Peter Parka
Well-Known Member
basically,whether i'd be right or wrong.....anyone who sees fit to rape my daughter gets hunted down,hurt beyond belief and genitalia removed
Although I don't have a daughter, I agree with this and that goes for any unreformed rapist that I meet. Revenge is a natural human instinct and I see no benifit in punishing people so much for it who had good cause. Take that example, from what I can gather, from what everyone seems to be talking about - throwing rocks at a car is serious and could easily result in a death. Shooting someone for it with a crossbow is extreme but people act in extreme ways when threatened with death and that includes delayed reactions. I once got attacked on my door step and beaten up, at the time I hurt and was scared. The moment I got back inside, looked in the mirror and saw the black eye the guy had given me, the fear suddenly turned into an indignant anger and rage that I ran atound looking for him, found him, chased him down the street and broke his jaw, several ribs, caused him internal bleeding and put him out of work for 6 months. Fortunately when the police showed up, they had common sense, saw my injuries, put it down to self defense and didn't give me any trouble. I didn't have the power to do anything initially as it was a shock, when I take in the disgusting damage that someone has done, though, I turn into a different kettle of fish. Is the crossbow shooter likely to shoot someone with it who is being a good citizen? I'd say hardly based on that one situation and not a danger to the general public. If he has previous, violent convictions then there is more chance. These are some of the things which should be considered amongst others. Of course most people would rather jump in, if not violently, in words with the usual "string em up!" kind of bollocks without being privy to the full story and just after what the've read in sensational newspapers with their own agenda.