What Al Gore is promoting either has merit or it does not. The typical conservative response is to tear down the individual and to ignore the message or the truth of the message. Regarding the size of his house, I guess that means you hold in distain all those who live in mansions, including your political heros? I did read Mr. Gore has replaced his lighting and is putting in solar panels. You really don't expect him to move to a shack to prove his point do you?
And your conclusion is to not be concerned about it? What about the direct mirror correlation between CO2 and Temperature- liberal plot?
My guess, is that you assume that because I don't care for Gore, that I disdain liberal thought?
The two don't correlate...Number one he's not the liberal party....just a member.
Two being in the field of science it's my belief that yes there is a correlation, but the maufacturing of CO2 almost cannot be fully reversed.
And de-salinization of the ocean system particularly the gulfstream has a large impact on temperature, and atmospheric conditions.
Another thing you have to consider, is that it is easy to sell something when you have a name behind it,
There are as many reputable scientists that have dedicated entire careers to atmospheric condition theory, the oceanic system and it's impact on the weather and the earths own heating and cooling cycle that would agree along the lines I am mentioning.
They just don't get recognized because they don't get backing unless they can find a figurehead to sell the goods.
Bottom line, commingling Al Gore with this subject was a bad move on the part of the scientists because it once again becomes a political debate rather than scientific.
They don't belong in the ring together. And who really gives a fuck if I like Al Gore or not? The bottom line is he's not a scientist, and found a way to bring himself back to the forefront.
He's a chickenhawk hooray that he's making a stand on environmental affairs, and I do give him credit for the Love Canal tort, that was in fact his baby.
after that, straight to politics, and as far as I am concerned, that taints.