God Bless America - 9/10
This movie was by far one of the best I have seen an a long while, not because of the acting, or deep story line but because of the sheer entertainment and message that it shoves in your face. The plot follows a middle-aged man who hates what society has become, recently lost his job and has been informed that he has a fatal brain tumor and his murders of those in society that he despises so, which includes: A unrelenting spoiled brat from a mock "sweet 16" tv show, a pompous Bill O'Reilly type figure and many more. If you ever find yourself looking at American Society with a truly disgusted feeling ... this movie is THE ONE! I would rate it 10 out of 10 except for an annoying teenage girl that accompanies him in his "adventures" which I would have imagined would be the type he would also despise. I must admit, however, that after the first minute of watching this movie, I was about to turn it off for how disturbing the first scenes are, but if you can get past that (and I do mean disturbing!) then you will be in for a fun ride!