I am not religious, though I totally admire people who are, it takes a lot of discipline and self control to believe in most religions, and if you have it, that's great. I don't however believe in pressuring people to abide by a religion. I'm not going to say our founding fathers were right either. America from the begining has been the most discriminitory, judgemental group of people I've ever heard of. We hated every group of immigrants that wasn't white, and did what we could to shut them out. I don't think these principles are anything like anyones "God" would say...and I only put "God" in quotes because I'm refering to any higher power anyone believes in. Regardless of the founding fathers or not, I don't want religion forced into my life. It doesn't bother me that "god" appears in the pledge, I still say it, but I just take it to be symbolism instead of all on religious pressuring. If they changed it to remove "god", fine, I don't care...and frankly I don't care if they leave it...but the day they start changing LEGAL/POLITICAL documents to define religious positions is the day I'm getting citizenship elsewhere. If its something as simple as a song or pledge, I'm not concerned. But when we start changing founding documents and laws to fit religious maxims, we are asking for trouble.