I agree 100%Apparently this whole "debate" all hinges upon what your connotations are for being "proud". I've seen various valid definitions of the word.
I am on the side of the fence that attributes pride to being a good feeling that is the result of an accomplishment. You can be proud of a job you did. You can be proud of your child's academia. You can be proud that you reached an athletic goal. Those are the types of things I see as pride-worthy.
Using that meaning of the word, I myself am not "proud" to be white. There is nothing I personally did to make it happen. I can see that those of us who hold this point of view find it odd that someone could feel pride over something they had no part in providing for themself. I also feel that those types of specific qualities are more something that you can be happy about.
But to be "proud" of your Caucasian skin...you might as well also say you are proud to have five toes or you're proud of your elbow. You see how weird that sounds? That's how weird it sounds to me for someone to say they have pride in being white.