Jade Goody Dying Of Cancer

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Peter Parka

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thats not jade's fault.. thats the justice system for ya. he is going to prison.. hell prob get out for the funeral and be put back in however.

can i point out the only reason u hate her so much and cant even feel compassion for her is cos u think she is a racist bitch.
i have heard far worse than "shilpa poppadom" its like calling me Amy the Haggis muncher.. these ppl who say far worse on a daily basis arnt being cruicified.. The only reason she got it so bad is cos BB had to make an example of her after all the shit that happend the yr before

Then the tabloids jump on it.. OMG this is OUTRAGOUS RACISM.. its not.. and infact Shilpa her self was not even bothered.. untill she came out and realised that actuly shed got a air bit of pulicity for it.

Actually, I was more disgusted when she said she wanted to catch an STD and then rub her fanny juice in Shiplas food.

. However by selling the privacy of herself and her family she has raised awareness of cervical cancer so that can only be good. Anybody who watched Wendy Richard's documentary can see who dealt with the battle better.

Jade herself admitted that was only a side effect of what she was doing and making money was what that was all about. Lets face it, if you ignore your letters from your doctor and only go for a smear test because a foul mothed, ignorant racist died of cancer, that's pretty fucked up! She never gave a penny of her money to the Macmillan nurses who cared for her either which I find very selfish. When my nan and my great uncle died of cancer, we had a whip round and gave about a grand to them as a thankyou for all they had done.
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I didn't really see Jade as being intentionally racist but she was a bully on several occasions, not just the Shilpa incident


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Theres a group that someone has created on facebook stating that they believe people should have a two minutes silence for Jade Goody on Saturday at 12 o'clock.

I think that that's ridiculas, maybe a two minutees silence for everybody that has suffered or died from cancer. But for just a reality tv star who ignored the letters telling ehr to go to the hospital?

Rememberance day has two minutes silence, Jade Gody shouldn't

Fair enough, it's sad that she died, its horrible for her kids and her family. but the fact that these people have thought of giving her two minutes silence? She didn't do anything to help people. She became famous for going on Big Brother She may have raised awareness about going foor smears, but there are lots of other people who have also helped raise awareness about cancer.

There are people who raise money for charity's trying to research for a cure. There are people who have died who also have familys, who aren't on the front page of the news.

Thoughts please


Number 2, Rafael!
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If people want to have a two minutes silence for her, then by all means do. Just don't expect us to follow suit. Something like this should always be up to the person.


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yeah i agree with that, if you wana be quiet for two mins then fair does. Some people out of the group who agree with the two minutes shouldn't insult the others who don't agree with it due to difference of opinion. It's like a war in there with the insults now lol


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Theres a group that someone has created on facebook stating that they believe people should have a two minutes silence for Jade Goody on Saturday at 12 o'clock.

I think that that's ridiculas, maybe a two minutees silence for everybody that has suffered or died from cancer. But for just a reality tv star who ignored the letters telling ehr to go to the hospital?

Rememberance day has two minutes silence, Jade Gody shouldn't

Fair enough, it's sad that she died, its horrible for her kids and her family. but the fact that these people have thought of giving her two minutes silence? She didn't do anything to help people. She became famous for going on Big Brother She may have raised awareness about going foor smears, but there are lots of other people who have also helped raise awareness about cancer.

There are people who raise money for charity's trying to research for a cure. There are people who have died who also have familys, who aren't on the front page of the news.

Thoughts please

Hear hear! Couldn't have put it better myself. The thing that really pisses me off is the fact that these arselickers who are going on about a 2 minute silence are most probably the exact same people who were slagging Jade 2 years ago for being the bully that she was. She died and that's tragic but it doesn't make her any more of a better person while she was still with us and the hypocrisy of some people sickens me


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the thing is about jade goody......12 months ago the press hated her now all of a sudden shes they're angel

i swear i dont think she was a racist

and she was cleverer than people realise,how do you think she kept herself in the public eye with no talent?

and as part of a group i'd have loved to have spent an evening in a pub with her as part of the group.....i think it would have been hilarious


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the thing is about jade goody......12 months ago the press hated her now all of a sudden shes they're angel

In the news today Sir Michael Parkinson states the same point you have just said (and I'm sure many other people have said.) It's good that someone has contacted the papers to say what alot of us are thinking.

Sir Michael Parkinson has hit out at the media's treatment of the late reality TV star Jade Goody.

Writing in the Radio Times, the 74-year-old said Goody had become property of the media "to be manipulated and exploited till the day she died".
He added she came to represent "all that's paltry and wretched about Britain", and was "the perfect victim of our times".

Goody died on Mother's Day aged 27 after battling cervical cancer.
"Her death is as sad as the death of any young person but it's not the passing of a martyr or a saint or, God help us, Princess Di," Sir Michael wrote.

"When we clear the media smokescreen from around her death, what we're left with is a woman who came to represent all that's paltry and wretched about Britain today.
"She was brought up on a sink estate, as a child came to know both drugs and crime, was barely educated, ignorant and puerile.

"Then she was projected to celebrity by Big Brother and, from that point on, became a media chattel to be manipulated and exploited till the day she died," he said.
The broadcaster added it was not the fact that Goody became famous in the first place that bothered him: "What bothers me is that the media first of all recommended we hate Jade Goody.

"'A slapper with a face like a pig'; 'the most hated woman in Britain', remember? And shortly thereafter tried to persuade us to celebrate her."
He said Goody was "the perfect victim of our times...brought up in a cesspit of poverty and died to an orchestrated chorus of exploitation".

"All that is to be wished of such a troubled soul is: rest in peace," he concluded.

Link to the original statement: BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Parkinson: 'Goody was exploited'


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In the news today Sir Michael Parkinson states the same point you have just said (and I'm sure many other people have said.) It's good that someone has contacted the papers to say what alot of us are thinking.

Sir Michael Parkinson has hit out at the media's treatment of the late reality TV star Jade Goody.

Writing in the Radio Times, the 74-year-old said Goody had become property of the media "to be manipulated and exploited till the day she died".
He added she came to represent "all that's paltry and wretched about Britain", and was "the perfect victim of our times".

Goody died on Mother's Day aged 27 after battling cervical cancer.
"Her death is as sad as the death of any young person but it's not the passing of a martyr or a saint or, God help us, Princess Di," Sir Michael wrote.

"When we clear the media smokescreen from around her death, what we're left with is a woman who came to represent all that's paltry and wretched about Britain today.
"She was brought up on a sink estate, as a child came to know both drugs and crime, was barely educated, ignorant and puerile.

"Then she was projected to celebrity by Big Brother and, from that point on, became a media chattel to be manipulated and exploited till the day she died," he said.
The broadcaster added it was not the fact that Goody became famous in the first place that bothered him: "What bothers me is that the media first of all recommended we hate Jade Goody.

"'A slapper with a face like a pig'; 'the most hated woman in Britain', remember? And shortly thereafter tried to persuade us to celebrate her."
He said Goody was "the perfect victim of our times...brought up in a cesspit of poverty and died to an orchestrated chorus of exploitation".

"All that is to be wished of such a troubled soul is: rest in peace," he concluded.

Link to the original statement: BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Parkinson: 'Goody was exploited'

Well said Mike! At least someone tells it like it is. I still can't believe Stephen Fry called her "Princess Di from the wrong side of the tracks"- what a load of old balony.


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There's now talk of a Jade Goody musical being made by her friends and Max Clifford seems to me that man is more to blame then Jade herself every time you turn around there's Max Clifford making some remark or another about how wonderful she was etc the fact that she was a bully and a rascist is beside the point as long as he can make money off her. Showbiz - News - Jade Goody musical planned - Digital Spy

also apparently Jack Tweed is bragging about the fact he's loaded in jail not much mourning going on there eh???? Not at all surprised on that one.