Alien Allen
Froggy the Prick
Re: Is the Bush Administration Guilty of Illegal Wiretapping? US Constitution--Lesson
So this is Mulders new playground
So this is Mulders new playground
Constitution Lesson 102: It's most appalling the first President of recent history to profess to be devoutly Christian, who wears his religion on his sleeve, is the first one to promote illegal wiretapping,
What illegal wiretapping? Can you give us any authority for your bold proposition?
Just google illegal wiretapping and you'll come up with links like Washington Post. And then there are the phone companies who are seeking protection for their participation in this dubious endeavor. Your simply out of your mind if you think the wholesale monitoring of U.S. citizen's communications is a good precedent.
So this is Mulders new playground![]()
Constitution Lesson 102: It's most appalling the first President of recent history to profess to be devoutly Christian, who wears his religion on his sleeve, is the first one to promote illegal wiretapping,... ... ...
Ouch... I think you may need to go back to post #1 and take another quick look friend.What we have here is what Atheist in the religious threads like to call a statement of faith that cannot be shaken by evidence.
**Runs from AEF** :willy_nilly:
It's pretty basic. The FISA law in force requires court oversight. The Bush Administration did not want to mess with any stink'n courts, hence they bypassed the courts and broke this law. I can't help it if the Congress does not have the balls to hold this Administration accountable. Just remember when this started the Republicans were firmly in control functioning as the enablers. Concurring Opinons link. link.
The whole point of FISA is that we do not trust government leaders to eavesdrop on us in secret precisely because those powers were continuously abused when exercised with no oversight.
And I noticed that neither you nor Fox have countered the last two assertions of my quoted statement.![]()
The Brilliant Fox Mulder said:. . .
The Brilliant Fox Mulder said:FISA--the very same court that would ultimately review the issuance of warrantless wiretaps after the fact--has already stated (In re Sealed Case, 310 F.3d 717, 742 (Foreign Intel. Surv. Ct. of Rev. 2002) that “[A]ll the other courts to have decided the issue [have] held that the President did have inherent authority to conduct warrantless searches to obtain foreign intelligence information . . . . We take for granted that the President does have that authority and, assuming that is so, FISA could not encroach on the President’s constitutional power.".
Your so smart and self proclaimed brilliant, that's why the Congress had to go through the steps of forgiving the Administration this week for breaking the FISA law for the sake of political expediency.
The House is now voting on the FISA reform deal. Moonbat callers on C-SPAN are going nuts over Democrat capitulation. I’ll post the tally and roll call vote as soon as the yeas and nays are all counted. (Update: 12:51pm Eastern. “The bill is passed.” Vote was 293-129.) Now, on to the Senate. The 9/10 Democrats succumb to reality.
Don't strain yourself with all you LOLs. For your reading pleasure: Obama Statement.
Under this compromise legislation, an important tool in the fight against terrorism will continue, but the President's illegal program of warrantless surveillance will be over. It restores FISA and existing criminal wiretap statutes as the exclusive means to conduct surveillance – making it clear that the President cannot circumvent the law and disregard the civil liberties of the American people. It also firmly re-establishes basic judicial oversight over all domestic surveillance in the future
Gee, where is the Republican uproar over this blatant Obama lie?
Hmm, I guess FISA has a court, and it gets to supervise this intelligence activity, imagine that.
I guess your right, Fox, Bush never broke the law, he just ignored it... and I'm not happy that Congress did not call him on it.
I guess your right, Fox, Bush never broke the law, he just ignored/bypassed it, something you and I would be locked up for and I'm not happy that Congress did not call him on it.
So why don't you tell us--if warranteless wiretapping is illegal--why the House passed it by a wide margin when its controlled by Democrats?[/url]
And by how many members do the Democrats control Congress? Yes? I admit some Democrats don't want to deal with going with the flow when the Republican's were in charge.
And also tell us why Bill Clinton was never indicted because he did it as well.
Lied about a blow job? That's very whimsical compared to what this Administration has done. Hey wait, I'm still arguing with you... stop it! (talking to self).
12 Moore-Ons on the jury--people like you
And I thought you were above name calling. Now that is disappointing.
Lied about a blow job? That's very whimsical compared to what this Administration has done. Hey wait, I'm still arguing with you... stop it! (talking to self).
No--not the blow job, Clinton's administration conducted warrantless wiretaps as well as every other one before his (as far back as the technology was there).
Explain why he was not indicted or impeached for that?
And I thought you were above name calling. Now that is disappointing.
Nice twist and edit of my post to suit your needs---that's a two part sentence--12 Moore-Ons on a jury was the first part-independent of the second part. Also, I use "Moore-Ons" to refer to people that blindly follow the rants of Michael Moore (-On).
We'd be locked up only if we had 12 Moore-Ons on the jury--people like you scare the hell out of me!!!
Oh, actually I think I miss read the actual meaning of your sentence. I'm not a Moore-On, I just scare the hell out of you. That's ok then.![]()
Its not meant as an insult. There is this rising tide of facist-like liberals that want to indict every and anyone in any position of political power that doesn't sqaure with their own views--you are just an example. Whatever you may think of Bush, nothing he's done warrants indictment--not even close-that's hysteria, yet you talk about it as though its a reality (apparently the "innocent until proven guilty" is another part of the Constitution you don't like). And its not just Bush--its other politicians and business owners. In this day and age, profit has become a bad word. I was listening just the other day to a lefist rant from some politician about profit and the guy kept talking about corporate profits as though it were the work of Satan--as though the CEOs of the companies should be indicted for having the nerve to generate a profit. For Godsakes that's what corporations are intended to do--its in their charters--if they lose money they go out of business. If they earn a profit that's good for the economy, their employees--everyone but socialists who of course despise profits because any successful capitalist enterprise weakens the chances of implementing a socialist regime.
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