Law Enforcement abuse or kids just being dumbasses??

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The teens (I think they were teens) were definitely pushing the line and they were being disrespectful.

The cop should have told them to move along and not loiter in front of the store.

Here's my problem with this... The cop came into this with attitude, I'm not sure if there was something that happened prior that isn't shown on the video but I am only commenting on what I saw.
Next, the cop has no right to ask for ID. If these teens were not doing something illegal or suspected of doing something illegal than the officer has absolutely no right to ask for ID. And they had every right to refuse to show any.

The teens were acting like punks
The cop over reacted and made the situation worse. It could have been handled much better IMO

The cop has every right to ask for id and even detain people simply on the basis of his suspicion. Walmart is not public property. In addition if you are being detained (not the same as arrested) you must do as you are told or face the consequences.

The cop also asks twice to stop filming and the kids took to a joking nature and were simply acting like smart asses, at that time the cop felt the need to request id... and i believe he did so rightfully.

The way it could have been handled better would have been for thekids to follow the directive as issued and moved on... not trying to pull the shit they did.
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Fuck da po-lice.

Seriously - the cops a fucking moron. He had zero reason to confront those kids. Just because some asshat cop doesn't like someones "attitude" does not giive them the right to hassle people.

And it's really fucked up that so many Americans are so willing to give away their civil rights by supporting cops acting like this simply because they think those kids were "punks" and deserved it.

When you walk into someone elses property... you technically give some of your liberties away... you can get out of there, you do have THAT freedom lol


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Those kids were just making a goof-off video in the Walmart parking lot. Had nothing to do with the off duty cop on the Walmart payroll.

Really much ado about nothing. If the dumbass cop would have just watched, the kids would have made their silly little video to post on youtube and that would have been the end of it.

thing is in public domain that wouldnhave worked.... in private property if the person hired to secure the place says dont film... you dont get to film.


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The cop has every right to ask for id and even detain people simply on the basis of his suspicion. Walmart is not public property. In addition if you are being detained (not the same as arrested) you must do as you are told or face the consequences.

How fucked up is it that right here in America, citizens have become conditioned to give up their rights to the police state?

The cop also asks twice to stop filming and the kids took to a joking nature and were simply acting like smart asses, at that time the cop felt the need to request id... and i believe he did so rightfully.

He might have had the right to ask them to leave the property - but not to demand ID and "obedience". If the kids didn't leave, THEN he could call in and ask for an on-duty officer to assist.

The way it could have been handled better would have been for thekids to follow the directive as issued and moved on... not trying to pull the shit they did.

Why is it the kids are "pulling shit" by making some silly assed goof off video? The cop was a fucking moron stirring up shit where none existed until he created it. The off-duty cop damned sure could have handled it better.


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The cop has every right to ask for id and even detain people simply on the basis of his suspicion. Walmart is not public property. In addition if you are being detained (not the same as arrested) you must do as you are told or face the consequences.

The cop also asks twice to stop filming and the kids took to a joking nature and were simply acting like smart asses, at that time the cop felt the need to request id... and i believe he did so rightfully.

The way it could have been handled better would have been for thekids to follow the directive as issued and moved on... not trying to pull the shit they did.

Walmart doesn't have the right to demand identification unless they were attempting to purchase something that required them to be over a certain age. Therefore, the off duty leo has no basis with which to demand identification.


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Actually, some LEO's in Greensboro were awarded $1,000,000 each (5 of them) because some rapper videoed them in a store and made it out to look like he was being "wrongly" arrested where it wasn't the case and included it in a rap video of some sort that he marketed. This rapper lost the second time in court and it looks like he is out of options other than to pay.

That's an entirely different type of situation.

The Man

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Walmart doesn't have the right to demand identification unless they were attempting to purchase something that required them to be over a certain age. Therefore, the off duty leo has no basis with which to demand identification.

It wasnt Walmart asking for the ID
It was the cop
A cop off still a cop..and doesn't stop being a cop simply because he is off the clock or at walmart.:(
Hint if this were the case he could be arrested for impersonating an officer{you know the badge and uniform}


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It wasnt Walmart asking for the ID
It was the cop
A cop off still a cop..and doesn't stop being a cop simply because he is off the clock or at walmart.:(
Hint if this were the case he could be arrested for impersonating an officer{you know the badge and uniform}

Jesus Christ... would you seriously pay the fuck attention for once in your miserable existence? The premise of the previous statement was that you (the global you) give up certain freedoms on private property; and in this case, the private property was Walmart. As such, Walmart, or any agent of Walmart (in this case the off duty LEO could be construed as such), doesn't have any right to request identification except for under certain circumstances. Is that breakdown sufficiently simple for someone with a vaunted "above average" intelligence to understand?

That all being said, even if the LEO was on duty, he still would not have the authority to demand to see identification without an offense being committed which required it. Even then, identification isn't something that is required to walk the streets in this country.

The Man

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Jesus Christ... would you seriously pay the fuck attention for once in your miserable existence? The premise of the previous statement was that you (the global you) give up certain freedoms on private property; and in this case, the private property was Walmart. As such, Walmart, or any agent of Walmart (in this case the off duty LEO could be construed as such), doesn't have any right to request identification except for under certain circumstances. Is that breakdown sufficiently simple for someone with a vaunted "above average" intelligence to understand?

That all being said, even if the LEO was on duty, he still would not have the authority to demand to see identification without an offense being committed which required it. Even then, identification isn't something that is required to walk the streets in this country.

That wasnt your argument..your argument is below

Walmart doesn't have the right to demand identification unless they were attempting to purchase something that required them to be over a certain age. Therefore, the off duty leo has no basis with which to demand identification.

It wasnt Walmart asking for the ID
It was the cop
A cop off still a cop..and doesn't stop being a cop simply because he is off the clock or at walmart.:(
Hint if this were the case he could be arrested for impersonating an officer{you know the badge and uniform}

Of which you failed to address in your tangent

And again Walmart didnt ask for ID the cop did
...he was clearly in cop mode.
Are you really having trouble noticing that?
Perhaps the threads that involve law and such are not for you.
Just an observation.

Why the fuck are you bitching about wal mart asking for an ID...When it was a cop asking for an ID.
Do you even know what the fuck you post?

The Man

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No tangent?
Or are you busy fantasizing over my post / and haven't had time for another juvenile display.


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That wasnt your argument..your argument is below

Of which you failed to address in your tangent

And again Walmart didnt ask for ID the cop did
...he was clearly in cop mode.
Are you really having trouble noticing that?
Perhaps the threads that involve law and such are not for you.
Just an observation.

Why the fuck are you bitching about wal mart asking for an ID...When it was a cop asking for an ID.
Do you even know what the fuck you post?

Wow... I suppose that I'm going to have to simplify matters even more for you. I'm really sorry, I thought that someone of "above average" intelligence would be able to follow the logic of what I said and the flow of conversation. I was wrong, and for that I apologize... I didn't meant to give you more credit than you were due. :( So, let's try this again.

My comment about Walmart, or any agent of Walmart not being legally able to require someone to show identification was based on the post that I quoted originally....

The cop has every right to ask for id and even detain people simply on the basis of his suspicion. Walmart is not public property. In addition if you are being detained (not the same as arrested) you must do as you are told or face the consequences.

and this one...
1. It is standard practice to have an off duty police officer at Walmart, especially in the side of town that is described in the video.
2. Not so sure about the previous action that took place there as it appears it wasn't video'd

The reason that I responded the way that I did originally was because of the implication that one gives up rights by stepping onto private property, or has less rights on private property (Walmart) than they would on public property. Also, I read the second statement as it meaning that the off duty LEO was employed by Walmart at the time of the incident... as I know many retailers that employ off-duty LEOs for extra security or loss prevention. The Walmart near my house when I lived in Texas did that during the holiday season, as did the Best Buy that I worked at 7 years ago. It sounds as though I very well may have misread or misunderstood what was said though, but that's why I made my comment about Walmart requesting identification.

I did actually respond to the comment about the cop being on or off duty, but apparently your vaunted IQ of 128 made you overlook this very clear statement.

That all being said, even if the LEO was on duty, he still would not have the authority to demand to see identification without an offense being committed which required it. Even then, identification isn't something that is required to walk the streets in this country.

I really do apologize that I make comments that are apparently so far beyond your "above average" intelligence that you find it difficult to have a discussion with me. Hell, I'm even somewhat inebriated at the moment, so the 25 IQ points that I lose because of it should theoretically bring me down to around the "above average" level. But either that belief is incorrect, or you have overstated your IQ... which honestly wouldn't surprise me very much given what I know about you. Don't fret though, there is a place in society for everyone, even people whose IQ levels are at or below average, as it would appear you actually are.

If you really must continue to respond to me, please at least read my comments 7-8 times before responding. I also recommend that you also read every comment that I quote, and the other surrounding information, as that might give you a better insight into the greater scope of what I am saying. I hope that we can bridge this communicative gulf that exists between the two of us. I just hope that there is a way to increase your intelligence, because I honestly can't find it in myself to seek out a way to reduce my intelligence to a level that matches your own... it simply wouldn't be fair to the rest of the world.

Best of luck to you in your quest for enlightenment and knowledge, the "man". :(


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No tangent?
Or are you busy fantasizing over my post / and haven't had time for another juvenile display.

Night Retro

Wow, you really must be obsessed with me... I hadn't graced you with my presence after 19 minutes, so you felt it necessary to make a snide remark in order to try and goad me into responding? Then you commented again a mere six minutes later? I shudder to think what would have happened if I hadn't come back to my computer to finish reading the thread before I headed off to bed. Hell, this entire thread might have been overrun with posts of yours trying to get my attention, like a puppy chews things to get its owner's attention.

I very strongly suggest that you find a new subject to obsess over... are you married? Have a girlfriend? Boyfriend? If so, then you really should re-focus your attention on them. If not, then perhaps you should check out a dating website or something. If that isn't your thing, then perhaps you'd be interested in getting a puppy; as I previously referenced, they love attention, and it really sounds like you need something that will give you positive attention and affection. Quite frankly, I can't give you what you need... and I hate to think what would happen if I simply stopped posting here, or merely stopped interacting with you. I just can't be held responsible for those types of consequences... I can't be looking out for your well-being here, I have my own life to live. :(

Best of luck to you, The "Man"... I hope you find what it is that you're looking for.

The Man

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Follow along

Walmart doesn't have the right to demand identification unless they were attempting to purchase something that required them to be over a certain age. Therefore, the off duty leo has no basis with which to demand identification.


It wasnt Walmart asking for the ID
It was the cop
A cop off still a cop..and doesn't stop being a cop simply because he is off the clock or at walmart.:(
Hint if this were the case he could be arrested for impersonating an officer{you know the badge and uniform}

That wasnt your argument..your argument is below

Of which you failed to address in your tangent

And again Walmart didnt ask for ID the cop did
...he was clearly in cop mode.
Are you really having trouble noticing that?
Perhaps the threads that involve law and such are not for you.
Just an observation.

Why the fuck are you bitching about wal mart asking for an ID...When it was a cop asking for an ID.
Do you even know what the fuck you post?

As painful as it may be for you to understand...Walmart did not ask for his ID
The cop did...and he did such as acting as a cop....not representing Walmart
It doesnt matter if Walmart had him there or not.
You must seem to think that he has to stop being a cop because he is at walmarts...thus your confusion lad
Cop..acting as a cop...being a cop.

The thing lad is you just cant admit when your wrong and look like a fool....and only present yourself as a bigger fool as a result.
Oh and I love the juvenile insults lad...keep em coming I find them very entertaining.:thumbup

The Man

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Quote Originally Posted by retro View Post
Walmart doesn't have the right to demand identification unless they were attempting to purchase something that required them to be over a certain age. Therefore, the off duty leo has no basis with which to demand identification.
Take your moaning up with the cop not walmart...jesus dude

Joe the meek

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That's an entirely different type of situation.

Point being, people in general will believe what they see. Problem is, in todays technical age, sometimes what you're seeing may not be the whole story, and sometimes you don't see the whole story on purpose by the person/persons doing the "showing" of the video.

Please also keep in mind that Walmart is not public property. Some people don't understand that retail stores don't have to sell to you if they don't want to. Retail stores do have the right to ban you from their property. That said, because these loud mouth punks were black, it would only be minutes before the Rev. Jesse or Al would be at the store.
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The Man

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Point being, people in general will believe what they see. Problem is, in todays technical age, sometimes what you're seeing may not be the whole story, and sometimes you don't see the whole story on purpose by the person/persons doing the "showing" of the video.

Please also keep in mind that Walmart is not public property. Some people don't understand that retail stores don't have to sell to you if they don't want to. Retail stores do have the right to ban you from their property. That said, because these loud mouth punks were black, it would only be minutes before the Rev. Jesse or Al would be at the store.

Careful Joe he has been drinking and may exhibit a juvenilistic rebuttal in frustration.