Jade Goody Dying Of Cancer

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Re: hi Guys Post you favorite Picture here....

i dont agree with everythign she is doing.. but to post pictures of the woman to be ridiculed is just plane morbid.. this is a paperazi shot..this is not a concented image..

i have a huge problem with paperazi.. one area in photography that i will never assosiate my self with.
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Leah's Scottish Prick
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Re: hi Guys Post you favorite Picture here....

All her pictures are paparazzi pictures though pink, she is consenting to these papers, and magazines taking these pictures. In my opinion, she deserves to be ridiculed.

Peter Parka

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Re: hi Guys Post you favorite Picture here....

This subject has come up on some other forums I post on, one person there is also dying of cancer and he hates all this Jade Goody coverage because it keeps hitting home to him what he's going through in graffic details. Unfortunately, he's not a racist biggot thicko who gurns out of our newspapers every day so he dosent get paid millions for his story, get Elton John providing a house for his wedding or Harrods buying his wedding suit for him. He just worked quietly in a mundane jobe being of far more use than Jade Goody. It really is that bad that you cant avoid it. Her funeral is going to be the biggest and most publicised since Princess Diannas. Why? What exactly has she ever done for mankind?


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Re: hi Guys Post you favorite Picture here....

well that what happens when u know a few ppl.. u get cool shit. not all her images are pap shots either.. ppl she has payed to take pics.. like OK mag or what ever.. fair enough..that is some pap arse hole has shot her gettin into a car clearly having a private moment. distraught.. just so that peter can post it on a forum so she can be ridiculed?.. how is that not morbit.. there is a difference between paperazi and journalism

Peter Parka

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Re: hi Guys Post you favorite Picture here....

The photo I posted - well here's the surrounding story. She was leaving her house. Her next door neighbour who shares a driveway with her was politely asking her entourage to shut the gate after them as he was fed up with her tons of visitors keep leaving it open. She screamed her head off at him and burst into tears screaming "I'll be dead in a month!" How this woman can be described as brave and dignified for how she is dealing with it is beyond me.


Leah's Scottish Prick
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Re: hi Guys Post you favorite Picture here....

The photo I posted - well here's the surrounding story. She was leaving her house. Her next door neighbour who shares a driveway with her was politely asking her entourage to shut the gate after them as he was fed up with her tons of visitors keep leaving it open. She screamed her head off at him and burst into tears screaming "I'll be dead in a month!" How this woman can be described as brave and dignified for how she is dealing with it is beyond me.

Exactly! Knew there would be an explanation of this sort to go along with the hideous picture.

Peter Parka

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She died this morning. Now we just have to put up with all the news about the Princess Diana style public funeral followed by an article by her boyfriend to cash in, no doubt about how he was so upset he went and pulled a slapper at Faces and then beat the shit out of a taxi driver on the way home. :smiley24:
Then, hopefully this tacky freak show can die too and we can open the papers or turn on the news to hear about real news.


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I don't know who she is.. and who cares if she is a moron or a racist. NO kid should ever have to grow up without their mother OR father, who cares if they are a bad influence? The kids don't know that, they only know that she is their Mum, and they love her.

No one should ever wish that upon anyone, that's just cruel and rude.

Peter Parka

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No one's wishing death upon her. You would have to be over here to understand. This story has simply been swamping the news and we're all sick of it. It even took priority over a respected actress when she died of cancer. This woman has been selling photos of her kids, wedding and even her Christening under the pathetic excuse that her kids will need the money when she's gone. I find that unbelievable seeing she's already made millions, their dad in a tv star too and lets face it, this isn't the time of Dickens and her kids arn't going to put in a work house and fed gruel. I've just found the whole undignified way she has done all this rather nausiating.


Leah's Scottish Prick
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No one's wishing death upon her. You would have to be over here to understand. This story has simply been swamping the news and we're all sick of it. It even took priority over a respected actress when she died of cancer. This woman has been selling photos of her kids, wedding and even her Christening under the pathetic excuse that her kids will need the money when she's gone. I find that unbelievable seeing she's already made millions, their dad in a tv star too and lets face it, this isn't the time of Dickens and her kids arn't going to put in a work house and fed gruel. I've just found the whole undignified way she has done all this rather nausiating.

Completely agree. I hope Jack Tweed gets the sentence he deserves for his attack on the taxi driver.

Peter Parka

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Cant believe how a guy who is only out on a tag for beating the shit out of a kid with a golf club and now sentenced for another violent crime is not only still free but also had tag conditions relaxed.
There you go then, if you want the law to be softer on you, go out with a media whore dying of cancer. Pathetic!:thumbdown


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In the newspaper there was a double page article which was really positive about Jade, talking about her and how bad her life was, but that becoming a reality star gave her the best 7 years of her life. According to the paper she wanted to go out in public view aswell,

She should have spent the last remaining time with her family though, without the media watching her every move. I dunno how her family must have felt when the wedding and christening were made public. She shuda spent her reamining months in private with her family enjoying the bond she had with them, the public didn't have that bond with her

I feel sorry for her family with the fact that they just want to grieve for her in peace, yet shes told them she wants her funeral to be a public thing. Funerals are meant to be for familys to mourn the lost one. Don't think her mum is too happy about it being broadcasted on TV screens

She said she wanted to raise enough money for her kids to go to private schools? I'm sure they would have been alright in normal schools.

I do feel bad for her though, althhough she did kind of bring it on herself by ignoring the two lettrs telling her the smears were abnormal

But theres so many other people who aren't reality stars who have done their best for their family who don't have the option of trying to raise millions of pounds from a picture for their kids. Jades situation has been shoved down everyones throats through the media constantly reporting it,


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Cant believe how a guy who is only out on a tag for beating the shit out of a kid with a golf club and now sentenced for another violent crime is not only still free but also had tag conditions relaxed.
There you go then, if you want the law to be softer on you, go out with a media whore dying of cancer. Pathetic!:thumbdown

thats not jade's fault.. thats the justice system for ya. he is going to prison.. hell prob get out for the funeral and be put back in however.

can i point out the only reason u hate her so much and cant even feel compassion for her is cos u think she is a racist bitch.
i have heard far worse than "shilpa poppadom" its like calling me Amy the Haggis muncher.. these ppl who say far worse on a daily basis arnt being cruicified.. The only reason she got it so bad is cos BB had to make an example of her after all the shit that happend the yr before

Then the tabloids jump on it.. OMG this is OUTRAGOUS RACISM.. its not.. and infact Shilpa her self was not even bothered.. untill she came out and realised that actuly shed got a air bit of pulicity for it.


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can i point out the only reason u hate her so much and cant even feel compassion for her is cos u think she is a racist bitch.
i have heard far worse than "shilpa poppadom" its like calling me Amy the Haggis muncher.. these ppl who say far worse on a daily basis arnt being cruicified.. The only reason she got it so bad is cos BB had to make an example of her after all the shit that happend the yr before

Then the tabloids jump on it.. OMG this is OUTRAGOUS RACISM.. its not.. and infact Shilpa her self was not even bothered.. untill she came out and realised that actuly shed got a air bit of pulicity for it.

well said, tabloids will jump at every chance to make a big deal out of somethin that she does coz shes in the public eye. If it hadn't been on Big Brother Jade might not have rereted back to the old stereotypes whn she couldn't of thought of anything else to say

Jades friends were also joining in but noones made as much of a deal about them because they aren't as well known as Jade


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I don't know much about her other than she was a reality star that put her foot in her mouth. I think if anything positive comes from all of the publicity she did receive from this is that women will get over their embarrassment and actually go for regular pap smears and keep up with their reproductive health. The younger you are, the more aggressive it can be and discovering it can be extremely difficult. So, if in some small way she's brought that to light, then ok.


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I don't know much about her other than she was a reality star that put her foot in her mouth. I think if anything positive comes from all of the publicity she did receive from this is that women will get over their embarrassment and actually go for regular pap smears and keep up with their reproductive health. The younger you are, the more aggressive it can be and discovering it can be extremely difficult. So, if in some small way she's brought that to light, then ok.



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Hi all I have just joined. as you can probably tell, second post and all that! I am very sad for Jade's family that she has died in such a tragic way, but what people seem to be forgetting is that 2 years ago she was one of the most hated women in the country , and quite frankly righty so , as she was ignorant, foul mouthed, rude and above all a bully. It seems the same people who were saying things like "Jade Goody should f**k off and die", now that she has are saying ridiculous things like "Heaven needed another angel" and that Jade was "Princess Di from the wrong side of the tracks". I was one of the people who said Jade was not a nice character at all and for that reason I would consider it hypocritical to be now joining groups saying she was some sort of wonderwoman. However by selling the privacy of herself and her family she has raised awareness of cervical cancer so that can only be good. Anybody who watched Wendy Richard's documentary can see who dealt with the battle better.