticize your homeland. Not only that but I expect you to be man enough acknowledge when valid points are made. You appear to be incapable of this.

It reminds me of two sayings:
You reap what you sew.
He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. (credited to Jesus on adultery)
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Doesn't matter, even when people were ignoring him, he was still hijacking threads with his shit. Posting like 3-4 copy/pastes in a row.


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Really now, who is being the baby? No one has threatened you. I am not asking you to leave, just become more open minded to views in disagreement with your own. You are the one selling intolerance- religious and sexual subjugation. You like to throw shit so be a big boy and take it when it come flying back at you. I love criticizing my country when I think it's appropriate. Can you openly criticize your country? I doubt it.

We've had other characters like yourself in this forum who love shoveling shit regarding a variety of subjects. You want to criticize the U.S? Fine. After you've posted an abundance of negative one-way subject matter, then allow me in return to criticize your homeland. Not only that but I expect you to be man enough acknowledge when valid points are made. You appear to be incapable of this.

It reminds me of two sayings:
You reap what you sew.
He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. (credited to Jesus on adultery)

Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself.

William Shakespeare

Minor Axis

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Now that's one that Muslims in Pakistan (and other places) could take to heart... since they revere Jesus as a prophet, shouldn't they listen to what he had to say?

As you know, people tend to pick and choose what they like and ignore what they don't like from their favorite holy book. It's a human failing. :)

This thread is awesome

It is going to go down as the book on how to out a troll :D


Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself.

William Shakespeare

In response to my thoughtful reply, you are going to pummel me with Shakespeare?? I'm overwhelmed. I'm still waiting for your first critical post regarding, Pakistan or Middle East Islam. Then we can have a serious discussion. :D
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Minor Axis

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For those who are wondering, MazHur is using the little known SHAKESPEARE DEFENSE! ;)

MazHur, learn how to link your replies, by using the "+ box at the bottom of every post...

Imagine this: Corruption in Pakistan Hurst Common People and Breeds Extremism <-link
Many people in Pakistan believe that much of the development and a significant portion of the operations allocations are lost due to bribery and other related illegal and unethical activities. The extreme poverty and lack of infrastructure and basic services in the rural areas of Sindh and Balochistan is in part fueled by bribery, influence peddling, extortion, and abuse of power. The people of Pakistan and the international donors must rise to the occasion and start pressuring the Pakistangovernment to curtail corruption and to improve governance. Failure to do so in a timely manner will continue to frustrate poor people and make them weary of the current democratic system and drive them to extremism.
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For those who are wondering, MazHur is using the little known SHAKESPEARE DEFENSE! ;)

MazHur, learn how to link your replies, by using the "+ box at the bottom of every post...

Only an idiot would talk to an idiot.The wise observe silence!

My own personal favorite Cher song is the unforgettable Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.
Brent Spiner


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How come when you post links and copy and paste articles its perfectly ok and just, but when anyone else does it, its wrong?

Ive noticed you like to prove your point with passion and conviction which is admirable, but you do not like others to do the same? why is this? Do you really believe that all you post is truth and right and everyone elses opinion is wrong?

just curious dude.


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The Corruption Game
By Juan Cole


What the Tunisian Revolution and WikiLeaks Tell Us about American Support for Corrupt Dictatorships in the Muslim World

Corruption Triumphant in the Name of Counterterrorism
Sometimes it seems that all corrupt regimes backed by the U.S. are corrupt in the same repetitive way. For instance, one form of corruption U.S. embassy cables particularly highlighted when it came to the Ben Ali and Trabelsi clans in Tunisia was the way they offered “loans” to their political supporters and family members via banks they controlled or over which they had influence.

Minor Axis

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I've never said or implied the U.S. is free of corruption. How about you MazHur, what do you say about Pakistan?

I'll see you one corruption and raise you Christian Persecutions (<-link) in Pakistan! :)

In October 2001, gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on a Protestant congregation in the Punjab, killing 18 people. No one knows for sure who the gunmen were but officials think it might be a banned Islamic group.[125]
In March 2002, five people were killed in an attack on a church in Islamabad, including an American schoolgirl and her mother.[126]
In August 2002, masked gunmen stormed a Christian missionary school for foreigners in Islamabad, six people were killed and three injured. None of those killed were children of foreign missionaries.[127]
In August 2002, grenades were thrown at a church in the grounds of a Christian hospital in north-west Pakistan, near Islamabad, killing three nurses.[128]
On September 25, 2002 two terrorists entered the "Peace and Justice Institute", Karachi, where they separated Muslims from the Christians, and then murdered seven Christians by shooting them in the head.[129][130] All of the victims were Pakistani Christians. Karachi police chief Tariq Jamil said the victims had their hands tied and their mouths had been covered with tape.
In December 2002, three young girls were killed when hand grenade was thrown into a church near Lahore on Christmas Day.[131]
In November 2005 3,000 militant Islamists attacked Christians in Sangla Hill in Pakistan and destroyed Roman Catholic, Salvation Army and United Presbyterian churches. The attack was over allegations of violation of blasphemy laws by a Pakistani Christian named Yousaf Masih. The attacks were widely condemned by some political parties in Pakistan.[132]
On June 5, 2006 a Pakistani Christian stonemason, Nasir Ashraf, was working near Lahore when he drank water from a public facility using a glass chained to the facility. He was assaulted by Muslims for "Polluting the glass". A mob developed, who beat Ashraf, calling him a "Christian dog". Bystanders encouraged the beating and joined in. Ashraf was eventually hospitalized.[133]
One year later, in August 2007, a Christian missionary couple, Rev. Arif and Kathleen Khan, were gunned down by militant Islamists in Islamabad. Pakistani police believed that the murders was committed by a member of Khan's parish over alleged sexual harassment by Khan. This assertion is widely doubted by Khan's family as well as by Pakistani Christians.[134] [135]
In August 2009 six Christians including 4 women and a child were burnt alive by Muslim militants and a church set ablaze in Gojra, Pakistan when violence broke out after alleged desecration of Qur'an.[136]
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How come when you post links and copy and paste articles its perfectly ok and just, but when anyone else does it, its wrong?

Ive noticed you like to prove your point with passion and conviction which is admirable, but you do not like others to do the same? why is this? Do you really believe that all you post is truth and right and everyone elses opinion is wrong?

just curious dude.

Thanks, I have been answering to all questions but when someone won't believe and insist on something which is beyond me I just get lost. If you have read my threads you will note that my 'adversaries' are repeatedly cursing the same thing over and over again. I wish I was as Idle as them but I have many other things to look after. Mind it I don't live on dole and there's no dole for any Pakistani. It's kinda a struggle for existence, survival of the fittest. time an again I have been telling that there is lack of rule of law and justice in Pakistan hence the problems. the government is corrupt because of unreasonable support by the US for its own vested interest. If women are being tortured by tribal men it's not due to religion but counter=product of the corruption and disaster which America and its cronies have spread all over here. Suppose what you would do if you were here in a war and terror ridden country with lack of almost alll amenities and devastated economy??
Criminals and terrorists are beyond our govt control as they they are not in the control of the Coalition. Consequently do you think it is reasonable for persons sitting in advanced countries compare conditions prevailing in their lands with Pakistan and that too without realizing that Pakistan is just 63 years old out of which it was ruled for more than half that period by the Martial law??

Those who don't understand these ground realities are either suffer from mental deficiency or have deeply embedded bias against poor people and poor countries. It is these wimps who can never travel to this part of the world due to their unpopularity among more than abt 800 Million in total!!

The jaundiced eyes of wimps only view every evil due to religion while they openly abuse their own and God and all and are yet proud to call it ''Freedom''!!

Shakespeare hath rightly said about such people....

How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!

William Shakespeare

All the best!!:)

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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so the US is to blame for all the corruption and crime

now that is rich

nice try but your back woods country is living in the dark ages which is your problem

How is it you can be on the internet at all hours of the day anyway Maz