It even spilled over into another thread, like a bar fight out into the streets...
:24::24: Right you are
Here is my take....After this I am out of this one, promise.
The issue is, after all these pages of posts......This thread was initiated regarding skin color.....Technically I think that is where the rub lies, in this day and age, some still wear skin color like either a cloak of decency, or a crown of thorns.
Either way it is wrong, and nearsighted, heres why:
You dress up a horse thief in an Armiani suit and you know what you have?
A well dressed horse thief, nothing more nothing less, his exterior has nothing to do with the REAL MAN/WOMAN.
Skin color is no different, it's what you look like.....It's not WHO you are, and I'll be honest, I was brought up in an environment where we were held accountable for OUR OWN ACTIONS, we didn't point fingers and blame anyone, we were taught to judge on content of being rather than color of skin. Frankly I am apalled that in 2008, we are actually debating about it being cool, shiek, or fortunate to be any color, the truth is we shoudl all be grateful of the concept that we are free.
WE ALL ARE FREE, more especially if we all got up in the morning, got dressed, went to work, became productive members of society and provided a constructive, healthy home environment for our families and children, skin wouldn't be an issue.
I think it's a infantile response to use skin color/ethnicity to compensate for an inadequacy we feel we might have, or to use it to blame an entire culture for our own inner struggles.
I guess I am just on an island, but it scares me in this day and age that skin color has anything to do with who and what we are.
I judge by what type of person you are, and that is how I want to be treated, I earned the job I got out of college because I graduated with a 3.8gpa, and I got a masters not because I'm white, I am disgusted at the very thought that it went any other way.
If you really want pride, accomplish something, anything up to and including reaching out and learning about different cultures. I think you will find that we are all pretty much the same person deep down inside.