I dont have a bias toward women. I love women

If you drink and drive and get in a car accident and die.... thats on you. You drank and drove. I dont feel bad for you. This individual female knew she was supposed to carry her weapon on her at all times. Is it a co-incidence retro? I mean of all the female soldiers walking around with their weapons this specific one without her weapon got raped? I have never heard of a female soldier with their weapon being raped? I mean I could be wrong, but I havent heard of one yet? I mean come on retro? Of all the females walking around bagram air field with weapons this assailant chose a female soldier without a weapon? Was it a co-incidence? I think he purposely chose her due to the fact she was not carrying her weapon. I have yet to see a rapist try and rape a women openly carrying a fire arm or accompanied with a buddy (Also a rule @ Bagram air field, you need a battle buddy to walk around after dark) which is another rule this female soldier violated.
Your right retro, she was not asking to be raped. If she asked for it, it wouldent be rape. There were special rules set fourth to make sure things like this dont happen to female soldiers. She decided to not follow them, therefore she made herself vulnerable for it. The government makes laws to keep us safe. One of which is drinking and driving. If i took 6 or 7 shots then got behind the wheel and got into a car accident...that is completely my fault. I violated a law made for my safety, and death was the result. It is sad, but I did it to myself.