Is Jesus your personal beast of burden?

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Fact or faith... I think the intent is to question the entire foundation upon which organized religion is based. The fact that there are no facts, just ancient scripts which have been embraced and manipulated by religious corporations and used to manipulate people, gather and exercise power, and enrich themselves. The problem, fact or fiction is that it appears to some of us that the message has been corrupted.

God IS fact.
for example, how do I know if you are there?? It is the manifestation ( a post from you) that makes me believe
that you are there, hence Q>E>D for God and the Living Jesus..
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Minor Axis

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God IS fact.
for example, how do I know if you are there?? It is the manifestation ( a post from you) that makes me believe
that you are there, hence Q>E>D for God and the Living Jesus..

I'm always interested in hearing facts about God and Jesus. What are they? :)


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I'm always interested in hearing facts about God and Jesus. What are they? :)

God and Jesus are not supposed to budge the facts which are clearly evident to establish their existence...
you might have to surmount Himalaya to know more...


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God and Jesus are not supposed to budge the facts which are clearly evident to establish their existence...
you might have to surmount Himalaya to know more...
i always smile when i read this kind of reply

it smacks of an " I am smart and if your are to stupid to see that I am smart then I dont have to explain why i am so smart to you" kind of attitude


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i always smile when i read this kind of reply

it smacks of an " I am smart and if your are to stupid to see that I am smart then I dont have to explain why i am so smart to you" kind of attitude

it ain't no smartness.....
I am not an authority on religion or theology....
I say what I believe to be true..
If you tread a way you will leave your footmarks...and those footmarks tell someone has passed through ...
It's the manifestation as such which tell us about existence of God or Jesus. Religion is not 2+2 math that could be explained even by a kg student to figure out it makes 4!!

If science is all in all then why is science unable to unfold the mystery of God, life and the Truth of the Universe?? How do you suppose that ancient scriptures were just fiction ...and how could they predict most of the facts and science even if they are considered to be written or edited by men centuries ago?? Doesn't this go to prove that men of yore were intelligent enough to make modern men wonder??

Minor Axis

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The kingdom of God is within you.
- Luke 17:21

Fact: The word fact can refer to verified information about past or present circumstances or events which are presented as objective reality. In science, it means a provable concept.[1][2].

it ain't no smartness.....
I am not an authority on religion or theology....
I say what I believe to be true..
If you tread a way you will leave your footmarks...and those footmarks tell someone has passed through ...
It's the manifestation as such which tell us about existence of God or Jesus. Religion is not 2+2 math that could be explained even by a kg student to figure out it makes 4!!

If science is all in all then why is science unable to unfold the mystery of God, life and the Truth of the Universe?? How do you suppose that ancient scriptures were just fiction ...and how could they predict most of the facts and science even if they are considered to be written or edited by men centuries ago?? Doesn't this go to prove that men of yore were intelligent enough to make modern men wonder??

In the name of faith, it is everyone's right to believe as they wish. However science is actually moving towards figuring out the mysteries of the Universe, not an easy task. Religions all ready think they have the answer even though it can't be more simplistic and vague. As compared to the scientific knowledge of mankind, holding up the Book of Genesis as a competing source document is comforting to some, but does not meet any objective standard. Just admit, based on a "feeling" you are full of wishful hopefulness. :)
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what it boils down to is you have faith and you believe something to be fact, just becasue you cannot prove that fact to me does not make me think less of your faith not deny you the right to speak of faith
it ain't no smartness.....
I am not an authority on religion or theology....
I say what I believe to be true..
If you tread a way you will leave your footmarks...and those footmarks tell someone has passed through ...
It's the manifestation as such which tell us about existence of God or Jesus. Religion is not 2+2 math that could be explained even by a kg student to figure out it makes 4!!

If science is all in all then why is science unable to unfold the mystery of God, life and the Truth of the Universe?? How do you suppose that ancient scriptures were just fiction ...and how could they predict most of the facts and science even if they are considered to be written or edited by men centuries ago?? Doesn't this go to prove that men of yore were intelligent enough to make modern men wonder??
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Fact: The word fact can refer to verified information about past or present circumstances or events which are presented as objective reality. In science, it means a provable concept.[1][2].

If there's one thing I've learned in the last while it's that faith and science just do not mix, and what I've learned about arguing the existence of God, is that nobody ever wins. What I believe, to me, is fact, but to you it's fiction, so who's to say? All I know is what I believe to be true and it comforts me. If I'm right and God exists, there will come a judgement day and all the science in the world won't matter.....if I'm wrong then the comfort came from within myself.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
- Philippians 4:13


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I wonder if most posters here have read Bertrand Russel's essay, The Table...
Briefly he writes that the same table looks different to everyone when viewed from the same or even the different angles....

I think this is why God is not understood the SAME by everyone!!

Minor Axis

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If there's one thing I've learned in the last while it's that faith and science just do not mix, and what I've learned about arguing the existence of God, is that nobody ever wins. What I believe, to me, is fact, but to you it's fiction, so who's to say? All I know is what I believe to be true and it comforts me. If I'm right and God exists, there will come a judgement day and all the science in the world won't matter.....if I'm wrong then the comfort came from within myself.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
- Philippians 4:13

Please don't be aggravated by my answer. The word "fact" connotates a standard. Faith does not meet that standard.

If the prime concern of the debate is "feeling comfort", then by all means be comforted. Just leave the search for truth out of the discussion.

If the fear is judgment, then with such an elusive God, I can't imagine humans being judged for anything other than how they conduct their lives. I imagine a powerful and wise although absentee God could care less if you believe in him/her during your Earthly life because in the end if this is the truth, you will see it. Why would God expect commitment based on such weak evidence for his existence? If God respects us as his intelligent children, I see no reason why he/she would hold it against those who question. Does he/she expect intelligent choices or blind following? :)
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Greatest I am

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Religions also tell that you will be rewarded in this as well as afterlife depending on your deeds...
Reincarnation states he will get better form on his rebirth if he did good in this world; Muslim says he will get
70 houris....virgins:sigh: in afterlife....Christians and Jews also talk about heaven.

Why look only to one side, viz Hell??

I think we are rewarded here for good deeds. All unproven heavens should be the same for all souls.
I know of no better form than man but I do not believe in reincarnation.
In a non corporeal heaven, WTF would a man do with a bunch of virgins. That would be more of a hell.:jk:yuk


Greatest I am

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Fact or faith... I think the intent is to question the entire foundation upon which organized religion is based. The fact that there are no facts, just ancient scripts which have been embraced and manipulated by religious corporations and used to manipulate people, gather and exercise power, and enrich themselves. The problem, fact or fiction is that it appears to some of us that the message has been corrupted.

Want some proof?



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Does he/she expect intelligent choices or blind following?

I guess that would depend on an individuals definition of intelligence.

Greatest I am

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If there's one thing I've learned in the last while it's that faith and science just do not mix, and what I've learned about arguing the existence of God, is that nobody ever wins. What I believe, to me, is fact, but to you it's fiction, so who's to say? All I know is what I believe to be true and it comforts me. If I'm right and God exists, there will come a judgement day and all the science in the world won't matter.....if I'm wrong then the comfort came from within myself.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
- Philippians 4:13

Comfort for you perpetuates evil and discomfort elsewhere.

See what those of your ilk reap.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a God but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.

They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Do you care. No. Stay comfy.


Greatest I am

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Minor Axis

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Anyone who is interested in truth should watch this video, not for what it proves, but for what it makes questionable. Questioning is always superior to blind or "feel good" faith. Questioning, exploring, researching, imagining is how the human race moves forward. It's what God should want us to do. Thanks for posting! :)

* There is no substantiated basis for an historical Jesus. The only record of Jesus is in faith based documents. There is a difference.
* The Rosetta Stone (196 BC) tells a story in ancient Egypt that mirrors the Jesus story. Coincidence or does history repeat itself?
* Ancient scripts written before 150AD hold a total of 24 lines of ambiguous script regarding Jesus. An Anglican Priest asks is this the basis to form a major religion?

Remember in the Matrix, when Cyper makes a deal to double cross his friends and be inserted back into the Matrix. Most importantly he did not want to remember ANYTHING. This is a good illustration of the power of a good fantasy over reality especially the reality of not knowing what the future holds.
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