Goat Whisperer
Well-Known Member
Bullshit. Both feel pain equally.
That's like saying someone that's been taking beatings all their life can handle one more.
I didn't say domestic animals could handle being beaten with a whip, I said they can handle being trained, with positive reinforcement only, for entertainment (training your dog to pretend to die when you say 'bang' would fall into this category). (Either then horses, which have been desensitized in domestication for thousads of years to whips).
I personally don't use whips on horses, but I have worked with horses since I was 12, and a horse that was trained with a whip is just as friendly and mentally healthy as a horse that hasn't. Although the amount of training to the age of the animal will generally vary.
Wild animals shouldn't be trained to do tricks at all because it is totally against their nature to be trained that way, and is not only abusive mentally, but can be dangerous once an animal gets fed up (and believe me that have and do). And because the only purpose it serves is to entertain. Wild animals should and can be trained basic things, however, because generally they make taking care of that animal (mostly in zoo's) less stressful for the keeper and the animal.
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